Generating Javadoc Javadoc execution Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.cache... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.cache.disk... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.capability... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.daemon... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.util... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.util.diskcachedaemon... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.daemon.impl.util.feeddaemon... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.controllers... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.controls... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.browser... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.designer... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.layouts... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.pages... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.modules.parameters... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.expire... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.admin... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.browser... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.ant... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.file... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.parser... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.rewriter... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.servlet... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.template... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.util.types... Loading source files for package Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.webservices.util... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.xml... Loading source files for package org.apache.jetspeed.xml.api.jcm... Constructing Javadoc information... Standard Doclet version 1.4.2_06 Generating target\docs\apidocs\constant-values.html... Copying file C:\Documents and Settings\david\.maven\cache\maven-javadoc-plugin-1.7\plugin-resources\stylesheet.css to file target\docs\apidocs\stylesheet.css... Building tree for all the packages and classes... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\daemon\class-use\DaemonNotFoundException.html... "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what will be interpreted as the first sentence in the next major release (when that interpretation will be internationalized), which is: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" To avoid this note, change the doc comment to make this a proper first sentence, then use -breakiterator from that point forward, which will output this new sentence. "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\daemon\class-use\DaemonEntry.html... "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - Tag @see:illegal character: ":" in "" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\class-use\TemplateSessionValidator.html... "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer.</B> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\class-use\VelocityPortletAction.html... "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\class-use\PortletActionEvent.html... "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.<br/> the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.<br/> The portlet puts the following in the context:<br/> <code>appenders</code> - a HashMap with the appenders found<br/> <code>files</code> - a HashMap with the filenames without path<br/> <code>logfile</code> - the content of the file indicated by <code>selectedfile</code><br/>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\class-use\PortletAction.html... "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.<br/> the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.<br/> The portlet puts the following in the context:<br/> <code>appenders</code> - a HashMap with the appenders found<br/> <code>files</code> - a HashMap with the filenames without path<br/> <code>logfile</code> - the content of the file indicated by <code>selectedfile</code><br/>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\class-use\GenericMVCAction.html... "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.<br/> the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.<br/> The portlet puts the following in the context:<br/> <code>appenders</code> - a HashMap with the appenders found<br/> <code>files</code> - a HashMap with the filenames without path<br/> <code>logfile</code> - the content of the file indicated by <code>selectedfile</code><br/>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation." Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\class-use\VelocityParameterPresentationStyle.html... "Returns simple list box control " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Returns simple list box control <p>Options: <UL> <LI><code>items</code> - comma-separated list of list box items</LI> <LI><code>layout</code> [<strong>$combo</strong>|$list] - combo box vs list box</LI> <LI><code>size</code> - size of the list box for $list style</LI> <LI><code>sort</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - return sorted list of items</LI> <LI><code>multiplechoice</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - allow multiple selections</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\class-use\ParameterPresentationStyle.html... "Returns simple list box control " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Returns simple list box control <p>Options: <UL> <LI><code>items</code> - comma-separated list of list box items</LI> <LI><code>layout</code> [<strong>$combo</strong>|$list] - combo box vs list box</LI> <LI><code>size</code> - size of the list box for $list style</LI> <LI><code>sort</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - return sorted list of items</LI> <LI><code>multiplechoice</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - allow multiple selections</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\ProfileLocator.html... "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getInstances(Portlet, Profile) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\Profile.html... "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\Parameter.html... "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\Entry.html... "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\BaseProfileLocator.html... "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\class-use\BaseProfile.html... "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - Tag @see: can't find saveEntry(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - Tag @see: can't find saveEntry(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\class-use\Registry.html... "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> </P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\PortletState.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\PortletSet.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getInstances(Portlet, RunData) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\PortletException.html... "Initialize this portlet by setting inst." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Initialize this portlet by setting inst. vars from InitParamaters." Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\PortletController.html... "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> <p>This controller expects the following parameters in its configuration file : <ul> <li><b>columns<b> optional, number of columns of the grid. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\PortletControl.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\class-use\Portlet.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet</p> <p>Different wrapper classes must be used with the current API depending on the interfaces implemented by the portlet. " "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet</p> <p>Different wrapper classes must be used with the current API depending on the interfaces implemented by the portlet. " "Resource is a Portlet, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a Portlet, i.e. a Portlet" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\class-use\AbstractPortletController.html... "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> <p>This controller expects the following parameters in its configuration file : <ul> <li><b>columns<b> optional, number of columns of the grid. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\class-use\AbstractPortletControl.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\class-use\Expire.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\class-use\BaseExpire.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\class-use\VelocityPortlet.html... "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior for the portlet action <table> <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!