Uses of Class

Packages that use SecurityException Jetspeed security service interfaces. 

Uses of SecurityException in

Subclasses of SecurityException in
 class InvalidNewPasswordException
          Exception thrown when supplied new password is invalid.
 class InvalidPasswordException
          Exception thrown when supplied password is invalid.
 class PasswordAlreadyUsedException
          Exception thrown when supplied password has been used before.

Methods in that throw SecurityException
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.addAssociation(JetspeedPrincipal from, JetspeedPrincipal to, java.lang.String associationName)
 Group GroupManager.addGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
           Add a new group.
 Group GroupManager.addGroup(java.lang.String groupName, boolean mapped)
           Add a new group and optionally map/replicate it to an external storage manager (if configured).
 void GroupManager.addGroupToGroup(Group from, Group to, java.lang.String associationName)
          Add a hierarchical association between two groups.
 void PermissionManager.addPermission(JetspeedPermission permission)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.addPrincipal(JetspeedPrincipal principal, java.util.Set<JetspeedPrincipalAssociationReference> associations)
 Role RoleManager.addRole(java.lang.String roleName)
           Add a new role
 Role RoleManager.addRole(java.lang.String roleName, boolean mapped)
           Add a new role and optionally map/replicate it to an external storage manager (if configured).
 void RoleManager.addRoleToGroup(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String groupName)
          Add a role to a group.
 void RoleManager.addRoleToRole(Role from, Role to, java.lang.String associationName)
          Add a hierarchical association between two roles.
 void RoleManager.addRoleToUser(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String roleName)
          Add a role to a user.
 User UserManager.addUser(java.lang.String userName)
           Add a new user
 User UserManager.addUser(java.lang.String userName, boolean mapped)
           Add a new user and optionally map/replicate it to an external storage manager (if configured).
 void GroupManager.addUserToGroup(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String groupName)
           Add a user to a group.
 AuthenticatedUser AuthenticationProvider.authenticate(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
           Authenticate a user.
 java.lang.String PasswordEncodingService.decode(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String encodedPassword)
 java.lang.String PasswordEncodingService.encode(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String clearTextPassword)
 java.lang.String CredentialPasswordEncoder.encode(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String clearTextPassword)
 SecurityAttribute SecurityAttributes.getAttribute(java.lang.String name, boolean create)
          Returns an existing (predefined typed) attribute or create one if parameter create is true.
 Group GroupManager.getGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
           Get a group Groupfor a given group name.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> GroupManager.getGroupNames(java.lang.String nameFilter)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable List of group names, finding groups matching the corresponding group name filter.
 java.util.List<Group> GroupManager.getGroups(java.lang.String nameFilter)
          Retrieves a detached and modifiable Group list matching the corresponding group name filter.
 java.util.List<Group> GroupManager.getGroupsForUser(java.lang.String username)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable Group list of all the groups associated to a specific user.
 java.util.List<Group> GroupManager.getGroupsInRole(java.lang.String roleName)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable Group list of all the groups in a specific role.
 PasswordCredential UserManager.getPasswordCredential(User user)
          Returns the current PasswordCredential for a User or a new one if the doesn't have one yet
 Role RoleManager.getRole(java.lang.String roleName)
          Get a role Role for a given role name.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> RoleManager.getRoleNames(java.lang.String nameFilter)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable List of role names, finding roles matching the corresponding role name filter.
 java.util.List<Role> RoleManager.getRoles(java.lang.String nameFilter)
          Retrieves a detached and modifiable Role list matching the corresponding role name filter.
 java.util.List<Role> RoleManager.getRolesForUser(java.lang.String username)
          Retrieves a detached and modifiable Role list of all the roles associated to a specific user.
 java.util.List<Role> RoleManager.getRolesInGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Retrieves a detached and modifiable Role list of all the roles associated to a specific group. UserManager.getSubject(AuthenticatedUser user)
