View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Copyright 2000-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3    * 
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    * 
8    *
9    * 
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package;
19  import;
20  import java.util.Iterator;
21  import java.util.List;
22  import java.util.Vector;
23  import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
30  // Jetspeed classes
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import;
42  import;
43  import;
44  import;
45  import;
46  import;
47  import;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import;
52  // Turbine classes
53  import;
54  import;
55  import;
56  import;
57  import;
59  /***
60   *
61   * @author <a href="">Ender KILICOGLU</a>
62   * @author <a href="">Sami Leino</a>
63   *
64   * @version $Id:,v 1.10 2004/02/23 03:52:33 jford Exp $
65   *
66   */
67  public class LDAPUserManagement extends TurbineBaseService
68                                  implements UserManagement,
69                                             CredentialsManagement
70  {
71      /***
72       * Static initialization of the logger for this class
73       */    
74      private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(LDAPUserManagement.class.getName());
76      // Constants
77      private final static String CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_KEY       = "secure.passwords";
78      private final static String CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_ALGORITHM = "secure.passwords.algorithm";
79      private final static String CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_SUFFIX    = "secure.passwords.suffix";
80      private final static String CONFIG_NEWUSER_ROLES              = "newuser.roles";
81      private final static String[] DEFAULT_CONFIG_NEWUSER_ROLES    = { "user" };
83      private final static String[] ATTRS = { "ou", "userPassword", "uid", "mail", "sn", "givenName", 
84                                              "uidNumber", "name", "objectdata", "objectClass",
85                                              "usergrouprole", "lastlogindate", "lastmodifieddate",
86                                              "creationdate", "confirm", "disabled" };
88      // Class variables
89      protected static boolean securePasswords                      = false;
90      protected static String passwordsAlgorithm                    = "crypt";
91      protected static String passwordsSuffix                       = "{crypt}";
93      // Instance variables
94      protected JetspeedRunDataService runDataService               = null;
95      protected String roles[]                                      = null;
97      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98      // User Management Interfaces
100     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
102     /***
103      * Retrieves a <code>JetspeedUser</code> given the primary principle.
104      * The principal can be any valid Jetspeed Security Principal:
105      *   <code></code>
106      *   <code></code>
107      *
108      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
109      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
110      *
111      * @param principal a principal identity to be retrieved.
112      *
113      * @return a <code>JetspeedUser</code> associated to the principal identity.
114      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving a user.
115      * @exception UnknownUserException when the security provider cannot match
116      *            the principal identity to a user.
117      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied
118      *                                           due to insufficient privilege
119      */
120     public JetspeedUser getUser(Principal principal)
121         throws JetspeedSecurityException
122     {
123         BasicAttributes attr = new BasicAttributes();
124         Vector userurls = new Vector();
125         LDAPUser user = null;
127         try
128         {
129             userurls ="ou=users"),
130                        "(&(uid="+principal.getName()+")(objectclass=jetspeeduser))", ATTRS, true);
131         }
132         catch (Exception e)
133         {
134             logger.error( "Failed to retrieve user '" + principal.getName() + "'", e );
135             throw new UserException("Failed to retrieve user '" + principal.getName() + "'", e);
136         }
138         if (userurls.size() == 1)
139         {
140             user = new LDAPUser((LDAPURL) ((Vector)userurls.elementAt(0)).firstElement());
141             return user;
142         }
143         else if(userurls.size() > 1)
144         {
145             throw new UserException("Multiple Users with same username '" + principal.getName() + "'");
146         }
147         else
148         {
149             throw new UnknownUserException("Unknown user '" + principal.getName() + "'");
150         }
151     }
153     /***
154      * Retrieves a collection of all <code>JetspeedUser</code>s.
155      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
156      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
157      *
158      * @return a collection of <code>JetspeedUser</code> entities.
159      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving users.
160      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
161      */
162     public Iterator getUsers()
163         throws JetspeedSecurityException
164     {
165         String filter = "(objectclass=jetspeeduser)";
166         return getUsersUsingLDAPSpecificFilter(filter, null);
167     }
169     /***
170      * Retrieves a collection of <code>JetspeedUser</code>s filtered by a security
171      * provider-specific query string. For example SQL, OQL, JDOQL.