-- --------- ------------------------- --> <tr><td>action </td><td> Action to use</td></tr> <tr><td>current_skin </td><td> Current skin for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> <tr><td>params </td><td> List of configurable parameters from the REGISTRY entry.</td></tr> <tr><td>portlet </td><td> Portlet, not the Portlet Instance!</td></tr> <tr><td>skins </td><td> List of skins</td></tr> <tr><td>security </td><td> List of security ref</td></tr> <tr><td>security_ref </td><td> Current securityRef for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> </table>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior for the portlet action <table> <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!" "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\class-use\GenericMVCPortlet.html... "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\class-use\FileWatchPortlet.html... "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\class-use\AbstractPortlet.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\class-use\AbstractInstancePortlet.html... "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\class-use\PortletCacheService.html... "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService</p>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\class-use\Cacheable.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\class-use\RegistryService.html... "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\class-use\FileRegistry.html... "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\handlers\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\handlers\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\handlers\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\class-use\ThreadPoolService.html... "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization screen:<br> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization screen:<br> <p>It uses 3 parameters for contolling resource usage: <dl> <dt>init.count</dt> <dd>The number of threads to start at initizaliation</dd> <dt>max.count</dt> <dd>The maximum number of threads started by this service</dd> <dt>minspare.count</dt> <dd>The pool tries to keep lways this minimum number if threads available</dd> </dl> </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\class-use\URLManagerService.html... "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file</p> Added: Support for proxies. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: missing #: "logon(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\class-use\SiteSession.html... "<p>Represents a session with a site" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: can't find logon(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) in "<p>Represents a session with a site</p> <p>This class extends AbstractSiteSession, implementing the specific code login and logout to a site. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\class-use\AbstractSiteSession.html... "<p>Represents a session with a site" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Represents a session with a site</p> <p>This class extends AbstractSiteSession, implementing the specific code login and logout to a site. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\class-use\JetspeedException.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\package-use.html... "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> </P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\package-use.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\package-use.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package-use.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\package-use.html... "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\package-use.html... "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application</p> <strong>This interface is designed for backward compability with the previous memory cache interfaces. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\package-use.html... "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\package-use.html... "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\package-use.html... "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service</p> <p>See the proposal: jakarta-jetspeed/proposals/StateManager.txt for more details." "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service</p> <p>See the proposal: jakarta-jetspeed/proposals/StateManager.txt for more details." Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\package-use.html... "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\package-use.html... "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations</p> <strong>It should be extended to also provide access to their contents</strong>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\package-use.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" Building index for all the packages and classes... Generating target\docs\apidocs\index-all.html... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. PERFORMANCE NOTE: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>Interface defines access control methods specific to Jetspeed for accessing portal resources such as portlets and panes" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>Interface defines access control methods specific to Jetspeed for accessing portal resources such as portlets and panes</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - Tag @see: can't find add(java.lang.Collection) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior for the portlet action <table> <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!-- --------- ------------------------- --> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - Tag @see: can't find addMessageListener(java.lang.Object) in <tr><td>action </td><td> Action to use</td></tr> <tr><td>current_skin </td><td> Current skin for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <tr><td>params </td><td> List of configurable parameters from the REGISTRY entry.</td></tr> <tr><td>portlet </td><td> Portlet, not the Portlet Instance!</td></tr> <tr><td>skins </td><td> List of skins</td></tr> <tr><td>security </td><td> List of security ref</td></tr> <tr><td>security_ref </td><td> Current securityRef for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> </table>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: for the portlet action <table> <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!" "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: </P>" "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: can't find checkDisableAcccount in <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\viewprocessor\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: <p>.." "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: can't find doCancel in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.VelocityPortletAction Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: <p>.." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This utility class will be removed once we don't have the ecs dependency any more." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! This utility class will be removed once we don't have the ecs dependency any more." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\forward\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "<p>Provides a tool interface to forwards" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Provides a tool interface to forwards</p>" "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: <p>.." "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: <p>.." "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getAttribute() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getAttribute() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> <p>This controller expects the following parameters in its configuration file : src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getContent() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance <ul> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. <li><b>columns<b> optional, number of columns of the grid. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" "Get the description for this item..." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Get the description for this item... it may be null." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Gets whether to display a border around the IFRAME." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets whether to display a border around the IFRAME. "1" == yes." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache</p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p>Most implementations should just call the CacheHandleManager with the given params within the implementation and just return this." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getImage() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - Tag @see: can't find in org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.JetspeedLink src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Gets the previous marked page as relative url.<br> If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets the previous marked page as relative url." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Gets the previous marked page.<br> If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets the previous marked page." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\customlocalization\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "get portlet parameter from portlet instance." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "get portlet parameter from portlet instance. if not found, get from registry" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\email\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Get a Reader from this entry." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Get a Reader from this entry" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: missing #: "setViewType()" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setViewType() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.GenericMVCPortlet "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Initialize this portlet by setting inst." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Initialize this portlet by setting inst. vars from InitParamaters." "Tests that the input string contains only alpha numeric or white spaces " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Tests that the input string contains only alpha numeric or white spaces <P>" "Tests that the input string contains only numeric " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains only numeric <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Tests that the input string contains a valid email addess " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains a valid email addess <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: can't find isDisableCountCheckEnabled in "Tests that the input string contains only an integer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains only an integer <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Tests that the input string contains a valid URL " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains a valid URL <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find isShowTitleBar() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance "<p>Build a DiskCacheEntry that is based on a cached filesystem entry " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Build a DiskCacheEntry that is based on a cached filesystem entry <p>This is used to reconstruct the entries from the cache at boot time" "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>JetspeedSecurityService</code>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>JetspeedSecurityService</code></P>" "<p>Represents a session with a site" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Represents a session with a site</p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p>This class extends AbstractSiteSession, implementing the specific code login and logout to a site. " "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: screen:<br> " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization screen:<br> <p>It uses 3 parameters for contolling resource usage: <dl> <dt>init.count</dt> <dd>The number of threads to start at initizaliation</dd> <dt>max.count</dt> <dd>The maximum number of threads started by this service</dd> <dt>minspare.count</dt> <dd>The pool tries to keep lways this minimum number if threads available</dd> </dl> </p>" "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file</p> Added: Support for proxies. " "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "Returns simple list box control " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Returns simple list box control <p>Options: <UL> <LI><code>items</code> - comma-separated list of list box items</LI> <LI><code>layout</code> [<strong>$combo</strong>|$list] - combo box vs list box</LI> <LI><code>size</code> - size of the list box for $list style</LI> <LI><code>sort</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - return sorted list of items</LI> <LI><code>multiplechoice</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - allow multiple selections</LI> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. </UL>" "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.<br/> the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.<br/> The portlet puts the following in the context:<br/> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>appenders</code> - a HashMap with the appenders found<br/> <code>files</code> - a HashMap with the filenames without path<br/> <code>logfile</code> - the content of the file indicated by <code>selectedfile</code><br/>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\designer\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation." "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer.</B> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\types\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<code>OverwritePropertiesTask</code> is the task definition for an Ant * interface to the <code>OverwriteProperties</code>." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<code>OverwritePropertiesTask</code> is the task definition for an Ant * interface to the <code>OverwriteProperties</code>" "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" "<p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Contains misc objects which handle type mapping " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p> Contains misc objects which handle type mapping </p>" "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" "Resource is a Portlet, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a Portlet, i.e. a Portlet" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application</p> <strong>This interface is designed for backward compability with the previous memory cache interfaces. " "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>PortletStatsService</code>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>PortletStatsService</code></P>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>ProfilerService</code> interface" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>ProfilerService</code> interface</P>" "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>RegistryService</code>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>RegistryService</code></P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - Tag @see: can't find remove(java.lang.Collection) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - Tag @see: can't find removeGroup(java.lang.String) in with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service</p> <p>See the proposal: jakarta-jetspeed/proposals/StateManager.txt for more details." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>Utility functions related to Streams" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>Utility functions related to Streams</P>" "Thread safe wrapper for the castor Mapping class.<br> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - Tag @see: can't find sendMessage(java.lang.Object) in This wrapper serializes all thread access to the loadMapping() methods." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Thread safe wrapper for the castor Mapping class." "If false, note errors to the output but keep going." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "If false, note errors to the output but keep going" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setImge in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>show the marked page<BR> only used in function getURI, not in getURIType" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show the marked page<BR> only used in function getURI, not in getURIType</P> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>show portlet customization" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show portlet customization</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <LI>SUBTYPE_SAVE</LI> </UL>" "<P>show the edit page of the account" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show the edit page of the account</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> </UL>" "<P>show some additional information about the portlet" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show some additional information about the portlet</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>show login screen" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show login screen</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TemplateLocatorService</code> interface" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>TemplateLocatorService</code> interface</P>" "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool</p>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>TransformerService</code>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TransformerService</code></P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>This is a static wrapper around the URLManagerService for easing access to its functionalities" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>This