A B C D E F G H I J L M N P R S T U V W 


ACTION_NAME - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ActionRequest
Predefined action name for usage with the @ProcessAction annotation.
ACTION_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for the portlet action lifecycle phase.
ACTION_SCOPE_ID - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
The action scope ID that the portlet container uses for storing the current action scope as render parameter if the javax.portlet.actionScopedRequestAttributes container runtime option is used by the portlet.
ActionFilter - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
The ActionFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the action request to a portlet, or on the action response from a portlet, or both.
ActionRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The ActionRequest represents the request sent to the portlet to handle an action.
It extends the ClientDataRequest interface and provides action request information to portlets.
ActionRequestWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The ActionRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ActionRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
ActionRequestWrapper(ActionRequest) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
Creates an ActionRequest adaptor wrapping the given request object.
ActionResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The ActionResponse interface represents the portlet response to an action request.
ActionResponseWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The ActionResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ActionResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
ActionResponseWrapper(ActionResponse) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
Creates an ActionResponse adaptor wrapping the given response object.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Adds a String property to an existing key on the URL.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call addProperty(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
addProperty(String, Element) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call addProperty() on the wrapped response object.
addProperty(Cookie) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call addProperty() on the wrapped response object.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Adds a String property to an existing key to be returned to the portal.
addProperty(Cookie) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Adds a HTTP Cookie property to the response.
The portlet should note that the cookie may not make it to the client, but may be stored at the portal.
addProperty(String, Element) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Adds an XML DOM element property to the response.
APPLICATION_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
This constant defines an application wide scope for the session attribute.
AUTOMATIC_RESOURCE_DISPATCH - Static variable in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
This property is set by the container if the container has a cached response for the given validation tag.


BaseURL - Interface in javax.portlet
The BaseURL defines the basic capabilities of a portlet URL pointing back to the portlet.
BASIC_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for Basic authentication.


CACHE_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property to set the cache scope for this response using the setProperty method intended to be used in forwarded or included servlets/JSPs.
CacheControl - Interface in javax.portlet
The CacheControl interface represents cache settings for a piece of markup.
CCPP_PROFILE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Used to retrieve an instance of the javax.ccpp.Profile with the getAttribute call.
CLIENT_CERT_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for Certification based authentication.
ClientDataRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The ClientDataRequest represents the request information of the HTTP request issued from the client to the portal.
It extends the PortletRequest interface.
createActionURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createActionURL() on the wrapped response object.
createActionURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createActionURL() on the wrapped response object.
createActionURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Creates a portlet URL targeting the portlet.
createActionURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
createElement(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createElement() on the wrapped response object.
createElement(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Creates an element of the type specified to be used in the PortletResponse.addProperty(String,Element) method.
createRenderURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createRenderURL() on the wrapped response object.
createRenderURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createRenderURL() on the wrapped response object.
createRenderURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Creates a portlet URL targeting the portlet.
createRenderURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
createResourceURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createResourceURL() on the wrapped response object.
createResourceURL() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call createResourceURL() on the wrapped response object.
createResourceURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Creates a portlet URL targeting the portlet.
createResourceURL() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse


decodeAttributeName(String) - Static method in class javax.portlet.PortletSessionUtil
Returns the attribute name of an attribute in the PORTLET_SCOPE.
decodeScope(String) - Static method in class javax.portlet.PortletSessionUtil
Returns the portlet attribute scope from an encoded portlet attribute.
destroy() - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a filter that it is being taken out of service.
destroy() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that the portlet is being taken out of service.
destroy() - Method in interface javax.portlet.Portlet
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that the portlet is being taken out of service.
DIGEST_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for Digest based authentication.
doDispatch(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
The default implementation of this method routes the render request to: method annotated with @RenderMode and the name of the portlet mode a set of helper methods depending on the current portlet mode the portlet is currently in.
doEdit(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Helper method to serve up the edit mode.
doFilter(ActionRequest, ActionResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.ActionFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a action request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain.
doFilter(EventRequest, EventResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.EventFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a event request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain.
doFilter(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain
Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the portlet at the end of the chain to be invoked.
doFilter(EventRequest, EventResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain
Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the portlet at the end of the chain to be invoked.
doFilter(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain
Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the portlet at the end of the chain to be invoked.
doFilter(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterChain
Causes the next filter in the chain to be invoked, or if the calling filter is the last filter in the chain, causes the portlet at the end of the chain to be invoked.
doFilter(RenderRequest, RenderResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.RenderFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a render request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain.
doFilter(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse, FilterChain) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.ResourceFilter
The doFilter method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a resource request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain.
doHeaders(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Used by the render method to set the response properties and headers.
doHelp(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Helper method to serve up the help mode.
doView(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Helper method to serve up the mandatory view mode.