           Get a Subject for an (possibly externally) authenticated user with (optionally) provided credentials. UserManager.getSubject(User user)
           Get a Subject for an user.
 User UserManager.getUser(java.lang.String userName)
           Get a Userfor a given user name.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> UserManager.getUserNames(java.lang.String nameFilter)
           Retrieves a a detached and modifiable List user names, finding users matching the corresponding user name filter.
 java.util.List<User> UserManager.getUsers(java.lang.String nameFilter)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable User list matching the corresponding user name filter.
 UserResultList UserManager.getUsersExtended(JetspeedPrincipalQueryContext queryContext)
           Retrieves a detached and modifiable User list matching the corresponding query context.
 java.util.List<User> UserManager.getUsersInGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
          Retrieves a a detached and modifiable User list of all the users in a specific group.
 java.util.List<User> UserManager.getUsersInRole(java.lang.String roleName)
           Retrieves a a detached and modifiable User list of all the users in a specific role.
 void PermissionManager.grantPermission(JetspeedPermission permission, JetspeedPrincipal principal)
 void PermissionManager.grantPermissionOnlyTo(JetspeedPermission permission, java.util.List<JetspeedPrincipal> principals)
 void PermissionManager.grantPermissionOnlyTo(JetspeedPermission permission, java.lang.String principalType, java.util.List<JetspeedPrincipal> principals)
 boolean RoleManager.isGroupInRole(java.lang.String groupName, java.lang.String roleName)
          Whether or not a role is in a group.
 boolean GroupManager.isUserInGroup(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String groupName)
           Whether or not a user is in a group.
 boolean RoleManager.isUserInRole(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String roleName)
          Whether or not a user is in a role.
 java.util.List<User> UserManager.lookupUsers(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String attributeValue)
          Retrieves a a detached and modifiable User list of all the users having a specific value for a specific attribute
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.removeAssociation(JetspeedPrincipal from, JetspeedPrincipal to, java.lang.String associationName)
 void SecurityAttributes.removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
 void GroupManager.removeGroup(java.lang.String groupName)
           Remove a group.
 void GroupManager.removeGroupFromGroup(Group from, Group to, java.lang.String associationName)
          Remove a hierarchical association between two groups.
 void PermissionManager.removePermission(JetspeedPermission permission)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.removePrincipal(JetspeedPrincipal principal)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.removePrincipal(java.lang.String name)
 void RoleManager.removeRole(java.lang.String roleName)
          Remove a given role
 void RoleManager.removeRoleFromGroup(java.lang.String roleName, java.lang.String groupName)
          Remove a role from a group.
 void RoleManager.removeRoleFromRole(Role from, Role to, java.lang.String associationName)
          Remove a hierarchical association between two roles.
 void RoleManager.removeRoleFromUser(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String roleName)
          Remove a user from a role.
 void UserManager.removeUser(java.lang.String userName)
           Remove a user.
 void GroupManager.removeUserFromGroup(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String groupName)
           Remove a user from a group.
 void PermissionManager.revokeAllPermissions(JetspeedPrincipal principal)
 void PermissionManager.revokePermission(JetspeedPermission permission, JetspeedPrincipal principal)
 void JetspeedPrincipal.setEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void SecurityAttribute.setStringValue(java.lang.String value)
 void UserManager.storePasswordCredential(PasswordCredential credential)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.transferAssociationFrom(JetspeedPrincipal from, JetspeedPrincipal to, JetspeedPrincipal target, java.lang.String associationName)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.transferAssociationTo(JetspeedPrincipal from, JetspeedPrincipal to, JetspeedPrincipal target, java.lang.String associationName)
 void GroupManager.updateGroup(Group group)
          Updates a group and all its attributes
 void PermissionManager.updatePermission(JetspeedPermission permission)
 void JetspeedPrincipalManager.updatePrincipal(JetspeedPrincipal principal)
 void RoleManager.updateRole(Role role)
          Updates a role and all its attributes
 void UserManager.updateUser(User user)
          Updates a user and all its attributes
 void CredentialPasswordValidator.validate(java.lang.String clearTextPassword)

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