Uses of Interface

Packages that use RequestContext

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator that return RequestContext
 RequestContext RenderingJob.getRequestContext()

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator with parameters of type RequestContext
 void ContentServerAdapter.addStyle(RequestContext context, String decoratorName, String decoratorType)
          Adds stylesheets into the response header for a decoration using the Header Resource component.
 void context)
          Builds the portlet set defined in the context into a portlet tree.
 RenderingJob PortletRenderer.createRenderingJob(ContentFragment fragment, RequestContext request)
          Create a rendering job for the specified Page fragment.
 ContentDispatcher PortletRenderer.getDispatcher(RequestContext request, boolean isParallel)
          Retrieve the ContentDispatcher for the specified request
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse ContentDispatcherCtrl.getResponseForFragment(Fragment fragment, RequestContext request)
 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse ContentDispatcherCtrl.getResponseForWindow( window, RequestContext request)
          Return the HttpServletResponse to use for a given PortletWindow in order to be able to capture parallel rendering portlets
 void ContentServerAdapter.prepareContentPaths(RequestContext context, ContentPage page)
          Pre page aggregation event, prepares the content paths for the given decorators of the current page being aggregated.
 RenderingJob PortletRenderer.render(ContentFragment fragment, RequestContext request)
 void PortletRenderer.renderNow(ContentFragment fragment, RequestContext request)
          Render the specified Page fragment.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.ajax

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.ajax with parameters of type RequestContext
 boolean AjaxBuilder.buildContext(RequestContext requestContext, Map contextVars)
          Build the normal context template
 boolean AjaxBuilder.buildErrorContext(RequestContext requestContext, Map contextVars)
          Build the error context template
 boolean AjaxAction.checkAccess(RequestContext context, String action)
          Checks to see if the current subject has access to to execute this action.
 void AjaxRequestService.process(RequestContext requestContext)
 boolean requestContext, Map resultMap)
          The action should put any parameters or results it wants passed on to the builders in the resultMap This method runs an Ajax action.
 boolean AjaxAction.runBatch(RequestContext requestContext, Map resultMap)
          Same as run method, but runs in batch mode, as a hint to the action that it is running a multiple action and can delay its update runBatch currently supports pageManager.updatePage

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.cache

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.cache with parameters of type RequestContext
 ContentCacheKey JetspeedCache.createCacheKey(RequestContext rc, String windowId)
          Create a portlet content cache key based on dynamic request context information and a window id
 ContentCacheKey ContentCacheKeyGenerator.createCacheKey(RequestContext context, String windowId)
          Normalized and pluggable cache key generator
 String JetspeedContentCache.createSessionKey(RequestContext context)
          Creates a session key used to store associated information in the session.
 void JetspeedContentCache.invalidate(RequestContext context)
          remove from the cache and invalidate any associated caches or session attributes

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.container.state

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.container.state with parameters of type RequestContext
 void NavigationalState.sync(RequestContext context)
          Synchronize the Navigational State with saved state (if used).

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.decoration

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.decoration with parameters of type RequestContext
 void DecorationFactory.clearCache(RequestContext requestContext)
          Clears the lookup cache of all previous located pathes.
 Decoration DecorationFactory.getDecoration(Page page, Fragment fragment, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a Decoration for a specific Fragment contained within the specified Page.
 Set DecorationFactory.getDesktopPageDecorations(RequestContext request)
          Get the portal-wide list of available desktop page decorations.
 Set DecorationFactory.getDesktopPortletDecorations(RequestContext request)
          Get the portal-wide list of desktop portlet decorations.
 LayoutDecoration DecorationFactory.getLayoutDecoration(String name, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a named layout Decoration appropriate to the current request conetext.
 List DecorationFactory.getLayouts(RequestContext request)
          Get the portal-wide list of available layouts.
 Set DecorationFactory.getPageDecorations(RequestContext request)
          Get the portal-wide list of page decorations.
 PortletDecoration DecorationFactory.getPortletDecoration(String name, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a names portlet Decoration appropriate to the current request conetext.
 Set DecorationFactory.getPortletDecorations(RequestContext request)
          Get the portal-wide list of portlet decorations.
 ResourceBundle Decoration.getResourceBundle(Locale locale, RequestContext context)
 Theme DecorationFactory.getTheme(Page page, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a theme containing all of the Decorations for all of the layouts on the current page.
 void Theme.init(Page page, DecorationFactory decoration, RequestContext context)
          Initialize a page theme
 boolean DecorationFactory.isDesktopEnabled(RequestContext requestContext)
          Indicates whether /desktop is enabled for the current portal request.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.desktop

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.desktop with parameters of type RequestContext
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalBaseUrl(RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base url ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalBaseUrl(RequestContext requestContext, boolean encode)
          Portal base url ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalResourceUrl(RequestContext requestContext, String relativePath)
          Portal base url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalResourceUrl(RequestContext requestContext, String relativePath, boolean encode)
          Portal base url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalUrl(RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base servlet url ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalUrl(RequestContext requestContext, boolean encode)
          Portal base servlet url ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalUrl(RequestContext requestContext, String relativePath)
          Portal base servlet url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.
 String JetspeedDesktop.getPortalUrl(RequestContext requestContext, String relativePath, boolean encode)
          Portal base servlet url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.
 boolean JetspeedDesktop.isDesktopEnabled(RequestContext requestContext)
          Indicates whether /desktop is enabled for the current portal request.
 void JetspeedDesktop.render(RequestContext request)
          Render a desktop theme.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.engine

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.engine that return RequestContext
 RequestContext Engine.getCurrentRequestContext()
          Returns the the RequestContext associated with the current thread.