172      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
173      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
174      *
175      * @return a collection of <code>JetspeedUser</code> entities.
176      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving users.
177      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
178      *
179      */
180     public Iterator getUsers(String filter)
181         throws JetspeedSecurityException
182     {
183         // String ldapFilter = convert(filter);
184         return getUsersUsingLDAPSpecificFilter(filter, null);
185     }
187     /***
188      * Retrieves a collection of <code>JetspeedUser</code>s filtered by a security
189      * provider-specific query string. For example SQL, OQL, JDOQL.
190      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
191      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
192      *
193      * @return a collection of <code>JetspeedUser</code> entities.
194      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving users.
195      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
196      */
197     protected Iterator getUsersUsingLDAPSpecificFilter(String filter, String[] attributesToFetch)
198         throws JetspeedSecurityException
199     {
200         String baseDN = "ou=users";
201         NamingEnumeration userEnum = null;
202         List resultList = new Vector(1024);
204         try
205         {
206             LDAPURL url = JetspeedLDAP.buildURL( baseDN );
207             DirContext ctx = JetspeedLDAP.getService().connect(url);
208             userEnum =, url.getDN(), filter, attributesToFetch, JetspeedLDAP.getService().SUB);
210             while (userEnum.hasMoreElements())
211             {
212                 LDAPUser user = buildUser(((SearchResult)userEnum.nextElement()).getAttributes());
213                 resultList.add( user );
214             }
216             JetspeedLDAP.getService().checkAndCloseContext(ctx);
217         }
218         catch ( Exception e )
219         {
220             logger.error( "Failed to retrieve user with filter:" + filter, e );
221             throw new UserException( "Failed to retrieve user with filter:" + filter, e );
222         }
224         return ( resultList.iterator() );
225     }
227     protected LDAPUser buildUser(Attributes attributes)
228     {
229         return new LDAPUser(attributes);
230     }
232     /***
233      * Saves a <code>JetspeedUser</code>'s attributes into permanent storage.
234      * The user's account is required to exist in the storage.
235      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
236      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
237      *
238      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving users.
239      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
240      */
241     public void saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
242         throws JetspeedSecurityException
243     {
244         if(!accountExists(user, true))
245         {
246             throw new UnknownUserException("Cannot save user '" + user.getUserName() +
247                                            "', User doesn't exist");
248         }
249         try
250         {
251             ((LDAPUser)user).update(false);
252         }
253         catch(Exception e)
254         {
255             logger.error( "Failed to save user object ", e);
256             throw new UserException("Failed to save user object ", e);
257         }
258     }
260     /***
261      * Adds a <code>JetspeedUser</code> into permanent storage.
262      * The security service can throw a <code>NotUniqueUserException</code> when the public
263      * credentials fail to meet the security provider-specific unique constraints.
264      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
265      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
266      *
267      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving users.
268      * @exception NotUniqueUserException when the public credentials fail to meet
269      *                                   the security provider-specific unique constraints.
270      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
271      */
272     public void addUser(JetspeedUser user)
273         throws JetspeedSecurityException
274     {
275         if(accountExists(user))
276         {
277             throw new NotUniqueUserException("The account '" +
278                 user.getUserName() + "' already exists");
279         }
281         String initialPassword = user.getPassword();
282         String encrypted = JetspeedSecurity.encryptPassword(initialPassword);
283         user.setPassword(encrypted);
284         ((LDAPUser)user).update(true);
286         addDefaultPSML(user);
287     }
289     /*
290      * A default PSML page is added for the user, and the Jetspeed default roles
291      * are assigned to the new user.
292      *
293      * @param user The new user.
