
Class Summary
GroupBrowserAction This action sets up the template context for browsing of security groups in the Turbine database.
GroupUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security groups in the Turbine database.
PermissionBrowserAction This action sets up the template context for browsing of permissions in the Turbine database.
PermissionUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security permissions in the Turbine database.
RoleBrowserAction This action sets up the template context for browsing of security roles in the Turbine database.
RolePermissionUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security permissions in the Turbine database for a given role.
RoleUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database.
SecurityConstants This class contains all the common constants used between data entry forms and browsers and actions
UserBrowserAction This action sets up the template context for browsing of users in the Turbine database.
UserGroupRoleUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security group roles for a given user.
UserGroupUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database for a given user.
UserRoleUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing security roles in the Turbine database for a given user.
UserUpdateAction This action sets up the template context for editing users in the Turbine database.

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