Getting Started

For a detailed presentation of the WSRP protocol, read this paper presented at XML 2003: Enabling Interactive, Presentation-Oriented Content Services Through the WSRP Standard

The OASIS specification is here: WSRP 1.0 Specification (PDF)

For an overview of the architecture of WSRP4J, refer to the Architecture section on this web site.

Getting WSRP4J

The WSRP4J project is currently in incubator, so we are not publishing formal releases. However, you can still obtain the code from CVS. Refer to the CVS section for details.

Installing WSRP4J

Refer to the installation instructions here.

Running the Swing Consumer

Refer to the SwingConsumer execution instructions here.

Configuring the Proxy Portlet

Refer to the ProxyPortlet configuration instructions here.

Getting Help

Please subscribe to our mailing list for users. This is where you can post questions about WSRP4J. If you'd like to participate on a more technical level, subscribe to our mailing list for developers.