This portlet application provides a rich set of portlets for administering and security a Jetspeed Portal.
Portlet | Description |
AboutJetspeed | Introductory information about Jetspeed for getting started with links to documentation. |
CategoryPortletSelector | Portlet Selector for adding portlets to your page. Categories classify portlets by indexed keywords to help users find portlets. |
ChangePasswordPortlet | Portlet for changing the password of the current, logged on user. |
ContentViewer | Content Viewer displays the content of an HTML, PDF, or other file types from any where on the file system, or relative to the portlet application. |
CustomConfigModePortlet | Provides common custom config mode edit portlet. |
DateTimePortlet | Display the date and time in a simple string format. |
ForgottenPasswordPortlet | Provides users with the ability to request a new password to be sent to their email address. |
ForgottenPasswordReturnPortlet | Provides users with the ability to click and update their password automatically after completing the user registration process. |
GroupBrowser | The Group Browser displays a list of groups managed in this portal. From here you can select Groups for editing. Place this portlet on the same page as the Group Details portlet. |
GroupDetailsPortlet | The Group Details portlet displays a groups details in a tabbed view. From here you can add, edit, and delete Group information. Place this portlet on the same page as the Group Browser portlet. |
GroupChooser | A Popup portlet for selecting a single group from a list of groups. Usually not placed on a page directly, but accessed by Jetspeed over the portlet pipeline in a popup window. |
JetspeedDeveloper | Introductory information about developing with Jetspeed for getting started with links to development documentation. |
LocaleSelector | Locale Selector is a portlet to select your preferred locale (language). |
LoginPortlet | Logs a user on to the Jetspeed portal by entering a username and password. Authenticates using full Jetspeed Active Authentication. |
LoginPortletForXHTMLBasic | Login with Active Authentication (XHTML Basic) |
PortalLoginPortlet | Logs a user on to the Jetspeed portal by entering a username and password. Authentication bypasses JAAS and active authentication. |
PortalSchemaExporter | The Portal Data Importer, import and export the jetspeed data from jetspeed schema. From here you import/export the users,group,roles and jetspeed objects |
PortalSiteManager | The Portal Site Manager displays a hierarchical view of the entire portal site. From here you can add, edit, and delete folders, links, and pages. |
PortletApplicationLifecyleManager | The PALM (Portlet Application Lifecycle Manager) manages the lifecyle of portlet applications. From here you can start, stop, undeploy and delete portlet applications |
PortletApplicationBrowser | The PAM (Portlet Application Manager) Portlet Application Browser displays a list of portlet applications deployed to this portal. From here you can add, edit, and delete portlet applications. Place on same page as Portlet Application Details |
PortletApplicationDetail | The PAM (Portlet Application Manager) Portlet Application Detail displays a specific portlet application deployed to this portal. From here you can add, edit, and delete portlet applications. Place on same page as Portlet Application Browser |
PortletTracking | Portlet Tracking Manager to track the state of portlets that are not being responsive. Allows you to disable the rendering of specific portlets. |
ProfilerAdmin | The Profiler Admin portlet is used to administer profiling rules. You can create new rules, edit rules and delete rules and criterion. |
RoleBrowser | The Role Browser displays a list of roles managed in this portal. From here you can select Roles for editing. Place this portlet on the same page as the Role Details portlet. |
RoleChooser | A Popup portlet for selecting a single role from a list of roles. Usually not placed on a page directly, but accessed by Jetspeed over the portlet pipeline in a popup window. |
RoleDetailsPortlet | The Role Details portlet displays a roles details in a tabbed view. From here you can add, edit, and delete Role information. Place this portlet on the same page as the Role Browser portlet. |
RoleMultiChooser | A Popup portlet for selecting one or more roles from a list of roles. Usually not placed on a page directly, but accessed by Jetspeed over the portlet pipeline in a popup window. |
RPADPortlet | Remote Portlet Application Deployer for Jetspeed. Deploy portlets from remote locations on the internet into this portal |
SecurityConstraintsPortlet | Declartive Security Constraint editor. Manages PSML global security constraints to grant or deny access to pages and folders. |
SecurityPermissionsPortlet | Policy Editor for managing the Jetspeed JAAS Security Policy. The policy is a standard Java security policy (JAAS), stored in a database. Portlet, page, and folder permissions are managed here. |
SSOBrowserPortlet | SSO Sites Browser displays a list of all configured SSO sites in the portal. From here you can select SSO Sites for editing. Place this portlet on the same page as the SSO Details portlet. |
SSODetailsPortlet | The SSO Site Details portlet edits the credentials and site location for a single SSO Site. Place this portlet on the same page as the SSO Browser portlet. |
StatisticsPortlet | Provides statistics about portal access hits by page, portlet, and by user. Statistical results are sorted by highest hit rate. |
UserBrowserPortlet | The User Browser displays a list of users managed in this portal. From here you can select users for editing. Place this portlet on the same page as the User Details portlet. |
UserDetailsPortlet | The User Details portlet displays a users details in a tabbed view. From here you can add, edit, and delete User information. Place this portlet on the same page as the User Browser portlet. |
UserChooser | A Popup portlet for selecting a single user from a list of users. Usually not placed on a page directly, but accessed by Jetspeed over the portlet pipeline in a popup window. |
UserMultiChooser | A Popup portlet for selecting one or more users from a list of users. Usually not placed on a page directly, but accessed by Jetspeed over the portlet pipeline in a popup window. |
UserRegistrationPortlet | Provides users with the ability register as a new user with the portal. |
WelcomeToJetspeed | Information about the current release of Jetspeed. |