EDIT - Static variable in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
Within the EDIT portlet mode, a portlet should provide content and logic that lets a user customize the behavior of the portlet.
encodeURL(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call encodeURL(path) on the wrapped response object.
encodeURL(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Returns the encoded URL of the resource, like servlets, JSPs, images and other static files, at the given path.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
Compares the specified object with this portlet mode for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class javax.portlet.WindowState
Compares the specified object with this window state for equality.
ETAG - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property to tell the portlet container the new ETag for this response intended to be used in forwarded or included servlets/JSPs.
ETAG - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.RenderRequest
This property is set by the container if the portlet container has a cached response for the given validation tag.
ETAG - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
This property is set by the container if the container has a cached response for the given validation tag.
Event - Interface in javax.portlet
The Event interface represents an event that the portlet has received in the event processing phase.
EVENT_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for the portlet event lifecycle phase.
EventFilter - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
The EventFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the event request to a portlet, or on the event response from a portlet, or both.
EventPortlet - Interface in javax.portlet
The EventPortlet interface allows portlets receiving events.
EventRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The EventRequest represents the request sent to the portlet to handle an event.
EventRequestWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The EventRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the EventRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
EventRequestWrapper(EventRequest) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.EventRequestWrapper
Creates an EventRequest adaptor wrapping the given request object.
EventResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The EventResponse interface represents the portlet response to an event request.
EventResponseWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The EventResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the EventResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
EventResponseWrapper(EventResponse) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
Creates an EventResponse adaptor wrapping the given response object.
EXPIRATION_CACHE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property to set the expiration time in seconds for this response using the setProperty method intended to be used in forwarded or included servlets/JSPs.


filterActionURL(PortletURL) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURLGenerationListener
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on action URLs.
FilterChain - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
A FilterChain is an object provided by the portlet container to the developer giving a view into the invocation chain of a filtered request for a portlet.
FilterConfig - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
A filter configuration object used by a portlet container to pass information to a filter during initialization.
filterRenderURL(PortletURL) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURLGenerationListener
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on render URLs.
filterResourceURL(ResourceURL) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURLGenerationListener
Callback being called by the portlet container before toString or write are executed on resource URLs.
flushBuffer() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call flushBuffer() on the wrapped response object.
flushBuffer() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call flushBuffer() on the wrapped response object.
flushBuffer() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Forces any content in the buffer to be written to the underlying output stream.
FORM_AUTH - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for Form based authentication.
forward(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher
Forwards a portlet request from a portlet to another resource (servlet, JSP file, or HTML file) on the server.
FULL - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
The URL of type FULL does not need to contain the current state of the page or the current render parameters, portlet mode, or window state of the portlet.


