17 package org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.ldap;
19 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
20 import java.io.PrintWriter;
21 import java.util.Date;
22 import java.util.Enumeration;
23 import java.util.Hashtable;
24 import java.util.Vector;
25 import javax.naming.directory.Attribute;
26 import javax.naming.directory.Attributes;
27 import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttribute;
28 import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttributes;
29 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent;
30 import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener;
32 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.security.JetspeedUser;
33 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.JetspeedAuthentication;
34 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.JetspeedLDAP;
35 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.JetspeedUserManagement;
36 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.ldap.LDAPURL;
37 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogFactoryService;
38 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.logging.JetspeedLogger;
39 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.resources.JetspeedResources;
40 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.JetspeedSecurityException;
41 import org.apache.jetspeed.services.security.UserException;
43 import org.apache.turbine.om.security.User;
44 import org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils;
46 /***
47 *
48 * @author <a href="mailto:ender@kilicoglu.nom.tr">Ender KILICOGLU</a>
49 * @author <a href="mailto:sami.leino@netorek.fi">Sami Leino</a>
50 *
51 * @version $Id: LDAPUser.java,v 1.7 2004/02/23 03:12:13 jford Exp $
52 *
53 */
54 public class LDAPUser extends BaseLDAPObject implements JetspeedUser, HttpSessionBindingListener
55 {
57 /***
58 * Static initialization of the logger for this class
59 */
60 private static final JetspeedLogger logger = JetspeedLogFactoryService.getLogger(LDAPUser.class.getName());
64 protected static final String OBJECT_CLASS = "jetspeeduser";
65 protected static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT = "ou=users";
67 protected static final String ATTR_UID = "uid";
68 protected static final String ATTR_UID_NUMBER = "uidNumber";
69 protected static final String ATTR_USER_PASSWORD = "userPassword";
70 protected static final String ATTR_NAME = "name";
71 protected static final String ATTR_GIVEN_NAME = "givenName";
72 protected static final String ATTR_SN = "sn";
73 protected static final String ATTR_MAIL = "mail";
74 protected static final String ATTR_OBJECT_DATA = "objectdata";
75 protected static final String ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS = "objectClass";
76 protected static final String ATTR_USER_GROUP_ROLE = "usergrouprole";
77 protected static final String ATTR_LAST_LOGIN_DATE = "lastlogindate";
78 protected static final String ATTR_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE = "lastmodifieddate";
79 protected static final String ATTR_CREATION_DATE = "creationdate";
80 protected static final String ATTR_CONFIRMED = "confirm";
81 protected static final String ATTR_DISABLED = "disabled";
85 /*** The date on which the user account was created. */
86 private Date createDate = null;
88 /*** The date on which the user last accessed the application. */
89 private Date lastAccessDate = null;
91 /*** The date on which the user last changed his password. */
92 private Date passwordChanged = null;
94 /*** This is data that will survive a servlet engine restart. */
95 private Hashtable permStorage = null;
97 /*** This is data that will not survive a servlet engine restart. */
98 private Hashtable tempStorage = null;
100 /*** Name of the user */
101 protected String name = "";
103 /*** Is this object "new" or does it already exist in the datastore? */
104 protected boolean isNew = false;
106 /*** User's roles. */
107 protected Vector groupRoles = null;
111 public LDAPUser()
112 {
113 this("TempUser", true);
114 }
116 /***
117 * Constructor.
118 * Create a new User and set the createDate.