is a static wrapper around the URLManagerService for easing access to its functionalities</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations</p> <strong>It should be extended to also provide access to their contents</strong>" "<P>Data Validation functions using Regex" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - Tag @see: can't find update(java.lang.Collection) in This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>Data Validation functions using Regex</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>This implementation of the <code>resourcesService</code> relies on an external properties file for storing the configuration keys and values" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\resources\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>This implementation of the <code>resourcesService</code> relies on an external properties file for storing the configuration keys and values</p> <P>In order to be compatible with legacy applications, this implementation kept a static method for initializing the service, so it's still possible src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: to write the following code: <p><code> TurbineResourceService.setPropertiesName("d:/conf/"); Vector myVar = TurbineResources.getVector("myvar"); </code></p> <p>This implementation allows the use of several pre-defined variables within the configuration file. " "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>WebPageService</code> interface" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>WebPageService</code> interface</P>" "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet</p> <p>Different wrapper classes must be used with the current API depending on the interfaces implemented by the portlet. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Building index for all classes... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\types\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\overview-summary.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" "<p> Contains misc objects which handle type mapping " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Contains misc objects which handle type mapping </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\package-summary.html... "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer.</B> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Just like org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator except: <ul> <li> it doesn't check the session_access_counter <li> it automatically logs the user in based on currently authenticated nt user <li> expects a JetspeedRunData object and put there the additionnal jetspeed properties </ul> <B>Usage of this session validator is limited to Windows NT/2000 and MS Internet Explorer." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\package-summary.html... "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer <p>Don't call it from the URL, the Portlet and the Action are automatically associated through the registry PortletName" "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.<br/> the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.<br/> The portlet puts the following in the context:<br/> <code>appenders</code> - a HashMap with the appenders found<br/> <code>files</code> - a HashMap with the filenames without path<br/> <code>logfile</code> - the content of the file indicated by <code>selectedfile</code><br/>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\package-summary.html... "Returns simple list box control " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Returns simple list box control <p>Options: <UL> <LI><code>items</code> - comma-separated list of list box items</LI> <LI><code>layout</code> [<strong>$combo</strong>|$list] - combo box vs list box</LI> <LI><code>size</code> - size of the list box for $list style</LI> <LI><code>sort</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - return sorted list of items</LI> <LI><code>multiplechoice</code> [<strong>false</strong>|true] - allow multiple selections</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\package-summary.html... "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex. file -> db or db -> file) For getDocument, the provider service provides the PSML document. " Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\package-summary.html... "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P> The <CODE>ClientRegistry</CODE> interface allow to query the system Registry to find client implementations whose "User-agent" identification matches a specific regular expression as defined in a <code>ClientEntry</code> </P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\package-summary.html... "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Layouts the portlets in a grid and apply the following constraints <ul> <li>all cells within the same column have the same width</li> <li>all cells within the same row have the same minimum height</li> </ul> <p>This controller expects the following parameters in its configuration file : <ul> <li><b>columns<b> optional, number of columns of the grid. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\package-summary.html... "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet control which implements all PortletState action <p>To use this control you need to define in your registry the following entry or similar:</p> <pre> <portlet-control-entry name="TitlePortletControl"> <classname>org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls.VelocityPortletControl</classname> <parameter name="theme" value="default.vm"/> <meta-info> <title>TitleControl</title> <description>The standard Jetspeed boxed control</description> <image>url of image (icon)</description> </meta-info> <media-type ref="html"/> </portlet-control-entry> </pre>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\package-summary.html... "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> This is a package that handles content expiration </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\package-summary.html... "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Should be used by most Portlets that wish to conform to default behavior </p> <p> PERFORMANCE NOTE: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: getContent returns a StringElement that was generated on setContent(). " "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This subclass of VelocityPortlet should be used as base portlet for all VelocityPortlets that implement their own customizer <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development. " "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Serve a static URL (typically a HTML fragment)</p>" "A Velocity based portlet implementation " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "A Velocity based portlet implementation <p> <strong>NOTE:</strong>This supports the pre-MVC style of template based portlet development and is supplied for backward compatibility. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\package-summary.html... "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>JetspeedSecurityService</code>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>JetspeedSecurityService</code></P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>PortletStatsService</code>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>PortletStatsService</code></P>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>ProfilerService</code> interface" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>ProfilerService</code> interface</P>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>RegistryService</code>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>RegistryService</code></P>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TemplateLocatorService</code> interface" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TemplateLocatorService</code> interface</P>" "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TransformerService</code>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>TransformerService</code></P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\forward\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\forward\package-summary.html... "<p>Provides a tool interface to forwards" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Provides a tool interface to forwards</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletcache\package-summary.html... "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This service provides caching facilities for objects within the Jetspeed application</p> <strong>This interface is designed for backward compability with the previous memory cache interfaces. " "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This implementation of the PortletCache service is a simple adapter to the Turbine GlobalCacheService</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\package-summary.html... "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This interface is a facade for all profile related