GenericPortlet - Class in javax.portlet
The GenericPortlet class provides a default implementation for the Portlet interface.
GenericPortlet() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Does nothing.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getAttribute(String name) on the wrapped request object.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the portlet container attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the value of the named attribute as an Object, or null if no attribute of the given name exists.
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session under the PORTLET_SCOPE, or null if no object is bound under the name in that scope.
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name in the given scope.
getAttributeMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns a Map of the session attributes in the portlet session scope.
getAttributeMap(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns a Map of the session attributes in the given session scope.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getAttributeNames() on the wrapped request object.
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available within this portlet context, or an empty Enumeration if no attributes are available.
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns an Enumeration containing the names of the attributes available to this request.
getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session under the PORTLET_SCOPE, or an empty Enumeration if no attributes are available.
getAttributeNames(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of all the objects bound to this session in the given scope, or an empty Enumeration if no attributes are available in the given scope.
getAuthType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getAuthType() on the wrapped request object.
getAuthType() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the name of the authentication scheme used for the connection between client and portal, for example, BASIC_AUTH, CLIENT_CERT_AUTH, a custom one or null if there was no authentication.
getBufferSize() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getBufferSize() on the wrapped response object.
getBufferSize() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getBufferSize() on the wrapped response object.
getBufferSize() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns the actual buffer size used for the response.
getCacheability() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCacheability() on the wrapped response object.
getCacheability() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Returns the cache level of this resource request.
getCacheability() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
Returns the cache level of this resource URL.
getCacheControl() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCacheControl() on the wrapped response object.
getCacheControl() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCacheControl() on the wrapped response object.
getCacheControl() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns the cache control object allowing to set specific cache settings valid for the markup returned in this response.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped request object.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped response object.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped request object.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCharacterEncoding() on the wrapped response object.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns the name of the charset used for the MIME body sent in this response.
getContainerRuntimeOptions() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
getContainerRuntimeOptions() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the container runtime options and values for this portlet.
getContainerRuntimeOptions() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the container container runtime options keys supported by this portlet container.
getContentLength() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Returns the length, in bytes, of the request body which is made available by the input stream, or -1 if the length is not known.
getContentLength() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentLength() on the wrapped request object.
getContentLength() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentLength() on the wrapped request object.
getContentType() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Returns the MIME type of the body of the request, or null if the type is not known.
getContentType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentType() on the wrapped request object.
getContentType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentType() on the wrapped response object.
getContentType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentType() on the wrapped request object.
getContentType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContentType() on the wrapped response object.
getContentType() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns the MIME type that can be used to contribute markup to the render response.
getContextPath() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getContextPath() on the wrapped request object.
getContextPath() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the context path which is the path prefix associated with the deployed portlet application.
getCookies() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getCookies() on the wrapped request object.
getCookies() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns an array containing all of the Cookie properties.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the time when this session was created, measured in milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
getDefaultNamespace() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the default namespace for events and public parameters.
getDefaultNamespace() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the default namespace for events and public render parameters.
getETag() - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Returns the ETag for the current response that is used as validation tag, or null if no ETag is set on the response.
getETag() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getETag() on the wrapped request object.
getETag() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getETag() on the wrapped request object.
getETag() - Method in interface javax.portlet.RenderRequest
Returns the validation tag if the portlet container has a cached response for this validation tag, or null if no cached response exists.
getETag() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Returns the validation tag if the portlet container has a cached response for this validation tag, or null if no cached response exists.
getEvent() - Method in interface javax.portlet.EventRequest
Returns the event that triggered the call to the processEvent method.
getEvent() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getEvent() on the wrapped request object.
getExpirationTime() - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Get the currently set expiration time.
getFailedKeys() - Method in exception javax.portlet.ValidatorException
Returns the keys that failed the validation.
getFilterName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterConfig
Returns the filter-name of this filter as defined in the portlet deployment descriptor.
getId() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns a string containing the unique identifier assigned to this session.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterConfig
Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization * parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns a String containing the value of the named initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a String containing the value of the named context-wide initialization parameter, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterConfig
Returns the names of the filter's initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the filter has no initialization parameters.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the names of the portlet initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has no initialization parameters.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the names of the portlet initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has no initialization parameters.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the names of the context initialization parameters as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the context has no initialization parameters.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the last time the client sent a request associated with this session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getLocale() on the wrapped request object.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getLocale() on the wrapped response object.
getLocale() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getLocale() on the wrapped response object.
getLocale() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns the locale assigned to the response.
getLocale() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the preferred Locale in which the portal will accept content.
getLocales() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getLocales() on the wrapped request object.
getLocales() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns an Enumeration of Locale objects indicating, in decreasing order starting with the preferred locale in which the portal will accept content for this request.
getMajorVersion() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the major version of the Portlet API that this portlet container supports.
getMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Returns a Map of the preferences.
getMaxInactiveInterval() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the maximum time interval, in seconds, for which the portlet container keeps this session open between client accesses.
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Returns the name of the HTTP method with which this request was made, for example, GET, POST, or PUT.
getMethod() - Method in interface javax.portlet.EventRequest
Returns the name of the HTTP method with which the original action request was made, for example, POST, or PUT.
getMethod() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getMethod() on the wrapped request object.
getMethod() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getMethod() on the wrapped request object.
getMethod() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getMethod() on the wrapped request object.
getMimeType(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the MIME type of the specified file, or null if the MIME type is not known.
getMinorVersion() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the minor version of the Portlet API that this portlet container supports.
getMode() - Method in exception javax.portlet.PortletModeException
Returns the unsupported portlet mode causing this exception.
getName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.Event
Get the local part of the event name.
getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a PortletRequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the named servlet.
getNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Returns all of the keys that have an associated value, or an empty Enumeration if no keys are available.
getNamespace() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getNamespace() on the wrapped response object.
getNamespace() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
The value returned by this method should be prefixed or appended to elements, such as JavaScript variables or function names, to ensure they are unique in the context of the portal page.
getNextPossiblePortletModes(RenderRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Used by the render method to set the next possible portlet modes.
getParameter(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getParameter(String name) on the wrapped request object.
getParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Returns a Map of the parameters currently set on this portlet URL via the setParameter or setParameters methods.
getParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getParameterMap() on the wrapped request object.
getParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a Map of the parameters of this request.
getParameterNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getParameterNames() on the wrapped request object.
getParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns an Enumeration of String objects containing the names of the parameters contained in this request.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getParameterValues(name) on the wrapped request object.
getParameterValues(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns an array of String objects containing all of the values the given request parameter has, or null if the parameter does not exist.
getPortalContext() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortalContext() on the wrapped request object.
getPortalContext() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the context of the calling portal.
getPortalInfo() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Returns information about the portal like vendor, version, etc.
getPortletConfig() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the PortletConfig object of this portlet.
getPortletContext() - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.FilterConfig
Returns a reference to the PortletContext in which the caller is executing.
getPortletContext() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the PortletContext of the portlet application the portlet is in.
getPortletContext() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the PortletContext of the portlet application the portlet is in.
getPortletContext() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns the portlet application context associated with this session.