119 */
120 public LDAPUser(String username, boolean isNew)
121 {
122 super.ldapurl = JetspeedLDAP.buildURL(ATTR_UID + "=" + username + "," + ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT);
123 this.isNew = isNew;
125 createDate = new Date();
126 lastAccessDate = createDate;
127 tempStorage = new Hashtable(20);
128 permStorage = new Hashtable(50);
129 groupRoles = new Vector();
130 setHasLoggedIn(Boolean.FALSE);
132 if (isNew)
133 {
134 setDisabled(false);
135 setUserName(username);
136 String uidNumber = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString();
137 setUserId(uidNumber);
138 myAttrs = new BasicAttributes();
139 myAttrs.put(ATTR_UID, username);
140 myAttrs.put(ATTR_UID_NUMBER, uidNumber);
141 Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute(ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS);
142 oc.add("jetspeeduser");
143 myAttrs.put(oc);
144 }
145 else
146 {
147 myAttrs = JetspeedLDAP.read(ldapurl);
148 fillObject(myAttrs);
149 }
150 }
152 public LDAPUser(LDAPURL ldapurl)
153 {
154 fillObject(JetspeedLDAP.read(ldapurl));
155 }
157 public LDAPUser(Attributes attributes)
158 {
159 fillObject(attributes);
160 }
162 private void fillObject(Attributes attributes)
163 {
164 tempStorage = new Hashtable(20);
165 permStorage = new Hashtable(50);
166 setHasLoggedIn(Boolean.FALSE);
168 myAttrs = attributes;
170 try
171 {
172 setPermStorage(deserializePerm(getutil(ATTR_OBJECT_DATA, attributes)));
173 }
174 catch (Exception e)
175 {
176 logger.error("fillobject()" , e);
177 }
179 setUserName(getutil(ATTR_UID, attributes));
180 setUserId(getutil(ATTR_UID_NUMBER, attributes));
181 setEmail(getutil(ATTR_MAIL, attributes));
182 setFirstName(getutil(ATTR_GIVEN_NAME, attributes));
183 setLastName(getutil(ATTR_SN, attributes));
185 setConfirmed(getutil(ATTR_CONFIRMED, attributes));
187 setLastLogin(parseDate(getutil(ATTR_LAST_LOGIN_DATE, attributes)));
188 lastAccessDate = parseDate(getutil(ATTR_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, attributes));
189 setCreateDate(parseDate(getutil(ATTR_CREATION_DATE, attributes)));
190 String temp = getutil(ATTR_DISABLED, attributes);
191 if (temp != null && temp.equals("TRUE")) setDisabled(true);
192 else setDisabled(false);
194 try
195 {
196 setPassword(new String ((byte[]) attributes.get(ATTR_USER_PASSWORD).getAll().nextElement()));
197 }
198 catch (Exception e)
199 {
200 logger.error("fillobject() could not set password" , e);
201 }
203 this.groupRoles = getutil( ATTR_USER_GROUP_ROLE, attributes, true );
204 ldapurl = JetspeedLDAP.buildURL(ATTR_UID + "=" + getUserName() + "," + ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT);
205 }
209 public void update(boolean create)
210 throws JetspeedSecurityException
211 {
212 removeutil("createTimeStamp", false);
213 removeutil("modifyTimeStamp", false);
215 setutil(ATTR_USER_PASSWORD,(String)getPerm(User.PASSWORD) );
216 setutil(ATTR_MAIL,(String)getPerm(User.EMAIL));
217 setutil(ATTR_CONFIRMED,(String)getPerm(User.CONFIRM_VALUE));
218 setutil(ATTR_SN,(String)getPerm(User.LAST_NAME));
219 setutil(ATTR_GIVEN_NAME,(String)getPerm(User.FIRST_NAME));
220 setutil(ATTR_USER_GROUP_ROLE, this.getGroupRoles(), create);
222 setutil(ATTR_LAST_LOGIN_DATE, formatDate(getLastLogin()));
223 setutil(ATTR_LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, formatDate(getLastAccessDate()));
224 setutil(ATTR_CREATION_DATE, formatDate(getCreateDate()));
225 if (getDisabled() == true) setutil(ATTR_DISABLED, "TRUE");
226 else setutil(ATTR_DISABLED, "FALSE");
228 try
229 {
230 setutil(ATTR_OBJECT_DATA, serializePerm(permStorage));
231 }
232 catch (Exception e)
233 {
234 logger.warn("Could not serialize object data!" , e);
235 }
237 if (create)
238 {
239 ldapurl = JetspeedLDAP.buildURL("uid=" + (String)getPerm(User.USERNAME) + ",ou=users");
240 setutil(ATTR_UID, (String)getPerm(User.USERNAME));
