Uses of Class

Packages that use SecurityException Jetspeed security service interfaces.   

Uses of SecurityException in

Subclasses of SecurityException in
 class InvalidDnException
          Exception thrown when the distinguished name is invalid.
 class InvalidNewPasswordException
          Exception thrown when supplied new password is invalid.
 class InvalidPasswordException
          Exception thrown when supplied password is invalid.
 class InvalidUidException
          Exception thrown when the uid is invalid.
 class PasswordAlreadyUsedException
          Exception thrown when supplied password has been used before.

Methods in that throw SecurityException
 void GroupManager.addGroup(String groupFullPathName)
           Add a new group.
 void PermissionManager.addPermission(Permission permission)
           Adds a permission definition.
 void RoleManager.addRole(String roleFullPathName)
          Add a new role.
 void RoleManager.addRoleToGroup(String roleFullPathName, String groupFullPathName)
          Add a role to a group.
 void RoleManager.addRoleToUser(String username, String roleFullPathName)
          Add a role to a user.
 void UserManager.addUser(String username, String password)
           Add a new user provided a username and password.
 void UserManager.addUser(String username, String password, String atnProviderName)
           Add a new user provided a username and password in the specified authentication provider store.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.addUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal, String authenticationProvider)
           Adds a new user principal in a given authentication provider.
 void GroupManager.addUserToGroup(String username, String groupFullPathName)
           Add a user to a group.
 boolean AuthenticationProviderProxy.authenticate(String userName, String password, String authenticationProvider)
           Authenticate a user in a given authentication provider
 String PasswordEncodingService.decode(String userName, String encodedPassword)
 String PasswordEncodingService.encode(String userName, String clearTextPassword)
 Group GroupManager.getGroup(String groupFullPathName)
           Get a group Groupfor a given group full path name.
 Iterator GroupManager.getGroups(String filter)
          Get all groups available from all group handlers
 Collection GroupManager.getGroupsForUser(String username)
           A collection of Groupfor all the groups associated to a specific user.
 Collection GroupManager.getGroupsInRole(String roleFullPathName)
           A collection of Groupfor all the groups in a specific role.
 Role RoleManager.getRole(String roleFullPathName)
          Get a role Role for a given role full path name.
 Iterator RoleManager.getRoles(String filter)
          Get all roles available from all role handlers
 Collection RoleManager.getRolesForUser(String username)
          A collection of Role for all the roles associated to a specific user.
 Collection RoleManager.getRolesInGroup(String groupFullPathName)
          A collection of Role for all the roles associated to a specific group.
 User UserManager.getUser(String username)
           Get a Userfor a given username.
 Iterator UserManager.getUserNames(String filter)
           An iterator of user names, finding users matching the corresponding filter criteria.
 Iterator UserManager.getUsers(String filter)
           An iterator of Userfinding users matching the corresponding filter criteria.
 Collection UserManager.getUsersInGroup(String groupFullPathName)
          A collection of User for a specific group.
 Collection UserManager.getUsersInRole(String roleFullPathName)
           A collection of Userfor all the users in a specific role.
 void PermissionManager.grantPermission(Principal principal, Permission permission)
           Grant a Permissionto a given Principal.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.importPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
           Adds or updates a private password credentialin a given authentication provider.
Note that there is no checking of the oldPassword and the provided password is assumed to be encoded.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.importPassword(String userName, String newPassword, String authenticationProvider)
           Adds or updates a private password credentialin a given authentication provider.
Note that there is no checking of the oldPassword and the provided password is assumed to be encoded.
 void UserManager.importUser(String username, String password, boolean passThrough)
           Import a new user with username and password and allow to bypass the enconding algorithm
 void UserManager.importUser(String username, String password, String atnProviderName, boolean passThrough)
           Import a new user with username and password in the specified authentication provider store and allow to bypass the enconding algorithm
 boolean RoleManager.isGroupInRole(String groupFullPathName, String roleFullPathName)
          Whether or not a role is in a group.
 boolean GroupManager.isUserInGroup(String username, String groupFullPathName)
           Whether or not a user is in a group.
 boolean RoleManager.isUserInRole(String username, String roleFullPathName)
          Whether or not a user is in a role.
 void GroupManager.removeGroup(String groupFullPathName)
           Remove a group.
 void PermissionManager.removePermission(Permission permission)
           Remove all instances of a given permission.
 void PermissionManager.removePermissions(Principal principal)
           Remove all permissions for a given principal.
 void RoleManager.removeRole(String roleFullPathName)
          Remove a given role and all the children of that role.
 void RoleManager.removeRoleFromGroup(String roleFullPathName, String groupFullPathName)
          Remove a role from a group.
 void RoleManager.removeRoleFromUser(String username, String roleFullPathName)
          Remove a user from a role.
 void UserManager.removeUser(String username)
           Remove a user.
 void GroupManager.removeUserFromGroup(String username, String groupFullPathName)
           Remove a user from a group.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.removeUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal, String authenticationProvider)
           Remove user principal in a given authentication provider.
 void PermissionManager.revokePermission(Principal principal, Permission permission)
           Revoke a Permissionfrom a given Principal.
 void GroupManager.setGroupEnabled(String groupFullPathName, boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable a group.
 void UserManager.setPassword(String username, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
           Set the user password.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.setPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword, String authenticationProvider)
           Adds or updates a private password credential in a given authentication provider.
If oldPassword is not null, the oldPassword will first be checked (authenticated).
 void UserManager.setPasswordEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled)
           Set the enabled state of the user password credential.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.setPasswordEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled, String authenticationProvider)
           Set the enabled state of the user password credential in a given authentication provider.
 void UserManager.setPasswordExpiration(String userName, Date expirationDate)
           Set the expiration date and the expired flag of the password credential.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.setPasswordExpiration(String userName, Date expirationDate, String authenticationProvider)
           Set the expiration date and the expired flag of the password credential in a given authentication provider
 void UserManager.setPasswordUpdateRequired(String userName, boolean updateRequired)
           Set the update required state of the user password credential.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.setPasswordUpdateRequired(String userName, boolean updateRequired, String authenticationProvider)
           Set the update required state of the user password credential in a given authentication provider.
 void RoleManager.setRoleEnabled(String roleFullPathName, boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable a role.
 void UserManager.setUserEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable a user.
 int PermissionManager.updatePermission(Permission permission, Collection principals)
          Update the collection of principals on the given principal, appropriately granting or revoking principals to the given permission.
 void AuthenticationProviderProxy.updateUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal, String authenticationProvider)
           Updates user principal in a given authentication provider.

