Release Notes - Pluto 3.0.1

Pluto version 3.0.1 is a completely new release dedicated to the implementation of JSR 362 (Portlet Specification), version 3.0.


  • [PLUTO-629] - TCK: A forward after an include in the Action or Event phase results in a status=500 error
  • [PLUTO-656] - various portlet.xml files are not valid
  • [PLUTO-657] - pluto fails to add head scripts with CDATA
  • [PLUTO-659] - TCK: Contesting V2AddlFilterTests_SPEC2_20_Action_filter1
  • [PLUTO-660] - servlet-api should be scope "provided"
  • [PLUTO-664] - TCK: Contesting V2RequestTests_ClientDataRequest_ApiAction_getReader2 and _getPortletInputStream2
  • [PLUTO-665] - TCK: V3ResourceParametersTests copy+paste error leaves tests unimplemented
  • [PLUTO-666] - TCK: Contesting AddlResponseTests_SPEC2_12_Render
  • [PLUTO-667] - TCK: Contesting V2ResponseTests_MimeResponse_ApiRender_setContentType4 and V2ResponseTests_RenderResponse_ApiRender_setContentType2
  • [PLUTO-668] - TCK: Contesting V3URLTests_BaseURL_append and V3URLTests_BaseURL_append2
  • [PLUTO-669] - V3URLTests_BaseURL_append incorrectly calls BaseURL.append(Appendable, boolean) instead of BaseURL.append(Appendable)
  • [PLUTO-670] - TCK: Contesting getParameterMap tests that verify an "unmodifiable" Map object
  • [PLUTO-671] - TCK: Contesting V2AddlEnvironmentTests_SPEC2_17_EventPreferences_setValues4
  • [PLUTO-672] - TCK: Contesting tests that expect JspException to be thrown when the copyCurrentRenderParameters attribute contains a non-boolean value
  • [PLUTO-673] - TCK: Contesting V2EnvironmentTests_PortalContext_ApiRender_getPortalInfo1
  • [PLUTO-674] - TCK: Contesting V2EnvironmentTests_PortletContext_ApiRender_getServerInfo1
  • [PLUTO-675] - TCK: Improve V2EnvironmentTests_PortletContext_ApiRender_getPortletContextName1 and V2EnvironmentTests_PortletContext_ApiRender_getPortletContextName2
  • [PLUTO-676] - TCK: Contesting V2EnvironmentTests_PortletContext_ApiRender_getRealPath1
  • [PLUTO-677] - TCK: Contesting DispatcherTests3S_SPEC2_19_ForwardServletRender_dispatch4
  • [PLUTO-678] - TCK: Contesting V2AddlRequestTests_SPEC2_11_Render_parameters13 and V3HeaderPortletTests_SPEC15_Header_parameters13
  • [PLUTO-679] - TCK: Contesting V2RequestTests_PortletRequest_ApiAction_getContextPath1
  • [PLUTO-680] - TCK: Contesting tests that reference Pluto-specific security roles
  • [PLUTO-683] - TCK: Contesting tests that invoke a ResourceURL that was written to the response with BaseURL.write(Writer writer, boolean escapeXML) when passing escapeXML=true
  • [PLUTO-686] - TCK: Contesting tests that invoke portletConfig.getContainerRuntimeOptions
  • [PLUTO-687] - TCK: Contesting tests for the javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes runtime option
  • [PLUTO-688] - V3.0 Portlet Hub Demo tries to call nonexistent setValue function on PortletParameters object
  • [PLUTO-689] - Typo in javadoc for ActionResponse.createRedirectURL(MimeResponse.Copy)
  • [PLUTO-691] - PortletURL.setBeanParameter(PortletSerializable) missing "@since 3.0" in Javadoc
  • [PLUTO-693] - PortletURLImpl.setBeanParameter(PortletSerializable bean) does not attempt to determine the name of the specified bean
  • [PLUTO-694] - XML validation error in WEB-INF/portlet.xml descriptor in the generic-portlet-archetype
  • [PLUTO-695] - Missing class-level @since 3.0 in Javadoc for various new classes/interfaces/annotations introduced in Portlet 3.0
  • [PLUTO-696] - TCK: Contesting V2 tests that expect PortletURL.setParameter(String,String...) to remove the value when null is passed in a V2.0 portlet
  • [PLUTO-698] - TCK: Contesting V2AddlFilterTests which assume getInitParameterNames returns parameters in a particular order
  • [PLUTO-701] - Typo in javadoc for RenderStateScoped
  • [PLUTO-702] - Do not include beans.xml in PortletHubDemo since Pluto doesn't require CDI for portlet registration
  • [PLUTO-706] - Make TestResult serializable
  • [PLUTO-707] - Make V2EnvironmentTests_PortletSession_ApiRender_Binding serializable
  • [PLUTO-711] - AbstractPortletConfigImpl.getSupportedLocales() does not parse language an country codes
  • [PLUTO-712] - TCK: Contesting V3AnnotationPortletConfigTests_SPEC2_28_SupportedLocales_declaringSupportedLocales1
  • [PLUTO-713] - TCK: Contesting AnnotationPortletApplicationConfigTests_SPEC1_28_DefaultNamespaceURI
  • [PLUTO-714] - AnnotationPortletArtifactValidityTests redundantly specify the @PortletApplication annotation 4 times
  • [PLUTO-715] - TCK: Contesting AnnotationPortletApplicationConfigTests_SPEC1_28_PortletContainerRuntimeOptions
  • [PLUTO-716] - Release Preparation 3.0.1


  • [PLUTO-661] - Enable the Portlet 3.0 TCK to use an alternate Firefox/Chrome browser binary and assume Chrome can be run headless
  • [PLUTO-662] - Introduce a liferay profile for the tck
  • [PLUTO-663] - Migrate Portlet 3.0 TCK and demos from java.util.logging to SLF4J
  • [PLUTO-703] - Extract PortletV3Demo TagLibPortlet.ActEvtProxyServlet inner-class into a separate source file
  • [PLUTO-704] - PortletV3Demo RedirectPortlet has incomplete/non-validating definition in portlet.xml
  • [PLUTO-705] - Upgrade to Selenium 3
  • [PLUTO-708] - Selenium should clear the TCK login username and password fields prior to entering text
  • [PLUTO-709] - Making TCKSimpleTestDriver extendable
  • [PLUTO-710] - Adding a TCKLiferayTestDriver extension