getPortletContextName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the name of this portlet application correponding to this PortletContext as specified in the web.xml deployment descriptor for this web application by the display-name element.
getPortletInputStream() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Retrieves the body of the HTTP request from client to portal as binary data using an InputStream.
getPortletInputStream() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletInputStream() on the wrapped request object.
getPortletInputStream() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletInputStream() on the wrapped request object.
getPortletMode() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletMode() on the wrapped response object.
getPortletMode() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletMode() on the wrapped response object.
getPortletMode() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletMode() on the wrapped request object.
getPortletMode() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the current portlet mode of the portlet.
getPortletMode() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
Returns the currently set portlet mode on this PortletURL.
getPortletMode() - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Returns the currently set portlet mode on this reponse.
getPortletName() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the name of this portlet.
getPortletName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the name of the portlet.
getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletOutputStream() on the wrapped response object.
getPortletOutputStream() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletOutputStream() on the wrapped response object.
getPortletOutputStream() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns a OutputStream suitable for writing binary data in the response.
getPortletSession() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletSession() on the wrapped request object.
getPortletSession(boolean) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPortletSession(create) on the wrapped request object.
getPortletSession() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the current portlet session or, if there is no current session, creates one and returns the new session.
getPortletSession(boolean) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the current portlet session or, if there is no current session and the given flag is true, creates one and returns the new session.
getPreferences() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPreferences() on the wrapped request object.
getPreferences() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the preferences object associated with the portlet.
getPrivateParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPrivateParameterMap() on the wrapped request object.
getPrivateParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a Map of the private parameters of this request.
getPrivateRenderParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPrivateRenderParameterMap() on the wrapped request object.
getPrivateRenderParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Returns a Map of the private render parameters of this request.
getProcessingEventQNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
getProcessingEventQNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the QNames of the processing events supported by the portlet as an Enumeration of QName objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has not defined any processing events.
getProperties(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getProperteis(name) on the wrapped request object.
getProperties(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns all the values of the specified request property as a Enumeration of String objects.
getProperty(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getProperty(name) on the wrapped request object.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Returns the portal property with the given name, or a null if there is no property by that name.
getProperty(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the value of the specified request property as a String.
getPropertyNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPropertyNames() on the wrapped request object.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Returns all portal property names, or an empty Enumeration if there are no property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a Enumeration of all the property names this request contains.
getPublicParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getPublicParameterMap() on the wrapped request object.
getPublicParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a Map of the public parameters of this request.
getPublicRenderParameterNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Returns the names of the public render parameters supported by the portlet as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has no public render parameters.
getPublicRenderParameterNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the names of the public render parameters supported by the portlet as an Enumeration of String objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has not defined public render parameters.
getPublishingEventQNames() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
getPublishingEventQNames() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the QNames of the publishing events supported by the portlet as an Enumeration of QName objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has not defined any publishing events.
getQName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.Event
Get the event QName.
getReader() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Retrieves the body of the HTTP request from the client to the portal as character data using a BufferedReader.
getReader() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getReader() on the wrapped request object.
getReader() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getReader() on the wrapped request object.
getRealPath(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a String containing the real path for a given virtual path.
getRemoteUser() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getRemoteUser() on the wrapped request object.
getRemoteUser() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the login of the user making this request, if the user has been authenticated, or null if the user has not been authenticated.
getRenderParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getRenderParameterMap() on the wrapped response object.
getRenderParameterMap() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getRenderParameterMap() on the wrapped response object.
getRenderParameterMap() - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Returns a Map of the render parameters currently set on this response.
getRequest() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
Return the wrapped request object.
getRequest() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventRequestWrapper
Return the wrapped request object.
getRequest() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
Return the wrapped request object.
getRequest() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderRequestWrapper
Return the wrapped request object.
getRequest() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
Return the wrapped request object.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a PortletRequestDispatcher object that acts as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getRequestedSessionId() on the wrapped request object.
getRequestedSessionId() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the session ID indicated in the client request.
getResource(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to a specified path.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the resource located at the given path as an InputStream object.
getResourceBundle(Locale) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Gets the resource bundle for the given locale based on the resource bundle defined in the deployment descriptor with resource-bundle tag or the inlined resources defined in the deployment descriptor.
getResourceBundle(Locale) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Gets the resource bundle for the given locale based on the resource bundle defined in the deployment descriptor with resource-bundle tag or the inlined resources defined in the deployment descriptor.
getResourceID() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getResourceID() on the wrapped request object.
getResourceID() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Returns the resource ID set on the ResourceURL or null if no resource ID was set on the URL.
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns a directory-like listing of all the paths to resources within the web application longest sub-path of which matches the supplied path argument.
getResponse() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
Return the wrapped response object.
getResponse() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
Return the wrapped response object.
getResponse() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
Return the wrapped response object.
getResponse() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
Return the wrapped response object.
getResponse() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
Return the wrapped response object.
getResponseContentType() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getResponseContentType() on the wrapped request object.
getResponseContentType() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the portal preferred content type for the response.
getResponseContentType() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Returns the portal preferred content type for the response.
getResponseContentTypes() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getResponseContentTypes() on the wrapped request object.
getResponseContentTypes() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Gets a list of content types which the portal accepts for the response.
getResponseContentTypes() - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceRequest
Gets a list of content types which the portal accepts for the response.
getScheme() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getScheme() on the wrapped request object.
getScheme() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the name of the scheme used to make this request.
getServerInfo() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Returns the name and version of the portlet container in which the portlet is running.
getServerName() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getServerName() on the wrapped request object.
getServerName() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the host name of the server that received the request.
getServerPort() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getServerPort() on the wrapped request object.
getServerPort() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the port number on which this request was received.
getState() - Method in exception javax.portlet.WindowStateException
Returns the portlet state causing this exception.
getSupportedLocales() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
getSupportedLocales() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
Returns the locales supported by the portlet as an Enumeration of Locale objects, or an empty Enumeration if the portlet has not defined any supported locales.
getSupportedPortletModes() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Returns all supported portlet modes by the portal as an enumeration of PortletMode objects.
getSupportedWindowStates() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Returns all supported window states by the portal as an enumeration of WindowState objects.
getTitle(RenderRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Used by the render method to get the title.
getUnavailableSeconds() - Method in exception javax.portlet.UnavailableException
Returns the time in seconds for which the portlet can be expected to be unavailable.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getUserPrincipal() on the wrapped request object.
getUserPrincipal() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a java.security.Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user.
getValue() - Method in interface javax.portlet.Event
Get the event payload.
getValue(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Returns the first String value associated with the specified key of this preference.
getValues(String, String[]) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Returns the String array value associated with the specified key in this preference.
getWindowID() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWindowId() on the wrapped request object.
getWindowID() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the portlet window ID.
getWindowState() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWindowState() on the wrapped response object.
getWindowState() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWindowState() on the wrapped response object.
getWindowState() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWindowState() on the wrapped request object.
getWindowState() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns the current window state of the portlet.
getWindowState() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
Returns the currently set window state on this PortletURL.
getWindowState() - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Returns the currently set window state on this response.
getWriter() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWriter() on the wrapped response object.
getWriter() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call getWriter() on the wrapped response object.
getWriter() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns a PrintWriter object that can send character text to the portal.


