Uses of Class

Packages that use GenericMVCAction

Uses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets

Subclasses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets
 class ClientUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the client entries
 class ControllerUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the controller entries
 class ControlUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the control entries
 class CustomizeAction
          This action implements the default portlet behavior customizer
 class CustomizeSetAction
          This action implements the default portletset behavior customizer
 class ForwardDemoAction
          Demo of Forward stuff
 class HelloAction
          An abstract action class to build VelocityPortlet actions.
 class IndexPortletRegistry
          This class is responsible for indexing the registry.
 class JspPortletAction
          An abstract action class to build JspPortlet actions.
 class JspStockQuoteAction
          This action sets up the template context for retrieving stock quotes.
 class LogfileViewerAction
          This class is the action class for a portlet that lets you view the Log4J logfiles defined in your Jetspeed installation.
the portlet iterates through the Log4J appender defined that are of type FileAppender or its subclasses, and lists the filenames in a listbox.
The portlet puts the following in the context:
appenders - a HashMap with the appenders found
files - a HashMap with the filenames without path
logfile - the content of the file indicated by selectedfile
 class MediaUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the media entries
 class PortletBrowseAction
          This action extends the RegistryBrowseAction to provide filtering for portlets and add extra information into the context
 class PortletUpdateAction
          This action enables the creation and editing of portlets
 class PsmlBrowseAction
          This action enables to browse any of the psml info, for displaying available entries and information on these entries
 class PsmlManagerAction
          This action enables to manage psml entries within current user's security context
 class PsmlUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the psml entries
 class QuestionnaireAction
          This action sets up the template context for retrieving stock quotes.
 class RegistryBrowseAction
          This action enables to browse any of the system registries for displaying available entries and information on these entries
 class RegistryUpdateAction
          An abstract base class with default actions for many of the common fields and parameters shared by the registry entries.
 class SearchAction
          Search Actions built here
 class SecureGenericMVCAction
          A secured version of the GenericMVCAction.
 class SecureJspPortletAction
          A secured version of the JspPortletAction.
 class SecureVelocityPortletAction
          A secured version of the VelocityPortletAction.
 class SecurityUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for managing of security entries in the Turbine database.
 class SkinUpdateAction
          This action enables to update the skin entries
 class StockQuoteAction
          This action sets up the template context for retrieving stock quotes.
 class VelocityPortletAction
          An abstract action class to build VelocityPortlet actions.
 class WeatherAction
          WeatherAction portlet uses WeatherUnderground's weather condition stickers/banners to build the portlet view.

Uses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.browser

Subclasses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.browser
 class DatabaseBrowserAction
          This action sets up the template context for retrieving paged data from the resultSet according to the quey speciified by the user.

Uses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.designer

Subclasses of GenericMVCAction in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions.portlets.designer
 class HeaderAction
          Header Action

Uses of GenericMVCAction in

Subclasses of GenericMVCAction in
 class EmailPortlet
          Email Action

Uses of GenericMVCAction in

Subclasses of GenericMVCAction in
 class GroupBrowserAction
          This action sets up the template context for browsing of security groups in the Turbine database.
 class GroupUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security groups in the Turbine database.
 class PermissionBrowserAction
          This action sets up the template context for browsing of permissions in the Turbine database.
 class PermissionUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security permissions in the Turbine database.
 class RoleBrowserAction
          This action sets up the template context for browsing of security roles in the Turbine database.
 class RolePermissionUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security permissions in the Turbine database for a given role.
 class RoleUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database.
 class UserBrowserAction
          This action sets up the template context for browsing of users in the Turbine database.
 class UserGroupRoleUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security group roles for a given user.
 class UserGroupUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database for a given user.
 class UserRoleUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database for a given user.
 class UserUpdateAction
          This action sets up the template context for editing users in the Turbine database.

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