Uses of Class

Packages that use PortletException
org.apache.jetspeed.portal Represents core classes for working with Portlets. 
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor This package is for portal implementation wrappers that do security checked access to public methods in portlet classes. Helper classes for handling the creation of Portlet objects. 

Uses of PortletException in org.apache.jetspeed.portal

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that throw PortletException
 void Portlet.init()
          All initialization should be performed here.
 void BasePortletSet.init()

Uses of PortletException in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls that throw PortletException
 void AbstractPortletControl.init()
          Inits the inner portlet

Uses of PortletException in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets that throw PortletException
 void XSLPortlet.init()
 void WMLFilePortlet.init()
          Initialize the content of the portlet
 void WebPagePortlet2.init()
          Initialize this portlet by defining a HTML rewriter.
 void WebPagePortlet.init()
          Initialize this portlet by defining a HTML rewriter.
 void VelocityPortlet.init()
          STW: Backward compatibility: set the viewType to "Velocity".
 void TurbineScreenPortlet.init()
 void RSSPortlet.init()
 void NewRSSPortlet.init()
          This method loads the init parameters and parse the document tied to this portlet
 void JspPortlet.init()
          STW: Backward compatibility: set the viewType to "JSP".
 void JetspeedContent.init()
          Init this Portlet, set it's title, description, etc.
 void IFramePortlet.init()
          Initialize this portlet by setting inst.
 void GenericMVCPortlet.init()
 void FileServerPortlet.init()
protected  void FileServerPortlet.initContent(PortletConfig config)
 void ContainerTestPortlet.init()
          All initialization should be performed here.
 void BASICAuthIFramePortlet.init()
 void ApplicationsPortlet.init()
 void AbstractPortlet.init()
          By default don't provide any initialization

Uses of PortletException in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.admin

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.admin that throw PortletException
 void ServletContextPortlet.init()
 void JetspeedPropertiesPortlet.init()
 void JetspeedContentAdmin.init()
          Init this
 void JavaRuntimePortlet.init()
 void GlobalAdminPortlet.init()
 void DaemonAdminPortlet.init()

Uses of PortletException in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.viewprocessor that throw PortletException
 void XSLViewProcessor.init(Portlet portlet)
          This method loads the init parameters and parse the document tied to this portlet
 void ViewProcessor.init(Portlet portlet)
          Process the template passed in the context (context.get("template")).
 void VelocityViewProcessor.init(Portlet portlet)
 void RSSViewProcessor.init(Portlet portlet)
          This method loads the init parameters and parse the document tied to this portlet
 void BufferedVelocityViewProcessor.init(Portlet portlet)

Uses of PortletException in

Methods in that throw PortletException
 void PortletWrapper.init()
          By default don't provide any initialization

Uses of PortletException in

Methods in that throw PortletException
static Portlet PortletFactory.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
static Portlet PortletFactory.getPortlet(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String id)
          Given a Portlet registry entry name, instanciate it

Uses of PortletException in

Methods in that throw PortletException
 java.util.List PortalPersistenceService.getInstances(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the current profile.
 java.util.List PortalPersistenceService.getInstances(Profile profile)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the given profile.
static java.util.List PersistenceManager.getInstances(Profile profile)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the given profile.
static java.util.List PersistenceManager.getInstances(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the current profile.
 java.util.List JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.getInstances(Profile profile)
 java.util.List JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.getInstances(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data)
protected  void JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.buildAllEntries(Portlets portlets, java.util.ArrayList entries, Profile profile)

Uses of PortletException in

Methods in that throw PortletException
 Portlet PortletFactoryService.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
 Portlet PortletFactoryService.getPortlet(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String id)
          Given a Portlet registry entry name, instanciate it
 Portlet JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
 Portlet JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getPortlet(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String id)
          Given a Portlet registry entry name, instanciate it
protected  Portlet JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getPortlet(java.lang.String classname, PortletConfig pc, java.lang.String id)
          Instanciates or retrieve from memory cache a portlet corresponding to the passed parameters

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