PSML is an acronym for Portal Structure Markup Language. It was created to allow content structure and abstraction within Jetspeed.
PSML is actually composed of two different (but related) markups:
The PortletRegistry is a central store where Jetspeed can obtain further information about a given Portlet.
The Registry is organized like a flat list of portlets (identified in the markup but the entry element. All Portlets within the Registry must have a unique name.
The portlets are described in the registry by an Entry description. These entries may be of three distinct types:
<portlet-registry> <portlets> <portlet-entry type="abstract" name="RSS"> <classname> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.NewRSSPortlet </classname> <parameter name="itemdisplayed" value="10" type="int"/> <parameter name="stylesheet.text/html" value="/WEB-INF/xsl/rss.xsl"/> <parameter name="stylesheet.text/vnd.wap.wml" value="/WEB-INF/xsl/rss-wml.xsl"/> </portlet-entry> ... </portlets> </portlet-registry>
Whereas the registry describes all the Portlets in a single file, the markup uses one different file per registered user, thus providing customizability of the interface. With the new profiling service, users can have multiple markup files.
A default site description is used for anonymous access
The site markup uses 4 main type of elements which correpsond directly to layout classes.
In PSML, all properties defined for an element are local to this element, except for the skin properties which are inherited in the component hierarchy.
<portlets user="default" xmlns=""> <controller name="org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers.RowColumnPortletController"> <parameter name="sizes" value="70%,30%"/> <parameter name="mode" value="row"/> </controller> <skin> <property name="selected-color" value="#990000"/> <property name="title-color" value="#FFCC00"/> </skin> <portlets> <controller name="org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers.RowColumnPortletController"/> <entry type="ref" parent=""> </entry> <entry type="ref" parent=""> </entry> </portlets> <portlets> <controller name="org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers.RowColumnPortletController"/> <entry type="ref" parent=""> <parameter name="itemDisplayed" value="5"/> </entry> <entry type="ref" parent=""> <parameter name="showTitle" value="false"/> </entry> <reference id="P-ed09142736-10018" path="group/apache/page/news"/> </portlets> </portlets>
PSML Locators are used to locate PSML References. The path attribute of the reference PSML element defines the locator for another PSML resource. Locators are used to include an entire PSML resource into another PSML resource. This is useful for defining groups of markup once, and then sharing that markup in one or more PSML resources. Here is an example of a Portlet Reference. The locator is defined in the path attribute:
<portlets user="default" xmlns=""> ... <portlets> <controller name="org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers.RowColumnPortletController"/> <reference id="P-ed09142736-10018" path="group/apache/page/news"/> </portlets> ...
Locators are always defined as pairs of parameters. They can also be used as part of a URL. In the example above, there are two pairs of keywords and values:
The format of a locator is:
user/<name>/media-type/<mediaType>/language/<language>/country/<country>/page/<page> or group/<name>/media-type/<mediaType>/language/<language>/country/<country>/page/<page> or role/<name>/media-type/<mediaType>/language/<language>/country/<country>/page/<page>
Where the keywords "group", "group" and "role" are mutually exclusive, and all other parameters are optional. If the page parameter is not specified, the "default" PSML page is located as defined in the For all other parameters, if they are not specified, then the media-type, language and country code will be determined from the capabilities of the requesting device (browser). Although you can specify any resource, such as another user's PSML in a locator, Jetspeed will make a security check to determine if you have sufficient authorization to include the PSML resource.
Keyword | Description |
user | Specify that the resource is located under the 'user' subtree for the given user in the value parameter. If neither 'user', 'group' or 'role' are specified, the current user's subtree is defaulted. |
group | Specify that the resource is located under the 'group' subtree for the given group in the value parameter. |
role | Specify that the resource is located under the 'role' subtree for the given role in the value parameter. |
media-type | Specify that the resource is for a specific media type as given in the value parameter. Typical media types are "html", "wml", "xml" |
language | Specify that the resource is for a specific language as given in the value parameter. Languages must be specifed as an ISO-639 standard two-character language abbreviation. The language-code is an ISO-639 standard two-character abbreviation. |
country | Specify that the resource is for a specific country as given in the value parameter. Languages must be specifed as an ISO-639 standard two-character language abbreviation. The country-code is an IS0-3166 standard two-character abbreviation. |
page | Specify that the name of the resource in the value parameter. If not specified, uses the default resource. |
If you would also like to store your PSML resources in the database, see the instructions here.