Package org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator

Interface Summary
Aggregator Basic aggregation interface
ContentDispatcher The ContentDispatcher allows customer classes to retrieved rendered content for a specific fragment
ContentDispatcherCtrl The ContentDispatcher control interface used for updating the content of a ContentDispatcher
ContentServerAdapter The Content Server Adapter encapsulates all aggregated related activities related to aggregation, lessening the coupling of the aggregator to the content server, which can be disabled.
PageAggregator Page aggregation handles pipeline requests for pages of portlets.
PortletAggregator Portlet aggregation handles pipeline requests for single portlets and entities.
PortletContent PortletContent
PortletRenderer PortletRendererService
Jetspeed-2 Rendering service.
PortletTrackingManager PortletRendererService
Jetspeed-2 Rendering service.
RenderingJob Worker thread processes jobs and notify its WorkerMonitor when completed.
RenderTrackable Track rendering statistics For starter we need to have an object store its render timeout statistics
Worker Worker thread processes jobs and notify its WorkerMonitor when completed.
WorkerMonitor The Worker Monitor is a thread manager and monitor for async portlet aggregation and rendering.

Exception Summary
FailedToRenderFragmentException FailedToRenderFragmentException
PortletAccessDeniedException NoPortletAccessException
UnknownPortletDefinitionException UnknownPortletDefinitionException
UnrenderedContentException UnrenderedContentException

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