241 if (JetspeedLDAP.addEntry(ldapurl, myAttrs) == false) throw new UserException("Could not insert user data to LDAP!");
242 }
243 else if (JetspeedLDAP.exists(ldapurl))
244 {
245 JetspeedLDAP.deleteAttrs(ldapurl, rmAttrs);
246 if (JetspeedLDAP.updateEntry(ldapurl, myAttrs) == false) throw new UserException("Could not update user data to LDAP!");
247 }
248 }
252 public Vector getGroupRoles()
253 {
254 return this.groupRoles;
255 }
257 public void addGroupRole(String groupName, String roleName)
258 {
259 groupRoles.add(groupName + "," + roleName);
260 }
262 public void removeGroup(String groupName)
263 {
264 for (Enumeration enum = groupRoles.elements();enum.hasMoreElements();)
265 {
266 String groupRoleStr = (String)enum.nextElement();
267 if (groupRoleStr.startsWith(groupName + ","))
268 {
269 groupRoles.remove(groupRoleStr);
270 }
271 }
272 }
274 public void removeGroupRole(String groupName, String roleName)
275 {
276 for (Enumeration enum = groupRoles.elements(); enum.hasMoreElements();)
277 {
278 String groupRoleStr = (String)enum.nextElement();
279 if (groupRoleStr.equalsIgnoreCase(groupName + "," + roleName))
280 {
281 groupRoles.remove(groupRoleStr);
282 }
283 }
284 }
286 /***
287 * Returns the primary principle for this User, the user id.
288 *
290 * @return the user id.
291 */
292 public String getUserId()
293 {
294 String tmp = null;
296 try
297 {
298 tmp = (String) getPerm (JetspeedUser.USER_ID);
299 if ( tmp.length() == 0 )
300 {
301 tmp = null;
302 }
303 }
304 catch (Exception e)
305 {
306 logger.error("getUserId():" , e);
307 }
308 return tmp;
309 }
311 public void setUserId(String id)
312 {
313 if (getUserId() == null)
314 {
315 setPerm(JetspeedUser.USER_ID, id);
316 }
317 }
319 /***
320 * Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
321 *
322 * @return The access counter for the user for the session.
323 */
324 public int getAccessCounterForSession()
325 {
326 try
327 {
328 return ((Integer) getTemp(User.SESSION_ACCESS_COUNTER)).intValue();
329 }
330 catch (Exception e)
331 {
332 logger.error("getAccessCounterForSession():" , e);
333 return 0;
334 }
335 }
337 /***
338 * Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
339 *
340 * @return The access counter for the user.
341 */
342 public int getAccessCounter()
343 {
344 try
345 {
346 return ((Integer) getPerm(User.ACCESS_COUNTER)).intValue();
347 }
348 catch (Exception e)
349 {
350 logger.error("getAccessCounter():" , e);
351 return 0;
353 }
354 }
356 /***
357 * Gets the create date for this User. This is the time at which
358 * the user object was created.
359 *
360 * @return A Java Date with the date of creation for the user.
361 */
362 public java.util.Date getCreateDate()
363 {
364 return createDate;
365 }
367 /***
368 * Gets the last access date for this User. This is the last time
369 * that the user object was referenced.
370 *
371 * @return A Java Date with the last access date for the user.
372 */
373 public java.util.Date getLastAccessDate()
374 {
375 if (lastAccessDate == null)
376 {
377 setLastAccessDate();
378 }
379 return lastAccessDate;
380 }
382 /***
384 * Get last login date/time for this user.
385 *
386 * @return A Java Date with the last login date for the user.
387 */
388 public java.util.Date getLastLogin()
389 {
390 return (java.util.Date) getPerm(User.LAST_LOGIN);
391 }
393 /***
394 * Get password for this user.
395 *
396 * @return A String with the password for the user.
397 */
398 public String getPassword()
399 {
400 return (String) getPerm(User.PASSWORD);
401 }
403 /***
404 * Get an object from permanent storage.
405 *
406 * @param name The object's name.
407 * @return An Object with the given name.
408 */
409 public Object getPerm(String name)
410 {
411 return permStorage.get(name);
412 }
414 /***
415 * Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value
416 * is null.