hashCode() - Method in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
Returns the hash code value for this portlet mode.
hashCode() - Method in class javax.portlet.WindowState
Returns the hash code value for this window state.
HELP - Static variable in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
When in HELP portlet mode, a portlet should provide help information about the portlet.
HTTP_STATUS_CODE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
Constant for setting the HTTP status code via the setProperty method.


include(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher
Includes the content of a resource (servlet, JSP page, HTML file) in the response.
include(PortletRequest, PortletResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher
Includes the content of a resource (servlet, JSP page, HTML file) in the response.
init(FilterConfig) - Method in interface javax.portlet.filter.PortletFilter
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a filter that it is being placed into service.
init(PortletConfig) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that the portlet is being placed into service.
init() - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no need to call super.init(config).
init(PortletConfig) - Method in interface javax.portlet.Portlet
Called by the portlet container to indicate to a portlet that the portlet is being placed into service.
invalidate() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Invalidates this session (all scopes) and unbinds any objects bound to it.
isCommitted() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isCommitted() on the wrapped response object.
isCommitted() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isCommitted() on the wrapped response object.
isCommitted() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Returns a boolean indicating if the response has been committed.
isNew() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Returns true if the client does not yet know about the session or if the client chooses not to join the session.
isPermanent() - Method in exception javax.portlet.UnavailableException
Returns a boolean indicating whether the portlet is permanently unavailable.
isPortletModeAllowed(PortletMode) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isPortletModeAllowed(mode) on the wrapped request object.
isPortletModeAllowed(PortletMode) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns true, if the given portlet mode is a valid one to set for this portlet in the context of the current request.
isPublicScope() - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Returns a boolean indicating whether the caching scope is set to public for the current response.
isReadOnly(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Returns true, if the value of this key is defined as read-only and thus cannot be modified by the user.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isRequestedSessionIdValid() on the wrapped request object.
isRequestedSessionIdValid() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Checks whether the requested session ID is still valid.
isSecure() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isSecure() on the wrapped request object.
isSecure() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel between client and the portal, such as HTTPS.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isUserInRole(role) on the wrapped request object.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns a boolean indicating whether the authenticated user is included in the specified logical "role".
isWindowStateAllowed(WindowState) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call isWindowStateAllowed(state) on the wrapped request object.
isWindowStateAllowed(WindowState) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Returns true, if the given window state is valid to be set for this portlet in the context of the current request.


javax.portlet - package javax.portlet
The javax.portlet package defines the API for Java Portlet Specification V2.0.
javax.portlet.filter - package javax.portlet.filter
The javax.portlet.filter package defines the filter APIs for the Java Portlet Specification.


LIFECYCLE_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Provides the portlet lifecycle phase of the current request as request attribute.
log(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Writes the specified message to a portlet log file, usually an event log.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace for a given Throwable exception to the portlet log file.


MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property intended to be a hint to the portal application that the provided DOM element should be added to the markup head section of the response to the client.
MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
Property indicating if the portal application supports the MimeResponse property MARKUP_HEAD_ELEMENT.
MAXIMIZED - Static variable in class javax.portlet.WindowState
The MAXIMIZED window state is an indication that a portlet may be the only portlet being rendered in the portal page, or that the portlet has more space compared to other portlets in the portal page.
MimeResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The MimeResponse defines the base interface to assist a portlet in returning MIME content.
MINIMIZED - Static variable in class javax.portlet.WindowState
When a portlet is in MINIMIZED window state, the portlet should only render minimal output or no output at all.


NAMESPACED_RESPONSE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property intended to be a hint to the portal application that the returned content is completely namespaced.
NORMAL - Static variable in class javax.portlet.WindowState
The NORMAL window state indicates that a portlet may be sharing the page with other portlets.