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.engine with parameters of type RequestContext
 void Engine.service(RequestContext context)
          Makes a service request to the engine.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.headerresource

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.headerresource with parameters of type RequestContext
 HeaderResource HeaderResourceFactory.getHeaderResouce(RequestContext requestContext)
          Provides HeaderResource instance from RequestContext.
 HeaderResource HeaderResourceFactory.getHeaderResource(RequestContext requestContext, BasePortalURL baseUrlAccess, boolean isDesktop, Map headerConfiguration)
          Provides HeaderResource instance from RequestContext.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalBaseUrl(RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base url ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalBaseUrl(RequestContext requestContext, BasePortalURL baseUrlAccessOverride)
          Portal base url ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalBaseUrl(RequestContext requestContext, BasePortalURL baseUrlAccessOverride, boolean fullUrl)
          Portal base url ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalResourceUrl(String relativePath, String portalBaseUrl, boolean encode, RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalUrl(String portalBaseUrl, RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base servlet url ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalUrl(String portalBaseUrl, RequestContext requestContext, String servletPath)
          Portal base servlet url ( e.g.
static String HeaderResourceLib.getPortalUrl(String relativePath, String portalUrl, boolean encode, RequestContext requestContext)
          Portal base servlet url with relativePath argument appended ( e.g.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.layout

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.layout with parameters of type RequestContext
 boolean PortletActionSecurityBehavior.checkAccess(RequestContext context, String action)
 boolean PortletActionSecurityBehavior.createNewPageOnEdit(RequestContext context)
 JetspeedPowerTool JetspeedPowerToolFactory.getJetspeedPowerTool(RequestContext requestContext)
 boolean PortletActionSecurityBehavior.isPageQualifiedForCreateNewPageOnEdit(RequestContext context)

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.mockobjects.request

Classes in org.apache.jetspeed.mockobjects.request that implement RequestContext
 class MockRequestContext

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline with parameters of type RequestContext
 void Pipeline.invoke(RequestContext context)
          Cause the specified request and response to be processed by the sequence of Valves associated with this pipeline, until one of these Valves decides to end the processing.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve with parameters of type RequestContext
 void Valve.invoke(RequestContext request, ValveContext context)
 void ValveContext.invokeNext(RequestContext request)
          Cause the invoke() method of the next Valve that is part of the Pipeline currently being processed (if any) to be executed, passing on the specified request and response objects plus this ValveContext instance.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.profiler

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.profiler with parameters of type RequestContext
 ProfileLocator Profiler.createLocator(RequestContext context)
          Creates a new ProfileLocator object that can be managed by the current Profiler implementation
 ProfileLocator Profiler.getDefaultProfile(RequestContext context, String locatorName)
 Map Profiler.getDefaultProfileLocators(RequestContext context)
 ProfileLocator Profiler.getProfile(RequestContext context, ProfilingRule rule)
          Get the Profile object using the request parameters and the rule.
 ProfileLocator Profiler.getProfile(RequestContext context, String locatorName)
          Get the Profile object using the request parameters.
 Map Profiler.getProfileLocators(RequestContext context, Principal principal)
          Gets all supported locators for a principal.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.rules

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.rules with parameters of type RequestContext
 ProfileLocator ProfilingRule.apply(RequestContext context, Profiler service)
          Applying the profiling rule generates a generic profile locator.
 String RuleCriterionResolver.resolve(RequestContext context, RuleCriterion criterion)
          Resolver the value for a criterion.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.request

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.request that return RequestContext
 RequestContext RequestContextComponent.create(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse resp, javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
          Creates a request context for the given servlet request.
 RequestContext RequestContextComponent.getRequestContext()
 RequestContext RequestContextComponent.getRequestContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          The servlet request can always get you back to the Request Context if you need it This static accessor provides this capability

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.request with parameters of type RequestContext
 void RequestContextComponent.release(RequestContext context)
          Release a request context back to the context pool.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.statistics

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.statistics with parameters of type RequestContext
 void PortalStatistics.logPageAccess(RequestContext request, String statusCode, long msElapsedTime)
          Logs an access to a page.
 void PortalStatistics.logPortletAccess(RequestContext request, String portlet, String statusCode, long msElapsedTime)
          Logs an access to a portlet.
 void PortalStatistics.logUserLogin(RequestContext request, long msElapsedLoginTime)
          Logs a user logout event.

Uses of RequestContext in org.apache.jetspeed.userinfo

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.userinfo with parameters of type RequestContext
 Map UserAttributeSource.getUserAttributeMap(Subject subject, Collection userAttributeRefs, RequestContext context)
 Map UserInfoManager.getUserInfoMap( oid, RequestContext context)
          Provide the user info map of user attributes for a given portlet application.

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