Uses of SecurityException in

Methods in that throw SecurityException
 void UserSecurityHandler.addUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
           Adds a new user principal in the backing store.
 boolean InternalPasswordCredentialInterceptor.afterAuthenticated(InternalUserPrincipal internalUser, String userName, InternalCredential credential, boolean authenticated)
           Invoked during authentication after the provided password is compared against the one retrieved from the InternalCredential.
 boolean InternalPasswordCredentialInterceptor.afterLoad(PasswordCredentialProvider pcProvider, String userName, InternalCredential credential)
           Invoked after a password credential is loaded from the persistent store.
 boolean CredentialHandler.authenticate(String userName, String password)
           Authenticate a user.
 void InternalPasswordCredentialInterceptor.beforeCreate(InternalUserPrincipal internalUser, Collection credentials, String userName, InternalCredential credential, String password)
           Invoked when the first password credential is to be saved for a user.
 void InternalPasswordCredentialInterceptor.beforeSetPassword(InternalUserPrincipal internalUser, Collection credentials, String userName, InternalCredential credential, String password, boolean authenticated)
           Invoked when a new password value is to be saved for a user.
 PasswordCredential PasswordCredentialProvider.create(String userName, InternalCredential credential)
 PasswordCredential PasswordCredentialProvider.create(String userName, String password)
 String CredentialPasswordEncoder.encode(String userName, String clearTextPassword)
 String AlgorithmUpgradeCredentialPasswordEncoder.encode(String userName, String clearTextPassword, InternalCredential credential)
 void CredentialHandler.importPassword(String userName, String newPassword)
           Adds or updates a private password credential.
Note that there is no checking of the oldPassword and the provided password is assumed to be encoded.
 void AlgorithmUpgradeCredentialPasswordEncoder.recodeIfNeeded(String userName, String clearTextPassword, InternalCredential credential)
 void GroupSecurityHandler.removeGroupPrincipal(GroupPrincipal groupPrincipal)
           Removes the group principal.
 void SecurityAccess.removeInternalGroupPrincipal(InternalGroupPrincipal internalGroup)
           Remove the given InternalGroupPrincipal.
 void SecurityAccess.removeInternalRolePrincipal(InternalRolePrincipal internalRole)
           Remove the given InternalRolePrincipal.
 void SecurityAccess.removeInternalUserPrincipal(InternalUserPrincipal internalUser)
           Remove the given InternalUserPrincipal.
 void RoleSecurityHandler.removeRolePrincipal(RolePrincipal rolePrincipal)
           Removes the role principal.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.removeRolePrincipalInGroup(String groupFullPathName, String roleFullPathName)
           Removes the role principal on a given user.
 void UserSecurityHandler.removeUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
           Removes the user principal.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.removeUserPrincipalInGroup(String username, String groupFullPathName)
           Removes the user principal from the given group.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.removeUserPrincipalInRole(String username, String roleFullPathName)
           Removes the role principal on a given user.
 void GroupSecurityHandler.setGroupPrincipal(GroupPrincipal groupPrincipal)
           Sets the group principal in the backing store.
 void SecurityAccess.setInternalGroupPrincipal(InternalGroupPrincipal internalGroup, boolean isMappingOnly)
           Sets the given InternalGroupPrincipal.
 void SecurityAccess.setInternalRolePrincipal(InternalRolePrincipal internalRole, boolean isMappingOnly)
           Sets the given InternalRolePrincipal.
 void SecurityAccess.setInternalUserPrincipal(InternalUserPrincipal internalUser, boolean isMappingOnly)
           Sets the given InternalUserPrincipal.
 void CredentialHandler.setPassword(String userName, String oldPassword, String newPassword)
           Adds or updates a private password credential.
If oldPassword is not null, the oldPassword will first be checked (authenticated).
 void CredentialHandler.setPasswordEnabled(String userName, boolean enabled)
           Set the enabled state of the user password credential.
 void CredentialHandler.setPasswordExpiration(String userName, Date expirationDate)
           Set the expiration date and the expired flag of the password credential.
 void CredentialHandler.setPasswordUpdateRequired(String userName, boolean updateRequired)
           Set the update required state of the user password credential.
 void RoleSecurityHandler.setRolePrincipal(RolePrincipal rolePrincipal)
           Sets the role principal in the backing store.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.setRolePrincipalInGroup(String groupFullPathName, String roleFullPathName)
           Sets the role principal on a given user.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.setUserPrincipalInGroup(String username, String groupFullPathName)
           Sets the user principal in the given group.
 void SecurityMappingHandler.setUserPrincipalInRole(String username, String roleFullPathName)
           Sets the role principal on a given user.
 void UserSecurityHandler.updateUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal)
           Updates the user principal in the backing store.
 void CredentialPasswordValidator.validate(String clearTextPassword)

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