operations</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\package-summary.html... "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This service is a facade for all registry related operations</P>" "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\resources\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is an implementation of the <code>RegistryService</code> based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms</p> <p>This registry aggregates multiple RegistryFragment to store the regsistry entries</p> <p>This service expects the following properties to be set for correct operation: <dl> <dt>directory</dt><dd>The directory where the Registry will look for fragment files</dd> <dt>extension</dt><dd>The extension used for identifying the registry fragment files. " Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\resources\package-summary.html... "<p>This implementation of the <code>resourcesService</code> relies on an external properties file for storing the configuration keys and values" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This implementation of the <code>resourcesService</code> relies on an external properties file for storing the configuration keys and values</p> <P>In order to be compatible with legacy applications, this implementation kept a static method for initializing the service, so it's still possible to write the following code: <p><code> TurbineResourceService.setPropertiesName("d:/conf/"); Vector myVar = TurbineResources.getVector("myvar"); </code></p> <p>This implementation allows the use of several pre-defined variables within the configuration file. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\package-summary.html... "<P>Interface defines access control methods specific to Jetspeed for accessing portal resources such as portlets and panes" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>Interface defines access control methods specific to Jetspeed for accessing portal resources such as portlets and panes</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\statemanager\package-summary.html... "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>SessionState is an interface for objects that provide name - value information sets with a unique key that can be used in the StateManager service</p> <p>See the proposal: jakarta-jetspeed/proposals/StateManager.txt for more details." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\threadpool\package-summary.html... "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>base interface for a simple ThreadPool</p>" "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization screen:<br> " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "This is a Service that provides a simple threadpool usable by all thread intensive classes in order to optimize resources utilization screen:<br> <p>It uses 3 parameters for contolling resource usage: <dl> <dt>init.count</dt> <dd>The number of threads to start at initizaliation</dd> <dt>max.count</dt> <dd>The maximum number of threads started by this service</dd> <dt>minspare.count</dt> <dd>The pool tries to keep lways this minimum number if threads available</dd> </dl> </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\package-summary.html... "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This service provides a central repository for storing URL informations</p> <strong>It should be extended to also provide access to their contents</strong>" "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>This implementation of the URLManagerService is backed by a simple map persisted on disk in a properties file</p> Added: Support for proxies. " "<p>This is a static wrapper around the URLManagerService for easing access to its functionalities" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>This is a static wrapper around the URLManagerService for easing access to its functionalities</p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\package-summary.html... "<p>Represents a session with a site" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Represents a session with a site</p> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <p>This class extends AbstractSiteSession, implementing the specific code login and logout to a site. " "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: <code>WebPageService</code> interface" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>This is a commodity static accessor class around the <code>WebPageService</code> interface</P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\package-summary.html... "<P>Utility functions related to Streams" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>Utility functions related to Streams</P>" "Thread safe wrapper for the castor Mapping class.<br> This wrapper serializes all thread access to the loadMapping() methods." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Thread safe wrapper for the castor Mapping class." "<P>Data Validation functions using Regex" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>Data Validation functions using Regex</P>" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\package-summary.html... "<code>OverwritePropertiesTask</code> is the task definition for an Ant * interface to the <code>OverwriteProperties</code>." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<code>OverwritePropertiesTask</code> is the task definition for an Ant * interface to the <code>OverwriteProperties</code>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\package-summary.html... "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! This utility class will be removed once we don't have the ecs dependency any more." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! " "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! This utility class will be removed once we don't have the ecs dependency any more." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "NOTE: The use of Ecs for aggregating portlet content is deprecated! " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\types\package.html: warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\types\package-summary.html... "<p> Contains misc objects which handle type mapping " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p> Contains misc objects which handle type mapping </p>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\ warning - @param argument "path" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\ warning - @param argument "lastModified" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - @use is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\JetspeedDiskCacheEntry.html... "<p>Build a DiskCacheEntry that is based on a cached filesystem entry " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Build a DiskCacheEntry that is based on a cached filesystem entry <p>This is used to reconstruct the entries from the cache at boot time" "Get a Reader from this entry." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - @param argument "location" is not a parameter name. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Get a Reader from this entry" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\cache\disk\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\capability\ warning - @param argument "useragent" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\daemon\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\daemon\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\ warning - @param argument "parm" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: TemplateSecureSessionValidator src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controllers\ warning - @param argument "sizeList" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controllers\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controllers\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controls\ warning - @deprecated. is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controls\ warning - @deprecated. is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\controls\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "List" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\CustomizeAction.html... "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior for the portlet action <table> <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!-- --------- ------------------------- --> <tr><td>action </td><td> Action to use</td></tr> <tr><td>current_skin </td><td> Current skin for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> <tr><td>params </td><td> List of configurable parameters from the REGISTRY entry.</td></tr> <tr><td>portlet </td><td> Portlet, not the Portlet Instance!</td></tr> <tr><td>skins </td><td> List of skins</td></tr> <tr><td>security </td><td> List of security ref</td></tr> <tr><td>security_ref </td><td> Current securityRef for this portlet INSTANCE</td></tr> </table>" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Subclasses must override this method to provide default behavior for the portlet action <table> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. <tr><th>Context </th><th> Description</th></tr> <!" