Basic Configuration Parameters

Required Portal Configuration Properties

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.home The folder where the maven-plugin will (re)create or update your custom portal maven project configuration (with goal j2:portal.conf.project). This will be where you will be performing all of your future custom portal development.

Example: /home/myportal/
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.groupId The (maven) short name of your portal project group.

This value is used for the maven repository folder in which the project artifacts (like the portal war file) is stored.

Example: myprojects
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.artifactId The (maven) short name of your portal project.

This value is used for the portal war file and the (portal) web application context name.

Example: myportal
no default The (maven) full name of your portal project.

This value is used by maven for generating JavaDoc titles.

Example: My Test Portal
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.currentVersion The current version of your portal project.

This value is used by maven as name postfix for the generated artifacts.

Example: 1.0
no default

Optional Portal Configuration Properties

The following properties all specify a subfolder of the ${org.apache.jetspeed.portal.home} location as defined above.

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.conf.dir The folder where the maven-plugin will generate and copy application server specific configuration files as a tomcat application context descriptor.

This folder and its contents is created or updated by plugin goal j2:portal.conf.tomcat.
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.sql.dir The folder where the maven-plugin will generate and copy portal and database server specific sql DDL and DML scripts.

This folder and its contents is always (re)created by plugin goal j2:portal.conf.sql.
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.db.dir The folder where the maven-plugin will create build-in HSQLDB database(s).

This folder and its contents is created or updated by plugin goal j2:start.production.server or j2:start.test.server.
org.apache.jetspeed.derbydatabase.path The folder where the maven-plugin will create its built-in Derby database(s).

This folder and its contents is created or updated by plugin goal j2:quickStart.
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.webapp.dir The folder where the maven-plugin will copy the standard jetspeed web application resources.

This folder and its contents is created or updated by plugin goal j2:portal.copy.webapp.
target/${org.apache.jetspeed.portal.artifactId} The folder where the maven-plugin will generate and copy runtime portal configuration files.

These configuration files contain values derived from build/plugin properties for the portal and OJB.

This folder and its contents is created or updated by plugin goal j2:portal.conf.jetspeed and goal j2:portal.conf.ojb.

Required Application Server Properties

Note: The maven-plugin currently only supports the Tomcat Server 5.0.x or 5.5.x

PropertyDescriptionDefault value
org.apache.jetspeed.server.home The root folder of your Tomcat server installation.

Example: ${CATALINA_HOME}/.
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.server.shared The location of the shared jars in your Tomcat installation.

Example: ${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/shared/lib/
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.deploy.war.dir The location of web applications in your Tomcat installation.

Example: ${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/webapps/
no default A Tomcat user with the manager role.

Used to access the Tomcat Manager application from within the portal, explained below.
no default The password of the Tomcat user above.

Used to access the Tomcat Manager application from within the portal, explained below.
no default
org.apache.jetspeed.catalina.version.major The major version of the Tomcat server you are using: 5 or 5.5

Example: 5.5
no default

Optional Database Server Properties

Jetspeed-2 and its maven-plugin uses, as well as provides, by default a Derby database.

If you want to use a different database you will need to override the following properties:

PropertyDescriptionDefault value The type of database you are using. Used for sql script generation with Torque.

Currently supported databases (with corresponding Torque target database name):
  • derby (derby)
  • hsql (hypersonic)
  • oracle (oracle)
  • mysql (mysql)
  • postgres (postresql)
  • mssql (mssql)
  • sapdb (sapdb)
  • db2 (db2)
org.apache.jetspeed.production.database.url The jdbc connection urljdbc:derby:${org.apache.jetspeed.derbydatabase.path}/productiondb;create=true
org.apache.jetspeed.production.database.user The database user name to connect with.empty
org.apache.jetspeed.production.database.password The database user its password to connect with. empty
org.apache.jetspeed.production.database.driver The jdbc driver class nameorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
org.apache.jetspeed.production.jdbc.drivers.path A Java classpath style path to the jdbc driver classes or jar(s) needed for connecting to the database.

Example: /lib/ojdbc14.jar;/lib/nls_charset12.jar

Example: A minimal custom portal configuration

Make sure you have defined at least the required properties as described above in your ${USER_HOME}/ A minimal custom portal configuration using the default Derby database can be something like:

# required portal configuration properties          
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.home           = /home/myportal/
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.groupId        = myprojects
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.artifactId     = myportal           = My Test Portal
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.currentVersion = 1.0

# required application server properties
org.apache.jetspeed.server.home                      = ${CATALINA_HOME}/
org.apache.jetspeed.server.shared                    = ${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/shared/lib/
org.apache.jetspeed.deploy.war.dir                   = ${org.apache.jetspeed.server.home}/webapps/     = j2deployer = xxxxx
org.apache.jetspeed.catalina.version.major           = 5.5