Package org.apache.jetspeed.pipeline.valve

Interface Summary
ActionValve Check if PortletAction needs to be processed and process it, if required
Read from the ValveContext:
Written into the ValveContext:
Note: The primary purpose of this interface is primary for documention.
AggregateValve Invokes all Layout components in render mode to aggregate the generated contents and send result to client.
CapabilityValve Identifies the browser and add a Capability object to RequestContext
Read from the ValveContext:
Written into the ValveContext: Capability
Note: The primary purpose of this interface is primary for documention.
CleanupValve Return all recycle objects in the ValveContext.
ContainerValve Initialize the RequestContext and session if required.
ContentValve Render all marked portlet and store RenderResponse in RequestContext.
LayoutValve Invokes all Layout components to mark all visible elements of the Page.
LocalizationValve LocalizationValve
LoginValidationValve Checks if a login attempt failed and determines the cause.
LoginViewValve LoginViewValve
PageProfilerValve Determine the page to display and add it to the RequestContext
Read from the ValveContext:
Written into the ValveContext:
Note: The primary purpose of this interface is primary for documention.
PasswordCredentialValve Checks the PasswordCredential (only once) after a User is logged in and redirects to a Change Password page if necessary.
SecurityValve Authenticates the User or redirects to Login if necessary, add authenticated Subject to RequestContext
Read from the ValveContext:
Written into the ValveContext:
Note: The primary purpose of this interface is primary for documention.
UserProfilerValve Authenticates the User or redirects to Login if necessary, add authenticated User to RequestContext
Read from the ValveContext:
Written into the ValveContext:
Note: The primary purpose of this interface is primary for documention.

Class Summary
AbstractValve Valve that can be used as the basis of Valve implementations.

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