Deploying Decorations, Themes and Pages

To deploy the new resources (decorations, themes, and page) that we created in this section of the tutorial, you could simply rebuild the portal by typing mvn -P tomcat,min . Or, if your portal is aleady up and running, a simpler way is to automate the easy deployment tasks with Ant. We have created a simple build.xml to copy over changed portal resources:

# Linux	 
cd /JetspeedTraining/workspace/jetexpress
cp ../../resources/build.xml .

# Windows
cd \JetspeedTraining\workspace\jetexpress
copy  ..\..\resources\build.xml

To copy over the resources to the running portal, type:


Refresh the portal home page, http://localhost:8080/jetexpress/portal You should now see a portal with our new custom decorators:

and desktop theme:

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