294      * @throws
295      */
296     protected void addDefaultPSML(JetspeedUser user)
297         throws JetspeedSecurityException
298     {
299         for (int ix = 0; ix < roles.length; ix++)
300         {
301             try
302             {
304                 JetspeedSecurity.grantRole(user.getUserName(),
305                       JetspeedSecurity.getRole(roles[ix]).getName());
306             }
307             catch(Exception e)
308             {
309                 logger.error("Could not grant role: " + roles[ix] + " to user " + user.getUserName(), e);
310             }
311         }
312         try
313         {
314             JetspeedRunData rundata = getRunData();
315             if (rundata != null)
316             {
317                 Profile profile = Profiler.createProfile();
318                 profile.setUser(user);
319                 profile.setMediaType("html");
320                 Profiler.createProfile(getRunData(), profile);
321             }
322         }
323         catch (Exception e)
324         {
325             logger.error( "Failed to create profile for new user ", e );
326             removeUser(new UserNamePrincipal(user.getUserName()));
327             throw new UserException("Failed to create profile for new user ", e);
328         }
329     }
331     /***
332      * Removes a <code>JetspeedUser</code> from the permanent store.
333      * The security service may optionally check the current user context
334      * to determine if the requestor has permission to perform this action.
335      *
336      * @param principal the principal identity to be retrieved.
337      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving a user.
338      * @exception UnknownUserException when the security provider cannot match
339      *            the principal identity to a user.
340      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
341      */
342     public void removeUser(Principal principal)
343         throws JetspeedSecurityException
344     {
345         BasicAttributes attr= new BasicAttributes();
346         Vector userurls = new Vector();
347         LDAPUser user = (LDAPUser)getUser(principal);
349         try
350         {
351             JetspeedLDAP.deleteEntry(user.getldapurl());
352             PsmlManager.removeUserDocuments(user);
353         }
354         catch(Exception e)
355         {
356             logger.error( "Failed to remove account '" + user.getUserName() + "'", e );
357             throw new UserException("Failed to remove account '" +
358                 user.getUserName() + "'", e);
359         }
361     }
363     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
364     // Credentials Management
365     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
367     /***
368      * Allows for a user to change their own password.
369      *
370      * @param user the JetspeedUser to change password
371      * @param oldPassword the current password supplied by the user.
372      * @param newPassword the current password requested by the user.
373      * @exception UserException when the security provider has a general failure retrieving a user.
374      * @exception UnknownUserException when the security provider cannot match
375      *            the principal identity to a user.
376      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException when the requestor is denied due to insufficient privilege
377      */
378     public void changePassword( JetspeedUser user,
379                                 String oldPassword,
380                                 String newPassword )
381         throws JetspeedSecurityException
382     {
383         oldPassword = JetspeedSecurity.convertPassword(oldPassword);
384         newPassword = JetspeedSecurity.convertPassword(newPassword);
386         if(!accountExists(user))
387         {
388             throw new UnknownUserException("The account '" +
389                 user.getUserName() + "' does not exist");
390         }
391         else if (!passwordsMatch(user, oldPassword))
392         {
393             throw new UserException(
394                "The supplied old password for '" + user.getUserName() +
395                 "' was incorrect");
396         }
398         String encrypted = JetspeedSecurity.encryptPassword( newPassword );
399         user.setPassword(encrypted);
401         // save the changes in the database immediately, to prevent the password
402         // being 'reverted' to the old value if the user data is lost somehow
403         // before it is saved at session's expiry.
404         saveUser(user);
405     }
407     /***
408      * Forcibly sets new password for a User.
409      *
410      * Provides an administrator the ability to change the forgotten or
411      * compromised passwords. Certain implementatations of this feature
412      * would require administrative level access to the authenticating
413      * server / program.
414      *
415      * @param user              the user to change the password for.
416      * @param password          the new password.
417      *
418      * @exception UserException        when the security provider has a general
419      *                                 failure retrieving a user.
420      * @exception UnknownUserException when the security provider cannot match
421      *            the principal identity to a user.
422      * @exception InsufficientPrivilegeException   when the requestor is
423      *                                             denied due to insufficient privilege
424      */
425     public void forcePassword( JetspeedUser user, String password )
426         throws JetspeedSecurityException
427     {
428         if(!accountExists(user))
429         {
430             throw new UnknownUserException("The account '" +
431                 user.getUserName() + "' does not exist");
432         }
434         String encrypted = JetspeedSecurity.encryptPassword( password );
435         user.setPassword(encrypted);
438         // save the changes in the database immediately, to prevent the
439         // password being 'reverted' to the old value if the user data
440         // is lost somehow before it is saved at session's expiry.