417 *
418 * @param name The object's name.
419 * @param def A default value to return.
420 * @return An Object with the given name.
421 */
422 public Object getPerm(String name, Object def)
423 {
424 try
425 {
426 Object val = permStorage.get (name);
428 return (val == null ? def : val);
429 }
430 catch (Exception e)
431 {
432 logger.error("getPerm():" , e);
433 return def;
434 }
435 }
437 /***
438 * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
439 * data to the database.
440 *
441 * @return A Hashtable.
442 */
443 public Hashtable getPermStorage()
444 {
445 if (this.permStorage == null)
446 {
447 this.permStorage = new Hashtable(50);
448 }
449 return this.permStorage;
450 }
452 /***
453 * Get an object from temporary storage.
454 *
455 * @param name The object's name.
456 * @return An Object with the given name.
457 */
458 public Object getTemp(String name)
459 {
460 return tempStorage.get(name);
461 }
463 /***
464 * Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value
465 * is null.
466 *
467 * @param name The object's name.
468 * @param def A default value to return.
469 * @return An Object with the given name.
470 */
471 public Object getTemp(String name, Object def)
472 {
473 Object val;
474 try
475 {
476 val = tempStorage.get(name);
477 if (val == null)
478 {
479 val = def;
480 }
481 }
482 catch (Exception e)
483 {
484 logger.error("getTemp():" , e);
485 val = def;
486 }
487 return val;
489 }
491 /***
492 * Returns the username for this user. If this is defined, then
493 * the user is considered logged in.
494 *
495 * @return A String with the username.
496 */
497 public String getUserName()
498 {
499 String tmp = null;
500 try
501 {
502 tmp = (String) getPerm (User.USERNAME);
503 if ( tmp.length() == 0 )
504 {
505 tmp = null;
506 }
507 }
508 catch (Exception e)
509 {
510 logger.error("getUserName():" , e);
511 }
513 return tmp;
514 }
516 /***
517 * Returns the first name for this user. If this is defined, then
518 * the user is considered logged in.
519 *
520 * @return A String with the user's first name.
521 */
522 public String getFirstName()
523 {
524 String tmp = null;
526 try
527 {
528 tmp = (String) getPerm (User.FIRST_NAME);
529 if (tmp.length() == 0)
530 {
531 tmp = null;
532 }
533 }
534 catch (Exception e)
535 {
536 logger.error("getFirstName():" , e);
537 }
538 return tmp;
539 }
541 /***
542 * Returns the last name for this user. If this is defined, then
543 * the user is considered logged in.
544 *
545 * @return A String with the user's last name.
546 */
547 public String getLastName()
548 {
549 String tmp = null;
551 try
552 {
553 tmp = (String) getPerm (User.LAST_NAME);
554 if (tmp.length() == 0) tmp = null;
555 }
556 catch (Exception e)
557 {
558 logger.error("getLastName():" , e);
559 }
561 return tmp;
562 }
564 /***
565 * The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
567 *
568 * @return Whether the user has logged in.
569 */
570 public boolean hasLoggedIn()
571 {
573 Boolean loggedIn = getHasLoggedIn();
574 return (loggedIn != null && loggedIn.booleanValue());
575 }
577 /***
578 * Returns the email address for this user.
580 *
581 * @return A String with the user's email address.
582 */
583 public String getEmail()
584 {
585 return (String)getPerm(User.EMAIL);
586 }
588 /***
589 * Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
590 */
591 public void incrementAccessCounter()
592 {
593 setAccessCounter(getAccessCounter() + 1);
594 }
596 /***
597 * Increments the session hit counter for the user.
598 */
599 public void incrementAccessCounterForSession()
600 {
601 setAccessCounterForSession(getAccessCounterForSession() + 1);
602 }
604 /***
605 * Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
606 *
607 * @param name The name of the object to remove.
608 * @return An Object.
609 */
610 public Object removeTemp(String name)
611 {
612 return tempStorage.remove(name);
613 }
615 /***
616 * Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
617 *
618 * @param cnt The new count.