PAGE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
The URL of type PAGE may contain artifacts that require knowledge of the state of the complete page, like PortletURLs.
PortalContext - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortalContext interface gives the portlet the ability to retrieve information about the portal calling this portlet.
Portlet - Interface in javax.portlet
The Portlet interface is used by the portlet container to invoke the portlets.
PORTLET - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
The URL of type PORTLRET does not need to contain the current state of the page, but the current render parameters, portlet mode, or window state of the portlet must be accessible to the portlet.
PORTLET_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
This constant defines the scope of the session attribute to be private to the portlet and its included resources.
PortletConfig - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletConfig interface provides the portlet with its configuration.
PortletContext - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletContext interface defines a portlet view of the portlet container.
PortletException - Exception in javax.portlet
The PortletException class defines a general exception that a portlet can throw when it is unable to perform its operation successfully.
PortletException() - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletException
Constructs a new portlet exception.
PortletException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletException
Constructs a new portlet exception with the given text.
PortletException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletException
Constructs a new portlet exception when the portlet needs to do the following: throw an exception include the "root cause" exception include a description message
PortletException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletException
Constructs a new portlet exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
PortletFilter - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
The PortletFilter is the base interface for all portlet filters.
PortletMode - Class in javax.portlet
The PortletMode class represents the possible modes that a portlet can assume.
PortletMode(String) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.PortletMode
Creates a new portlet mode with the given name.
PortletModeException - Exception in javax.portlet
The PortletModeException is thrown when a portlet tries to use or set a portlet mode that is not supported by the current runtime environment or the portlet.
PortletModeException(String, PortletMode) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletModeException
Constructs a new portlet mode exception with the given text and the portlet mode that caused this exception.
PortletModeException(String, Throwable, PortletMode) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletModeException
Constructs a new portlet mode exception when the portlet needs to do the following: throw an exception include a message about the "root cause" that interfered with its normal operation include a description message include the portlet mode that caused this exception
PortletModeException(Throwable, PortletMode) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletModeException
Constructs a new portlet mode exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
PortletPreferences - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletPreferences interface allows the portlet to store configuration data.
PortletRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletRequest defines the base interface to provide client request information to a portlet.
PortletRequest.P3PUserInfos - Enum in javax.portlet
P3P user information constants.
PortletRequestDispatcher - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletRequestDispatcher interface defines an object that receives requests from the client and sends them to the specified resources (such as a servlet, HTML file, or JSP file) on the server.
PortletRequestWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The PortletRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the PortletRequest interface and is extended by other request wrappers.
PortletRequestWrapper(PortletRequest) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
Creates an PortletRequest adaptor wrapping the given request object.
PortletResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletResponse defines the base interface to assist a portlet in creating and sending a response to the client.
PortletResponseWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The PortletResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the PortletResponse interface and is extended by other response wrappers.
PortletResponseWrapper(PortletResponse) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
Creates an ActionResponse adaptor wrapping the given response object.
PortletSecurityException - Exception in javax.portlet
A portlet should throw a PortletSecurityException when a call fails because of security reasons.
Additionally it can be thrown by the portal/portlet-container.
PortletSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletSecurityException
Constructs a new security exception with the given text.
PortletSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletSecurityException
Constructs a new portlet security exception when the portlet needs to do the following: throw an exception include a message about the "root cause" that interfered with its normal operation include a description message
PortletSecurityException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.PortletSecurityException
Constructs a new portlet security exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
PortletSession - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletSession interface provides a way to identify a user across more than one request and to store transient information about that user.
PortletSessionUtil - Class in javax.portlet
The PortletSessionUtil class helps identify and decode attributes in the PORTLET_SCOPE scope of the PortletSession when accessed through the HttpSession an from within calls to methods of the HttpSessionBindingListener interface.
PortletSessionUtil() - Constructor for class javax.portlet.PortletSessionUtil
PortletURL - Interface in javax.portlet
The PortletURL interface represents a URL that reference the portlet itself.
PortletURLGenerationListener - Interface in javax.portlet
Portlet applications can register portlet URL listeners in order to filter URLs before they get generated.
PreferencesValidator - Interface in javax.portlet
The PreferencesValidator allows to validate the set of preferences of the associated portlet just before they are stored in the persistent store.
PRIVATE_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Private cache scope, indicating that the cache entry must not be shared across users.
processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to process an action request.
processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.Portlet
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to process an action request.
ProcessAction - Annotation Type in javax.portlet
Annotation for marking a method for processing a specific action.
processEvent(EventRequest, EventResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.EventPortlet
Called by the portlet container requesting the portlet to process a specific event.
processEvent(EventRequest, EventResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
The default implementation tries to dispatch to a method annotated with @ProcessEvent that matches the event name or, if no such method is found just sets the current render parameters on the response.
Note that the annotated methods needs to be public in order to be allowed to be called by GenericPortlet.
ProcessEvent - Annotation Type in javax.portlet
Annotation for marking a method for handling a specific event.
PUBLIC_SCOPE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Public cache scope, indicating that the cache entry can be shared across users.


ReadOnlyException - Exception in javax.portlet
The ReadOnlyException is thrown when a portlet tries to change the value for a read-only preference attribute.
ReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException
Constructs a new read-only exception with the given text.
ReadOnlyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException
Constructs a new read-only exception when the portlet needs to do the following: throw an exception include a message about the "root cause" that interfered with its normal operation include a description message
ReadOnlyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ReadOnlyException
Constructs a new read-only exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call removeAttribute(name) on the wrapped request object.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Removes the attribute with the given name from the portlet context.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Removes an attribute from this request.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Removes the object bound with the specified name under the PORTLET_SCOPE from this session.
removeAttribute(String, int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Removes the object bound with the specified name and the given scope from this session.
removePublicRenderParameter(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call removePublicRenderParameter() on the wrapped response object.
removePublicRenderParameter(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call removePublicRenderParameter() on the wrapped response object.
removePublicRenderParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
Removes the specified public render parameter.
removePublicRenderParameter(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Removes the specified public render parameter.
render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
The default implementation of this method sets the headers using the doHeaders method, sets the title using the getTitle method and invokes the doDispatch method.
render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.Portlet
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the content of the response based on its current state.
RENDER_HEADERS - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
The RENDER_HEADERS is a possible value of the RENDER_PART request attribute and denotes that the portlet should set the intended headers and the portlet title of this render request.
RENDER_MARKUP - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
The RENDER_MARKUP is a possible value of the RENDER_PART request attribute and denotes that the portlet should produce its markup for this render request.
RENDER_PART - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
The RENDER_PART portlet request attribute is set by portals that are streaming based and therefore need to split the render phase into two parts: first the RENDER_HEADERS part where the portlet should only set the header related data and the portlet title, and second the RENDER_MARKUP part in which the portlet should produce its markup.
RENDER_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for the portlet render lifecycle phase.
RenderFilter - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
The RenderFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the render request to a portlet, or on the render response from a portlet, or both.
RenderMode - Annotation Type in javax.portlet
Annotation for marking a method for handling a specific portlet mode in the render phase.
RenderRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The RenderRequest represents the request sent to the portlet to handle a render.
RenderRequestWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The RenderRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the RenderRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
RenderRequestWrapper(RenderRequest) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.RenderRequestWrapper
Creates an RenderRequest adaptor wrapping the given request object.
RenderResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The RenderResponse defines an object to assist a portlet in sending a response to the portal.
RenderResponseWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The RenderResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the RenderResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
RenderResponseWrapper(RenderResponse) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
Creates an RenderResponse adaptor wrapping the given response object.
reset() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call reset() on the wrapped response object.
reset() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call reset() on the wrapped response object.
reset() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Clears any data that exists in the buffer as well as the properties set.
reset(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Resets or removes the value associated with the specified key.
resetBuffer() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call resetBuffer() on the wrapped response object.
resetBuffer() - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call resetBuffer() on the wrapped response object.
resetBuffer() - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Clears the content of the underlying buffer in the response without clearing properties set.
RESOURCE_PHASE - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
String identifier for the portlet resource serving lifecycle phase.
ResourceFilter - Interface in javax.portlet.filter
The ResourceFilter is an object that performs filtering tasks on either the resource request to a portlet, or on the resource response from a portlet, or both.
ResourceRequest - Interface in javax.portlet
The ResourceRequest interface represents the request send to the portlet for rendering resources.
ResourceRequestWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The ResourceRequestWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ResourceRequest interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the request.
ResourceRequestWrapper(ResourceRequest) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
Creates an ResourceRequest adaptor wrapping the given request object.
ResourceResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The ResourceResponse defines an object to assist a portlet for rendering a resource.
ResourceResponseWrapper - Class in javax.portlet.filter
The ResourceResponseWrapper provides a convenient implementation of the ResourceResponse interface that can be subclassed by developers wishing to adapt the response.
ResourceResponseWrapper(ResourceResponse) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
Creates an ResourceResponse adaptor wrapping the given response object.
ResourceServingPortlet - Interface in javax.portlet
The ResourceServingPortlet interface allows serving resources through the portlet.
ResourceURL - Interface in javax.portlet
The ResourceURL defines a resource URL that when clicked will result in a serveResource call of the ResourceServingPortlet interface.


