Release Notes - Pluto 2.0.1

The list below outlines the issues that are addressed with release 2.0.1 .

The release notes of the previous release 2.0.0 are available here: release notes 2.0.0.


  • [PLUTO-564] - Configuration errors are not much descriptive (II Part)
  • [PLUTO-565] - Resource config not found under /WEB-INF/
  • [PLUTO-566] - Pluto portal does not include dependency of pluto-taglib needed to run jsp
  • [PLUTO-568] - Request attributes with javax not getting namespaced and hence colliding
  • [PLUTO-585] - Make pluto more osgi friendly


  • [PLUTO-567] - Make Pluto work even if main portlets are not available.
  • [PLUTO-580] - Allow portlet descriptor with empty namespace during deployment.
  • [PLUTO-586] - Simplify POM release profile