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.mvc.PortletAction#buildConfigureContext(Portlet, Context, RunData) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.mvc.PortletAction#buildMaximizedContext(Portlet, Context, RunData) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.mvc.PortletAction#buildNormalContext(Portlet, Context, RunData) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @paran is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @paran is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "mediaTypeName" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "List" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.mvc.PortletAction#buildNormalContext(Portlet, Context, RunData) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.mvc.PortletAction#buildConfigureContext(Portlet, Context, RunData) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "iterator." is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\email\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\email\EmailPortlet.html... "get portlet parameter from portlet instance." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\email\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. "get portlet parameter from portlet instance. if not found, get from registry" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\actions\portlets\email\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\layouts\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - @param argument "context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\modules\parameters\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\dbpsml\ warning - @param argument "profile" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\dbpsml\ warning - @param argument "profile" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\dbpsml\ warning - @param argument "profile" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - @param argument "description" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - @param argument "Portlets" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - @param argument "The" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\profile\psml\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Capability src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "capabiltiy" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "value" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "value" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: MimeTypeMap src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "criteria" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "timestamp" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "role" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "SecurityEntry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "role" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - @param argument "title" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "capabiltiy" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "value" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "value" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: MimeTypeMap src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntryCount src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#setEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#addEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#removeEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#removeEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#hasEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntries src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#listEntryNames src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#toArray src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "parameter" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "parameter" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntryCount src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#setEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#addEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#hasEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#removeEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#removeEntry src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#getEntries src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#listEntryNames src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Registry#toArray src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "securityId" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "role" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "SecurityEntry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "role" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "parameter" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setEntry in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\registry\base\ warning - @param argument "title" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\security\ warning - @param argument "group" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\om\security\ warning - @param argument "group" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "byParameter" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @paarm is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "highlightTabStyleClass" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "CapabilityMap" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "minimized" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "minimized" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @paarm is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "backgroundColor" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "titleColor" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "titleColor" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "titleColor" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "titleColor" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "CapabilityMap" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "Portlet" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "Portlet" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - @param argument "Profile" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getAttribute() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getAttribute() in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletInstance src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Portlet#supportsType src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controllers\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - @parama is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - @param argument "minimized" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\controls\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\AbstractPortlet.html... "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\expire\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. and then retrieve in the future from the cache" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache</p> <p>Most implementations should just call the CacheHandleManager with src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @param argument "minimized" is not a parameter name. the given params within the implementation and just return this." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @paarm is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\BASICAuthIFramePortlet.html... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @paarm is an unknown tag. "Initialize this portlet by setting inst." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Initialize this portlet by setting inst. vars from InitParamaters." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in constructor documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @param argument "Context" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\IFramePortlet.html... "Gets whether to display a border around the IFRAME." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets whether to display a border around the IFRAME. "1" == yes." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. "Initialize this portlet by setting inst." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Initialize this portlet by setting inst. vars from InitParamaters." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @created is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @param argument "height" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - @todo is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Portlet#supportsType src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\RSSPortlet.Item.html... "Get the description for this item..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Get the description for this item... it may be null." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: Portlet#supportsType src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\admin\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\admin\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\admin\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\admin\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\admin\ warning - Tag @version cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\browser\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\viewprocessor\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\portlets\viewprocessor\ warning - @stereotype is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\CacheablePortletWrapper.html... "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache</p> <p>Most implementations should just call the CacheHandleManager with the given params within the implementation and just return this." Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\CacheableStatefulPortletWrapper.html... "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - Tag @see: can't find setImge in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet and then retrieve in the future from the cache" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - @parm is an unknown tag. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Used by the cache to get a unique reference on what you want to add and then retrieve in the future from the cache</p> <p>Most implementations should just call the CacheHandleManager with src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - @param argument "minimized" is not a parameter name. the given params within the implementation and just return this." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\security\portlets\PortletWrapper.html... "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<p>Return an instance of one of the classes in this package making tests before calling the wrapped portlet</p> <p>Different wrapper classes must be used with the current API depending on the interfaces implemented by the portlet. " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PortalAuthentication#login src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PortalAuthentication#getAnonymousUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PortalAuthentication#logout src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#getUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#getUsers src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#saveUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#addUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#getUsers(String) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#removeUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#getUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: UserManagement#removeUser src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: CredentialsManagement#changePassword src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: CredentialsManagement#forcePassword src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: CredentialsManagement#encryptPassword src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#getRoles(String) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#getRoles src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#addRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#saveRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#removeRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#grantRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#grantRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#revokeRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#revokeRole() src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#hasRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: RoleManagement#getRole src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#getGroups(String) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#getGroups src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#addGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#saveGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#removeGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#joinGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#joinGroup(String username, String groupname, String rolename) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#revokeGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#revokeGroup(String username, String groupname, String rolename) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#inGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: GroupManagement#getGroup src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#getPermissions(String) src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#getPermissions src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#addPermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#savePermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#removePermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#grantPermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#revokePermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#hasPermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: PermissionManagement#getPermission src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - @param argument "control" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ warning - @param argument "locator" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\DaemonFactoryService.html... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\forward\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\DaemonFactory.html... "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\daemonfactory\JetspeedDaemonFactoryService.html... src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\forward\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. "Given the name of a DaemonEntry..." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Given the name of a DaemonEntry... get it from the DaemonFactory" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\jsp\ warning - @param argument "RunData" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\jsp\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\jsp\ warning - @param argument "boolean" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\ldap\ warning - @param argument "conf" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\logging\ warning - @param argument "LoggingConfig" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\ warning - @param argument "listener" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - Tag @see: can't find addMessageListener(java.lang.Object) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\messaging\jms\ warning - Tag @see: can't find sendMessage(java.lang.Object) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getInstances(Portlet, Profile) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - Tag @see: can't find getInstances(Portlet, RunData) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\persistence\ warning - @param argument "instance" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portaltoolkit\ warning - @param argument "control" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portaltoolkit\ warning - @param argument "count" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portaltoolkit\ warning - @param argument "entry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portaltoolkit\ warning - @param argument "meta" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portaltoolkit\ warning - @param argument "Portlets" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "entry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "portletId" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "meta" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "meta" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - @param argument "Entry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\portletfactory\ warning - Tag @author cannot be used in method documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: overview, package, class/interface. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata," is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\profiler\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\ warning - @param argument "locator" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\ warning - @param argument "locator" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\ warning - @param argument "locator" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\psmlmanager\db\ warning - @param argument "locator" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - Tag @see: can't find saveEntry(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\registry\ warning - Tag @see: can't find saveEntry(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\resources\ warning - @depracated is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\resources\ warning - @param argument "config" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\rundata\ warning - @param argument "id" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @param argument "type" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @param argument "content" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @param argument "fields" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @param argument "score" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\ warning - @param argument "obj" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\handlers\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @task is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - Tag @see: can't find add(java.lang.Collection) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - Tag @see: can't find remove(java.lang.Collection) in src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\search\lucene\ warning - @return tag has no arguments. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "action" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "entry" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @depracated is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @depracated is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "rundata" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "action" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - @param argument "entry" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\PortalResource.html... "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Resource is a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e. a Portlet Instance" "Resource is a Portlet, i.e." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Resource is a Portlet, i.e. a Portlet" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\ldap\ warning - @param argument "checkUniqueId" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\security\turbine\ warning - @param argument "checkUniqueId" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\template\ warning - @param argument "key" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\template\ warning - @param argument "name" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\template\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\TransformerService.html... "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: <p>.." "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: <p>.." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\ warning - @param argument "lastElement" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\services\transformer\JetspeedTransformerService.html... "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Clips a part of a web page, starting from the "tagNumber" "startElement" Example: startElement = "p", tagNumber = "3", stopElement = "img" Page content: <p>.." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\urlmanager\ warning - @param argument "force" is not a parameter name. "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Finds in an HTML page the "tagNumber" tag of type "element" Example: element = "p", tagNumber = "3" Page content: <p>.." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @deprecate is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "request" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "targetBase" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "request" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @deprecate is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @retun is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "sessionId" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @param cannot be used in field documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: constructor, method. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @return cannot be used in field documentation. It can only be used in the following types of documentation: method. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "neid" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "response" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "response" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "Cookie" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - @param argument "the" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#isInit src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#get src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#post src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#init src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#destroy src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#getSessions src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#getSession src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#getNetworkElements src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\services\webpage\ warning - Tag @see: reference not found: WebPageService#getErrorString src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "mime" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @created is an unknown tag. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "profile" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String[]" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String[]" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "String" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\URILookup.html... "<P>show the marked page<BR> only used in function getURI, not in getURIType" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>show the marked page<BR> only used in function getURI, not in getURIType</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> </UL>" "<P>show portlet customization" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show portlet customization</P> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> <LI>SUBTYPE_SAVE</LI> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: </UL>" "<P>show the edit page of the account" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show the edit page of the account</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> </UL>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "<P>show some additional information about the portlet" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show some additional information about the portlet</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> <LI>SUBTYPE_MARK</LI> </UL>" "<P>show login screen" This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "<P>show login screen</P> allowed Subtypes:<BR> <UL> <LI>SUBTYPE_NONE</LI> </UL>" "Gets the previous marked page as relative url.<br> If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets the previous marked page as relative url." "Gets the previous marked page.<br> If no page was marked, the Jetspeed Home page is returned." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Gets the previous marked page." src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ValidationHelper.html... "Tests that the input string contains only alpha numeric or white spaces " This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains only alpha numeric or white spaces <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Tests that the input string contains only numeric " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: "Tests that the input string contains only numeric <P>" "Tests that the input string contains a valid email addess " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains a valid email addess <P>" "Tests that the input string contains only an integer " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ warning - @param argument "parameter" is not a parameter name. This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains only an integer <P>" "Tests that the input string contains a valid URL " src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\ warning - The first sentence is interpreted to be: This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "Tests that the input string contains a valid URL <P>" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\parser\ warning - @param argument "prop" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\org\apache\jetspeed\util\ant\OverwritePropertiesTask.html... "If false, note errors to the output but keep going." This sentence is different from what would be generated using -breakiterator: "If false, note errors to the output but keep going" src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\servlet\ warning - @param argument "url" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "portlet" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "data" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "p" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "portletName" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "controlName" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "options" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\util\template\ warning - @param argument "portlet" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\webservices\finance\stockmarket\ warning - @param argument "symbols[]" is not a parameter name. src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\webservices\finance\stockmarket\ warning - @param argument "symbols[]" is not a parameter name. Generating target\docs\apidocs\help-doc.html... 865 warnings