sendRedirect(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ActionResponse
Instructs the portlet container to send a redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL.
sendRedirect(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ActionResponse
Instructs the portlet container to send a redirect response to the client using the specified redirect location URL and encode a render URL as parameter on the redirect URL.
sendRedirect(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call sendRedirect(location) on the wrapped response object.
sendRedirect(String, String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call sendRedirect(location, renderUrlParamName) on the wrapped response object.
serveResource(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
Default resource serving.
serveResource(ResourceRequest, ResourceResponse) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceServingPortlet
Called by the portlet container to allow the portlet to generate the resource content based on its current state.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setAttribute(name, o) on the wrapped request object.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
Binds an object to a given attribute name in this portlet context.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Stores an attribute in this request.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Binds an object to this session under the PORTLET_SCOPE, using the name specified.
setAttribute(String, Object, int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Binds an object to this session in the given scope, using the name specified.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setBufferSize(size) on the wrapped response object.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setBufferSize(size) on the wrapped response object.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Sets the preferred buffer size for the body of the response.
setCacheability(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
Sets the cache level of this resource URL.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest
Overrides the name of the character encoding used in the body of this request.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setCharacterEncoding(String enc) on the wrapped request object.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setCharacterEncoding(String enc) on the wrapped request object.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setCharacterEncoding(String charset) on the wrapped response object.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
Sets the character encoding (MIME charset) of the response being sent to the client, for example, to UTF-8.
setContentLength(int) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setContentLength() on the wrapped response object.
setContentLength(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
Sets the length of the content body in the response.
setContentType(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setContentType(type) on the wrapped response object.
setContentType(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setContentType(type) on the wrapped response object.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Sets the MIME type for the response.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.RenderResponse
Sets the MIME type for the render response.
setETag(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Sets an ETag for the current response that is used as validation tag.
setEvent(QName, Serializable) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setEvent(name, value) on the wrapped response object.
setEvent(String, Serializable) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setEvent() on the wrapped response object.
setEvent(QName, Serializable) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setEvent(name, value) on the wrapped response object.
setEvent(String, Serializable) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setEvent() on the wrapped response object.
setEvent(QName, Serializable) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Publishes an Event with the given payload.
setEvent(String, Serializable) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Publishes an Event with the given payload in the default namespace.
setExpirationTime(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Sets a new expiration time for the current response in seconds.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setLocale(Locale loc) on the wrapped response object.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceResponse
Sets the locale of the response, setting the headers (including the Content-Type's charset) as appropriate.
setMaxInactiveInterval(int) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
Specifies the time, in seconds, between client requests, before the portlet container invalidates this session.
setNextPossiblePortletModes(Collection<PortletMode>) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setNextPossiblePortletModes() on the wrapped response object.
setNextPossiblePortletModes(Collection<PortletMode>) - Method in interface javax.portlet.RenderResponse
This method allows the portlet to tell the portal the next possible portlet modes that the make sense from the portlet point of view.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Sets the given String parameter to this URL.
setParameter(String, String[]) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Sets the given String array parameter to this URL.
setParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Sets a parameter map for this URL.
setPortletMode(PortletMode) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setPortletMode(portletMode) on the wrapped response object.
setPortletMode(PortletMode) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setPortletMode(portletMode) on the wrapped response object.
setPortletMode(PortletMode) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
Indicates the portlet mode the portlet must be in, if this portlet URL triggers a request.
setPortletMode(PortletMode) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Sets the portlet mode of a portlet to the given portlet mode.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Sets a String property on the URL.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setProperty(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
Sets a String property to be returned to the portal.
setPublicScope(boolean) - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Sets the caching scope for the current response to public with true as publicScope and to private with false as publicScope.
setRenderParameter(String, String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameter(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameter(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameter(String, String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameter(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameter(String, String[]) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameter(key, value) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameter(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Sets a String parameter for the render request.
setRenderParameter(String, String[]) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Sets a String array parameter for the render request.
setRenderParameters(EventRequest) - Method in interface javax.portlet.EventResponse
Maintain the current render parameters of the request for the response.
setRenderParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameters(parameters) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameters(parameters) on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameters(EventRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setRenderParameters() on the wrapped response object.
setRenderParameters(Map<String, String[]>) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Sets a parameter map for the render request.
setRequest(ActionRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionRequestWrapper
Sets the request object being wrapped.
setRequest(EventRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventRequestWrapper
Sets the request object being wrapped.
setRequest(PortletRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletRequestWrapper
Sets the request object being wrapped.
setRequest(RenderRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderRequestWrapper
Sets the request object being wrapped.
setRequest(ResourceRequest) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceRequestWrapper
Sets the request object being wrapped.
setResourceID(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
Allows setting a resource ID that can be retrieved when serving the resource through the ResourceRequest.getResourceID() method.
setResponse(ActionResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
Sets the response object being wrapped.
setResponse(EventResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
Sets the response object being wrapped.
setResponse(PortletResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.PortletResponseWrapper
Sets the response object being wrapped.
setResponse(RenderResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
Sets the response object being wrapped.
setResponse(ResourceResponse) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ResourceResponseWrapper
Sets the response object being wrapped.
setSecure(boolean) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Indicated the security setting for this URL.
setTitle(String) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.RenderResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setTitle(title) on the wrapped response object.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.RenderResponse
This method sets the title of the portlet.
setUseCachedContent(boolean) - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Sets the indication whether the cached content for the provided ETag at the request is still valid or not.
setValue(String, String) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Associates the specified String value with the specified key in this preference.
setValues(String, String[]) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Associates the specified String array value with the specified key in this preference.
setWindowState(WindowState) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.ActionResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setWindowState(windowState) on the wrapped response object.
setWindowState(WindowState) - Method in class javax.portlet.filter.EventResponseWrapper
The default behavior of this method is to call setWindowState(windowState) on the wrapped response object.
setWindowState(WindowState) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
Indicates the window state the portlet should be in, if this portlet URL triggers a request.
setWindowState(WindowState) - Method in interface javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse
Sets the window state of a portlet to the given window state.
SHARED - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.ResourceURL
Property that the portlet can set for resources with caching type FULL via the setProperty method on the ResourceURL.
StateAwareResponse - Interface in javax.portlet
The StateAwareResponse represents a response that can modify state information or send events.
It extends the PortletResponse interface.
store() - Method in interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
Commits all changes made to the preferences via the set methods in the persistent store.


