View Javadoc

1   /*
2    * Copyright 2000-2001,2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
3    * 
4    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    * 
8    *
9    * 
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
17  package;
19  import;
20  import;
22  /***
23   *
24   * @author <a href="">Ender KILICOGLU</a>
25   * @version $Id:,v 1.6 2004/02/23 03:28:31 jford Exp $ 
26   * 
27   */
28  public class LDAPURL
29  {
30      private String host;
31      private int port;
32      private String dn;
33      private String base;
35      public LDAPURL()
36      {
37          host = dn = base = null;
38          port = 389;
39      }
41      public LDAPURL(String url)
42          throws MalformedURLException
43      {
44          try
45          {
46              // this is the correct approach for 1.4, unfortunately its unsupported in 1.3
47              // uncomment the line below if using 1.4
48              // url = URLDecoder.decode(url,"UTF-8");
49              url = URLDecoder.decode(url); // deprecated in 1.4
50          }
51          catch(Exception e)
52          {
53              throw new MalformedURLException(e.getMessage());
54          }
55          int p1 = url.indexOf("://");
56          if(p1 == -1)
57              throw new MalformedURLException("Missing '[protocol]://'");
58          String protocol = url.substring(0, p1);
59          p1 += 3;
60          int p2 = url.indexOf(47, p1);
61          String base = null;
62          if(p2 == -1)
63          {
64              base = url.substring(p1);
65              parseHostPort(base);
66              dn = "";
67          } else
68          {
69              base = url.substring(p1, p2);
70              p2++;
71              dn = url.substring(p2);
72              int p3 = dn.indexOf(63);
73              if(p3 != -1)
74                  dn = dn.substring(0, p3);
75              parseHostPort(base);
76          }
77      }
79      public LDAPURL(String host, int port, String dn)
80      {
81 = host;
82          this.port = port;
83          this.dn = dn;
84      }
86      public static String encode(String toEncode)
87      {
88          StringBuffer encoded = new StringBuffer(toEncode.length() + 10);
89          for(int currPos = 0; currPos < toEncode.length(); currPos++)
90          {
91              char currChar = toEncode.charAt(currPos);
92              if(currChar >= 'a' && currChar <= 'z' || currChar >= 'A' && currChar <= 'Z' || currChar >= '0' && currChar <= '9' || "$-_.+!*'(),".indexOf(currChar) > 0)
93              {
94                  encoded.append(currChar);
95              } else
96              {
97                  encoded.append("%");
98                  encoded.append(hexChar((currChar & 0xf0) >> 4));
99                  encoded.append(hexChar(currChar & 0xf));
100             }
101         }
103         return encoded.toString();
104     }
106     public String getBase()
107     {
108         if(base == null)
109             base = "ldap://" + host + ":" + port;
110         return base;
111     }
113     public String getDN()
114     {
115         return dn;
116     }
118     public String getEncodedUrl()
119     {
120         return getBase() + "/" + encode(dn);
121     }
123     public String getHost()
124     {
125         return host;
126     }
128     public int getPort()
129     {
130         return port;
131     }
133     public String getUrl()
134     {
135         return getBase() + "/" + dn;
136     }
138     private static char hexChar(int hexValue)
139     {
140         if(hexValue < 0 || hexValue > 15)
141             return 'x';
142         if(hexValue < 10)
143             return (char)(hexValue + 48);
144         else
145             return (char)((hexValue - 10) + 97);
146     }
148     private void parseHostPort(String str)
149         throws MalformedURLException
150     {
151         int p1 = str.indexOf(58);
152         if(p1 == -1)
153         {
154             host = str;
155             port = 389;
156         } else
157         {
158             host = str.substring(0, p1);
159             String pp = str.substring(p1 + 1);
160             try
161             {
162                 port = Integer.parseInt(pp);
163             }
164             catch(NumberFormatException _ex)
165             {
166                 throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid port number: " + pp);
167             }
168         }
169     }
171     public boolean sameHosts(LDAPURL url)
172     {
173         return getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(url.getHost()) && getPort() == url.getPort();
174     }
176     public void setDN(String dn)
177     {
178         this.dn = dn;
179     }
181     public void setHost(String host)
182     {
183 = host;
184         base = null;
185     }
187     public void setPort(int port)
188     {
189         this.port = port;
190         base = null;
191     }
193     public static String toUrl(String host, int port, String dn, boolean ssl)
194     {
195         StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
196         msg.append(ssl ? "ldaps://" : "ldap://");
197         msg.append(host);
198         if(ssl && port != 636 || !ssl && port != 389)
199         {
200             msg.append(":");
201             msg.append(String.valueOf(port));
202         }
203         msg.append("/");
204         msg.append(dn);
205         return msg.toString();
206     }
208     public String toString()
209     {
210         return "LDAPURL: base = " + base + ", url = " + toUrl(host, port, dn, false);
211     }
213 }