Authentication SPI Overview

The authentication SPI provides the implementation for managing user principals and their credentials and provides the underlying UserManager coarsed service implementation.

The authentication SPI also provides a mechanism for managing users across multiple datastore. The class diagram below describes how the authentication SPI relates to the UserManager .

Authentication SPI Components

The authentication SPI implements the following components:

AuthenticationProviderProxy A proxy to the various AuthenticationProvider implementations. The AuthenticationProviderProxy is responsible of invoking the correct AuthenticationProvider to authenticate or manage a specific user against a specific data store.
AuthenticationProvider Exposes a specific authentication and user management services implementation. Jetspeed 2 provides 2 implementations: RDBMS and LDAP. Multiple authentication providers can be provided through configuration. For more information, see the security providers configuration.
CredentialHandler See security-spi-atn.xml configuration.
UserSecurityHandler See security-spi-atn.xml configuration.