441         saveUser(user);
442     }
444     /***
445      * This method provides client-side encryption of passwords.
446      *
447      * If <code>secure.passwords</code> are enabled in 
448      *,
449      * the password will be encrypted, if not, it will be returned unchanged.
450      * The <code>secure.passwords.algorithm</code> property can be used
451      * to chose which digest algorithm should be used for performing the
452      * encryption. <code>SHA</code> is used by default.
453      *
454      * @param password the password to process
455      * 
456      * @return processed password
457      *
458      */
459     public String encryptPassword( String password )
460         throws JetspeedSecurityException
461     {
462         if (securePasswords == false)
463         {
464             return password;
465         }
466         else if(password == null)
467         {
468             return null;
469         }
470         else if(password.startsWith(passwordsSuffix))
471         {
472             // A kludge
473             return password;
474         }
476         return passwordsSuffix + UnixCrypt.crypt(password);
477     }
479     /***
480      * <p>Check's if user's current password matches with the
481      * supplied password.</p>
482      * 
483      * @param user             User whose password will be checked
484      * @param suppliedPassword Password to match
485      *
486      * @return                 True if passwords match.
487      *
488      */ 
489     public static boolean passwordsMatch(JetspeedUser user, String suppliedPassword)
490     {
491         if (securePasswords == false)
492         {
493             return user.getPassword().equals(suppliedPassword);
494         }
495         else
496         {
497             return UnixCrypt.matches(user.getPassword().substring(passwordsSuffix.length()), suppliedPassword);
498         }
499     }
501     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
502     // Service Init
503     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
505     /***
506      * This is the early initialization method called by the
507      * Turbine <code>Service</code> framework
508      * @param conf The <code>ServletConfig</code>
509      * @exception throws a <code>InitializationException</code> if the service
510      * fails to initialize
511      */
512     public synchronized void init(ServletConfig conf)
513         throws InitializationException
514     {
515         if (getInit()) return;
517         super.init(conf);
519         // get configuration parameters from Jetspeed Resources
520         ResourceService serviceConf = ((TurbineServices)TurbineServices.getInstance())
521                                                      .getResources(JetspeedSecurityService.SERVICE_NAME);
523         securePasswords = serviceConf.getBoolean(CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_KEY,
524                                                   securePasswords);
525         passwordsAlgorithm = serviceConf.getString(CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_ALGORITHM,
526                                                    passwordsAlgorithm);
527         passwordsSuffix = serviceConf.getString(CONFIG_SECURE_PASSWORDS_SUFFIX,
528                                                    passwordsSuffix);
530         try
531         {
532             roles = serviceConf.getStringArray(CONFIG_NEWUSER_ROLES);
533         }
534         catch (Exception e)
535         {
536         }
538         if (null == roles || roles.length == 0)
539         {
540             roles = DEFAULT_CONFIG_NEWUSER_ROLES;
541         }
543         this.runDataService = (JetspeedRunDataService)TurbineServices.getInstance()
544                .getService(RunDataService.SERVICE_NAME);
546         setInit(true);
547      }
549     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
550     // Internal
551     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
553     /***
554      * Check whether a specified user's account exists.
555      *
556      * The login name is used for looking up the account.
557      *
558      * @param user             The user to be checked.
559      * @param checkUniqueId    Make sure that we aren't 
560      *                         overwriting another user
561      *                         with different id.
562      *
563      * @return true            If the specified account exists
564      *
565      * @throws UserException   If there was a general db access error
566      *
567      */
568     protected boolean accountExists( JetspeedUser user )
569         throws UserException
570     {
571         return accountExists(user, false);
572     }
574     protected boolean accountExists( JetspeedUser user, boolean checkUniqueId )
575         throws UserException
576     {
577         UserNamePrincipal principal = new UserNamePrincipal(user.getUserName());
579         try
580         {
581             getUser(principal);
582             return true;
583         }
584         catch (Exception e)
585         {
586             return false;
587         }
588     }
590     protected JetspeedRunData getRunData()
591     {
592         JetspeedRunData rundata = null;
594         if (this.runDataService != null)
595         {
596             rundata = this.runDataService.getCurrentRunData();
597         }
599         return rundata;
600     }
602 }