619 */
620 public void setAccessCounter(int cnt)
621 {
622 setPerm(User.ACCESS_COUNTER, new Integer(cnt));
623 }
625 /***
626 * Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp
627 * storage.
628 *
629 * @param cnt The new count.
630 */
631 public void setAccessCounterForSession(int cnt)
632 {
633 setTemp(User.SESSION_ACCESS_COUNTER, new Integer(cnt));
634 }
636 /***
637 * Sets the last access date for this User. This is the last time
638 * that the user object was referenced.
639 */
640 public void setLastAccessDate()
641 {
642 lastAccessDate = new java.util.Date();
643 }
645 /***
646 * Sets the create date for this User. This is the time at which
647 * the user object was created.
648 *
649 * @param date The create date.
650 */
651 public void setCreateDate(java.util.Date date)
652 {
653 createDate = date;
654 }
656 /***
657 * Set last login date/time.
658 *
659 * @param date The last login date.
660 */
661 public void setLastLogin(java.util.Date date)
662 {
663 setPerm(User.LAST_LOGIN, date);
664 }
666 /***
667 * Set password.
668 *
669 * @param password The new password.
670 */
671 public void setPassword(String password)
672 {
673 setPerm(User.PASSWORD, password);
674 }
676 /***
677 * Put an object into permanent storage. If the value is null,
678 * it will convert that to a "" because the underlying storage
679 * mechanism within TurbineUser is currently a Hashtable and
680 * null is not a valid value.
681 *
682 * @param name The object's name.
683 * @param value The object.
684 */
685 public void setPerm(String name, Object value)
686 {
687 ObjectUtils.safeAddToHashtable(getPermStorage(), name, value);
688 }
690 /***
691 * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
692 * data to the database.
693 *
694 * @param stuff A Hashtable.
695 */
696 public void setPermStorage(Hashtable stuff)
697 {
698 this.permStorage = stuff;
699 }
701 /***
702 * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
703 * data to the database.
704 *
705 * @return A Hashtable.
706 */
707 public Hashtable getTempStorage()
708 {
709 if (this.tempStorage == null)
710 {
711 this.tempStorage = new Hashtable(20);
712 }
713 return this.tempStorage;
714 }
716 /***
717 * This should only be used in the case where we want to save the
718 * data to the database.
719 *
720 * @param storage A Hashtable.
721 */
722 public void setTempStorage(Hashtable storage)
723 {
724 this.tempStorage = storage;
725 }
727 /***
728 * This gets whether or not someone has logged in. hasLoggedIn()
729 * returns this value as a boolean. This is private because you
730 * should use hasLoggedIn() instead.
731 *
732 * @return True if someone has logged in.
734 */
735 private Boolean getHasLoggedIn()
736 {
737 return (Boolean) getTemp (User.HAS_LOGGED_IN);
738 }
740 /***
741 * This sets whether or not someone has logged in. hasLoggedIn()
742 * returns this value.
743 *
744 * @param value Whether someone has logged in or not.
745 */
746 public void setHasLoggedIn (Boolean value)
747 {
748 setTemp (User.HAS_LOGGED_IN, value);
749 }
751 /***
752 * Put an object into temporary storage. If the value is null,
753 * it will convert that to a "" because the underlying storage
754 * mechanism within TurbineUser is currently a Hashtable and
755 * null is not a valid value.
756 *
757 * @param name The object's name.
758 * @param value The object.
759 */
760 public void setTemp(String name, Object value)
761 {
762 ObjectUtils.safeAddToHashtable(tempStorage, name, value);
763 }
765 /***
766 * Sets the username for this user.
767 *
768 * @param username The user's username.
769 */
770 public void setUserName(String username)
771 {
772 setPerm (User.USERNAME, username);
773 }
775 /***
776 * Sets the first name for this user.
777 *
778 * @param firstName User's first name.
779 */
780 public void setFirstName(String firstName)
781 {
782 setPerm(User.FIRST_NAME, firstName);
783 }
785 /***
786 * Sets the last name for this user.
787 *
788 * @param lastName User's last name.
789 */
790 public void setLastName(String lastName)
791 {
792 setPerm(User.LAST_NAME, lastName);
793 }
795 /***
796 * Sets the email address.
