Jetspeed Properties

Jetspeed default configuration properties are located in the file in the /WEB-INF/conf/ directory.

Jetspeed properties are used at runtime to customize the Jetspeed Portal runtime portal behavior. As of version 2.2.1, you must restart the server after changing one or more properties. We do not recommend editing this file. Instead, use the procedure defined in the Override Properties document. Provided below is a list of all properties as of version 2.2.2. Additionally, see the Spring configuration documentation for further deployment configuration of your portal.

Property Default Description
include Override for Make your changes in the overrides, not in This include needs to be come before any other property definitions. Jetspeed The name of your portal as returned to the portlet container via the Portlet API
portal.version 2.2.2 The current version of Jetspeed.
portal.use.internal.jndi false By setting this to true, the Engine will create its own JNDI context. Not needed in deployment. We use Tomcat's JNDI instead. Useful for command line utilities and tests.

Portal URL Navigation
Property Default Description _ns Portal URL Navigational State Parameter Name. This parameter is encoded into the portal URL as part of the URL path.
portalurl.relative.only false Generate all Portal URLs without schema, servername or port. WARNING: Setting this to true means requesting secure Portlet URLs won't have any effect anymore but a proxy frontend (like Apache) can still be used for securing the whole site. See:

Merged Portal Request Parameters
Until version 2.1, Jetspeed merged portal request parameters with portlet specific parameters, effectively allowing "shared" parameters. This is not compliant with the JSR-168 PLT.11, so by default this is now disabled. By setting merge.portal.parameters.with.portlet.parameters=true this feature can be "restored". In the situation of portal and portlet parameters with the same name, by default the portlet parameters will be provided first in the values array, but this too can be overridden by setting merge.portal.parameters.before.portlet.parameters=true. Setting both these properties to true will deliver the "old" pre-2.1 behavior. Note: for individual portlets, these global settings can be overridden by setting these properties as metadata in jetspeed-portlet.xml.
Property Default Description
merge.portal.parameters.with.portlet.parameters false Enable merging Portal (servlet) parameters with portlet parameters
merge.portal.parameters.before.portlet.parameters false By merging portal parameters first, they will override portlet parameters

Portlet Mode Support
Property Default Description
supported.portletmode view Standard portlet mode
supported.portletmode edit Standard portlet mode
supported.portletmode help Standard portlet mode
supported.portletmode about Extended portlet mode
supported.portletmode config Extended portlet mode
supported.portletmode edit_defaults Extended portlet mode
supported.portletmode print Extended portlet mode
supported.portletmode secure Extended portlet mode (currently only used for testing purposes)
Auto Switching
Auto Switching features enable the portal to use a built-in Configure Mode portlet for portlets who want to support Config Mode, but have not implemented it. Additionally, it also enables the portal to use the portlet's Edit mode in Edit_Defaults mode. Both of these features are turned off by default. Use the properties below to enable them.
Property Default Description
supported.portletmode.autoswitch.config false Enable auto-switching of config mode to built-in custom config mode portlet when a portlet does not itself provide config mode
supported.portletmode.autoswitch.edit_defaults false Enable auto-switching in edit_defaults mode to edit mode automatically for portlets not supporting edit_defaults mode
supported.portletmode.autoswitch.config.surrogate.portlet j2-admin::CustomConfigModePortlet The Auto-switching surrogate portlet for config mode

Window State Support
Property Default Description
supported.windowstate normal Standard window state
supported.windowstate maximized Standard window state
supported.windowstate minimized Standard window state
supported.windowstate solo Extended window state

User and Role Defaults
The following settings allow you to set default values for guest (non-authenticated) users, as well as default role and user names where required.
Property Default Description
default.user.principal guest If there is no authenticated user available from the portlet container, default to this un-authenticated guest user name. This user is automatically added to the portlet request for calls like getUserPrincipal in the Portlet API
default.admin.user admin The default admin user is necessary for the portal to execute administrative tasks under non-administrative subjects. Example usage is during self-registration, where a new user must be created from a non-authenticated user session.
default.admin.role admin The default name of the admin role. This role is used in the default Jetspeed system deployment for accessing all Administrative Portlets. Beware that if you change this value, you will need to change your security constraints and permissions to grant access to this newly changed role
default.manager.role manager The default name of the manager role. This role is used in the default Jetspeed system deployment for accessing all Administrative Portlets Beware that if you change this value, you will need to change your security constraints and permissions to to grant access to this newly changed role
default.user.role user Authenticated users are distinguished from non-authenticated users such as guest, when they have this specific role in their Subject
default.guest.role guest This role denotes an un-authenticated user. All users who are not authenticated should have this role.

LOG4J - Logging
The location of the Log4J configuration file. All Jetspeed categories are configured in this file. Jetspeed uses an isolated Log4J logger, so that it does not interfere with the App Server's or other portlet application's Log4J logging. By default, all logging goes into the Jetspeed web application itself under /WEB-INF/conf/ You may want to change this configuration to point the log files outside of the distributed application. In the distribution, all logging is configured at the ERROR level.
Logger Location Description
jetspeed ${applicationRoot}/logs/jetspeed.log Default logger for all jetspeed logging not covered in other loggers. This is also the root logger for the Jetspeed application
PLUTO ${applicationRoot}/logs/pluto.log Logs all Portlet Container, Pluto, output.
console the system console Logs to the Application Server console via a Log4J console appender. Often this is simply System.out
ojb ${applicationRoot}/logs/ojb.log Logs all OJB related activity at the configured level (Object Relational Bridge, the ORM)
velocity ${applicationRoot}/logs/velocity.log Velocity Engine logging
DEPLOYMENT ${applicationRoot}/logs/deployment.log Jetspeed Deployment engine logging

Portlet Container
The Portlet Container, Pluto, is configured here. We basically just allow you to plugin another portlet container or wrapper. Not very common, but you may want to extend Pluto for custom behavior
Property Default Description
container.impl org.apache.pluto.PortletContainerImpl The Portlet Container Implementation, Apache Pluto
container.wrapper org.apache.jetspeed.container.JetspeedPortletContainerWrapper Portlet Container wrapper implementation

Jetspeed Pipeline
Property Default Description
pipeline.default jetspeed-pipeline Configure the name of the default pipeline if there is no mapping provided for the URL of the request. The pipeline name should exist as a bean in the jetspeed-pipelines.xml Spring configuration file.