toString() - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Returns the portlet URL string representation to be embedded in the markup.
Note that the returned String may not be a valid URL, as it may be rewritten by the portal/portlet-container before returning the markup to the client.
toString() - Method in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
Returns a String representation of this portlet mode.
toString() - Method in enum javax.portlet.PortletRequest.P3PUserInfos
toString() - Method in class javax.portlet.WindowState
Returns a String representation of this window state.


UnavailableException - Exception in javax.portlet
The portlet should throw the UnavailableException when the portlet is either temporarily or permanently unavailable to handle requests.
UnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.UnavailableException
Constructs a new exception with a descriptive message indicating that the portlet is permanently unavailable.
UnavailableException(String, int) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.UnavailableException
Constructs a new exception with a descriptive message indicating that the portlet is temporarily unavailable and giving an estimate of how long it will be unavailable.
USE_CACHED_CONTENT - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.MimeResponse
Property to tell the portlet container to use the cached markup for the validation token provided in the request.
useCachedContent() - Method in interface javax.portlet.CacheControl
Returns a boolean indicating whether the cached content for the provided ETag at the request can still be considerated valid.
USER_INFO - Static variable in interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
Used to retrieve user information attributes with the getAttribute call.


validate(PortletPreferences) - Method in interface javax.portlet.PreferencesValidator
If the preferences values are successfully validated the call to this method must finish gracefully.
ValidatorException - Exception in javax.portlet
The ValidatorException is thrown by the validate method of a PreferencesValidator when the validation of a preference failed.
ValidatorException(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ValidatorException
Constructs a new validator exception with the given text.
ValidatorException(String, Throwable, Collection<String>) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ValidatorException
Constructs a new portlet validator exception.
ValidatorException(Throwable, Collection<String>) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.ValidatorException
Constructs a new portlet validator exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum javax.portlet.PortletRequest.P3PUserInfos
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum javax.portlet.PortletRequest.P3PUserInfos
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIEW - Static variable in class javax.portlet.PortletMode
The expected functionality for a portlet in VIEW portlet mode is to generate markup reflecting the current state of the portlet.


WindowState - Class in javax.portlet
The WindowState class represents the possible window states that a portlet window can assume.
WindowState(String) - Constructor for class javax.portlet.WindowState
Creates a new window state with the given name.
WindowStateException - Exception in javax.portlet
The WindowStateException is thrown when a portlet tries to use a window state that is not supported by the current runtime environment or the portlet.
WindowStateException(String, WindowState) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.WindowStateException
Constructs a new portlet state exception with the given text.
WindowStateException(String, Throwable, WindowState) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.WindowStateException
Constructs a new portlet state exception when the portlet needs to do the following: throw an exception include a message about the "root cause" that interfered with its normal operation include a description message
WindowStateException(Throwable, WindowState) - Constructor for exception javax.portlet.WindowStateException
Constructs a new portlet state exception when the portlet needs to throw an exception.
write(Writer) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Writes the portlet URL to the output stream using the provided writer.
write(Writer, boolean) - Method in interface javax.portlet.BaseURL
Writes the portlet URL to the output stream using the provided writer.
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