797 *
798 * @param address The email address.
799 */
800 public void setEmail(String address)
801 {
802 setPerm(User.EMAIL, address);
803 }
805 /***
806 * This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed
807 * in the system by checking the User.CONFIRM_VALUE
808 * column in the users record to see if it is equal to
809 * User.CONFIRM_DATA.
810 *
811 * @return True if the user has been confirmed.
812 */
813 public boolean isConfirmed()
814 {
815 String value = getConfirmed();
816 return (value != null && value.equals(User.CONFIRM_DATA));
817 }
819 /***
820 * Sets the confirmation value. The value should
821 * be either a random string or User.CONFIRM_DATA
822 *
823 * @param value The confirmation key value.
824 */
825 public void setConfirmed(String value)
826 {
827 String val = "";
828 if (value != null)
829 {
830 val = value;
831 }
832 setPerm(User.CONFIRM_VALUE, val);
833 }
835 /***
836 * Gets the confirmation value.
837 *
838 * @return status The confirmation value for this User
839 */
840 public String getConfirmed()
841 {
842 return (String)getPerm(User.CONFIRM_VALUE);
843 }
845 /***
846 * Updates the last login date in the database.
847 *
848 * @exception Exception, a generic exception.
849 */
850 public void updateLastLogin()
851 throws Exception
852 {
853 setPerm( User.LAST_LOGIN, new java.util.Date() );
854 }
856 /***
857 * Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User
858 * has been Bound to the session.
859 *
860 * @param hsbe The HttpSessionBindingEvent.
861 */
862 public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent hsbe)
863 {
864 }
866 /***
867 * Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User
868 * has been Unbound from the session.
869 *
870 * @param hsbe The HttpSessionBindingEvent.
871 */
872 public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent hsbe)
873 {
874 try
875 {
876 java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date();
878 if (this.hasLoggedIn())
879 {
880 if ( JetspeedResources.getBoolean("automatic.logout.save", false) )
881 {
882 JetspeedUserManagement.saveUser(this);
883 }
885 JetspeedAuthentication.logout();
886 }
887 }
888 catch ( Exception e )
889 {
890 logger.error("LDAPUser.valueUnbound(): " + e.getMessage(), e);
895 ByteArrayOutputStream ostr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
896 e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(ostr,true));
897 String stackTrace = ostr.toString();
898 System.out.println(stackTrace);
899 }
900 }
902 /***
903 * Saves this object to the data store.
904 */
905 public void save()
906 throws Exception
907 {
908 if (this.isNew())
909 {
910 JetspeedUserManagement.saveUser(this);
911 }
912 else
913 {
914 JetspeedUserManagement.addUser(this);
915 }
916 }
918 /***
919 * Returns the disabled status for the user
920 *
921 * @return True when the account is disabled
922 */
923 public boolean getDisabled()
924 {
925 boolean disabled = false;
927 try
928 {
929 String tmp = (String) getPerm (JetspeedUser.DISABLED);
930 if ( tmp != null && tmp.length() > 0 )
931 {
932 if (tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("T"))
933 disabled = true;
934 }
935 }
936 catch (Exception e)
937 {
938 logger.error("getDisabled():" , e);
939 }
941 return disabled;
942 }
944 public void setDisabled(boolean disabled)
945 {
946 setPerm(JetspeedUser.DISABLED, (disabled) ? "T" : "F");
947 }
949 public String getName()
950 {
951 return name;
952 }
954 public void setName(String name)
955 {
956 this.name = name;
957 }
960 public boolean isNew()
961 {
962 return isNew;
963 }
965 void setNew(boolean isNew)
966 {
967 this.isNew = isNew;
968 }
970 /***
971 * Returns the date of last password change
972 *
973 * @return date
975 */
976 public Date getPasswordChanged()
977 {
978 return this.passwordChanged;
979 }
981 /***
982 * Sets the date of last password change
983 *
984 * @param value Date
985 */
986 public void setPasswordChanged(Date value)
987 {
988 this.passwordChanged = value;
989 }
991 }