Release Notes - Pluto 2.0.3

The list below outlines the issues that are addressed with release 2.0.3 .

The release notes of the previous release 2.0.2 are available here: release notes 2.0.2.


  • [PLUTO-598] - Retrieving Portlet invoked servlet request attributes should first check PortletRequest attributes before using fallback to the web container
  • [PLUTO-599] - ResourceURLTag286 ignores javax.portlet.escapeXml
  • [PLUTO-609] - PortletPreferencesImpl doesn't handle null preferences correctly
  • [PLUTO-610] - RenderURLTag168 incorrectly extends PortletURLTag286


  • [PLUTO-601] - Remove expensive object creation in PortletAppDescriptorServiceImpl
  • [PLUTO-611] - Upgrade binary distribution to use latest Tomcat 7.0.21