Pluto Factories
The Portlet Container, Pluto 2.0, is made extensible via factories. Pluto behavior can be overriden with this factory mechanism. Some of the factory configuration is here. Other configuration is directly coded in Spring. See the Spring configuration pluto-factories.xml for details.
Property Default Description
factory.container.response org.apache.jetspeed.container.ContainerResponse The Portlet Response factory provider
factory.container.request org.apache.jetspeed.container.ContainerRequest The Portlet Request factory provider
factory.invoker.servlet org.apache.jetspeed.container.invoker.ServletPortletInvoker The Portlet Servlet Invoker provider /container Jetspeed Portlet Container Servlet's servlet name
factory.invoker.local org.apache.jetspeed.container.invoker.LocalPortletInvoker The Local Porltet Invoker provider

Capability, Content Encoding
Property Default Description
content.defaultencoding iso-8859-1 Default Content Encoding for a portal response if a content encoding is not configured for a capability map or if a device capability cannot be mapped

Auto Deployment
Auto Deployment configuration. For automated deployment of portlet applications through either manual copying war files to the staging directory or remotely through the Jetspeed PALM. Most of these properties only work with Tomcat as denoted below.
Property Default Description
autodeployment.staging.dir ${applicationRoot}/WEB-INF/deploy The location of the file watcher directory. Portlet application WAR files can be dropped into here and auto-deployed to the application server. Only tested with Tomcat but may work with other application servers. ${applicationRoot}/../ The directory where to copy WAR files copied into the autodeployment.staging.dir. The application server is expected to expand the WAR file from there. Only tested with Tomcat but may work with other application servers.
autodeployment.delay 10000 The Auto-Deployment file scanner delay (wait) time. Value is in milliseconds. Defaults to 10 seconds (10,000 ms)

Application Server Manager (Tomcat Only)
Runtime appllication lifecycle management through the j2-admin PortletApplicationManager portlet. This only works with Tomcat and requires enabling and configuring access to the Tomcat Manager
See for further information the Tomcat Manager and Jetspeed section in the Deployers Guide.
Property Default Description localhost Host name on which the Tomcat Manager is accessible (from j2-admin)
application.server.port 8080 Port on which the Tomcat Manager is accessible (from j2-admin)
application.server.manager.script.path /manager Tomcat manager script path. For Tomcat 7.x the default path should be changed to /manager/script The name of a Tomcat user with at least role manager-script
application.server.manager.password The password for the above configured Tomcat manager user

Spring Configuration Directory Location (assembly)
Jetspeed is configured in a Spring Framework container.
Property Default Description
assembly.dir /WEB-INF/assembly Webapp-relative location of the Spring configuration directory.
assembly.extension .xml Extension of the XML files

Property Default Description
email.admin someemailaddress@somecompanyororganization.comororgornet Email of the system administrator
email.manager someemailaddress@somecompanyororganization.comororgornet Email of the system manager
email.userinfo.attribute Email user info attribute (non standard)

Jetspeed layouts are used to table-like structure to portal pages. Layouts are implemented as portlets..
Property Default Description jetspeed-layouts::VelocityTwoColumns The default page layout if none is specified. Specified in portlet-application::portlet-name format true Optimization for looking up LayoutPortlet Page template, default == true

Jetspeed decorators are skins that can decorator a portal page or a portlet window.
Property Default Description tigris Default page decorator if none specified
decorator.portlet.default tigris Default portlet decorator if none specified

Property Default Description
psml.template.folder /_user/template/ PSML Folder Template root. Templates are used for creating new portal site directories, like during new user creation and registration

Page Manager Cache
Local and Distributed Cache for Page Manager. Use the override properties to enable these properties. The settings below are the defaults.
Property Default Description
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.pagemanager.maxelements 128 Database page manager cache size in page elements
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.pagemanager.element.ttl 150 Database page manager cache element expiration in seconds, (infinite = 0), time to live
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.pagemanager.maxfiles 1000 PSML (Castor File System Page Manager only) page manager file cache size
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.config.resource ehcache.xml EhCache configuration file name, ('ehcache.xml' or 'distributed-ehcache.xml' supported by default) Distributed cache peer discovery multicast address 4446 Distributed cache peer discovery multicast port 1 Distributed cache peer discovery multicast TTL
  • 0 - restricted to the same host
  • 1 - restricted to the same subnet
  • 32 - restricted to the same site
  • 64 - restricted to the same region
  • 128 - restricted to the same continent
  • 255 - unrestricted
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.hostname Distributed cache peer hostname, (set to listen on specific interface)
org.apache.jetspeed.ehcache.port 40001 Distributed cache peer port

Property Default Description
profiler.rule.names.default page Default profiling rule names assigned to a new user
profiler.rule.values.default j2 Default profiling rule values assigned to a new user

User Registration
User Registration default settings. One or more roles and groups can be assigned during new user registration. Roles or group lists should be comma-separated.
Property Default Description
registration.roles.default user PSML Folder Template to copy during new user creation and registration (comma separated list)
registration.groups.default Registration default groups assigned during registration or new user creation (comma separated list)