Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContentPage

Uses of ContentPage in org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.aggregator with parameters of type ContentPage
 void ContentServerAdapter.prepareContentPaths(RequestContext context, ContentPage page)
          Pre page aggregation event, prepares the content paths for the given decorators of the current page being aggregated.

Uses of ContentPage in org.apache.jetspeed.decoration

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.decoration with parameters of type ContentPage
 Decoration DecorationFactory.getDecoration(ContentPage page, ContentFragment fragment, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a Decoration for a specific Fragment contained within the specified Page.
 Theme DecorationFactory.getTheme(ContentPage page, RequestContext requestContext)
          Returns a theme containing all of the Decorations for all of the layouts on the current page.
 void Theme.init(ContentPage page, DecorationFactory decoration, RequestContext context)
          Initialize a page theme

Uses of ContentPage in org.apache.jetspeed.layout

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.layout that return ContentPage
 ContentPage JetspeedPowerTool.getPage()
 ContentPage PageLayoutComponent.newContentPage(BaseFragmentsElement pageOrTemplate, PageTemplate pageTemplate, java.util.Map fragmentDefinitions)
          Construct a new content page hierarchy from PSML page or template, page templates, and fragment definitions.
 ContentPage PortletPlacementContext.syncPageFragments()
          Takes the internal portlet placement state and writes it back out to the root fragment for the managed page layout.
 ContentPage PortletPlacementContext.syncPageFragments(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String scopeValue)
          Takes the internal portlet placement state and writes it back out to the root fragment for the managed page layout.

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.layout with parameters of type ContentPage
 ContentFragment PageLayoutComponent.addFragmentAtRowColumn(ContentPage contentPage, ContentFragment contentFragment, int row, int column)
          Add fragment to page at specified row column layout position returning associated content fragment.
 ContentFragment PageLayoutComponent.addFragmentReference(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String id)
          Add fragment reference to page returning associated content fragment.
 ContentFragment PageLayoutComponent.addPortlet(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name)
          Add portlet to page returning associated content fragment.
 void PageLayoutComponent.decrementFolderInDocumentOrder(ContentPage contentPage)
          Decrement position of folder in parent folder document order.
 void PageLayoutComponent.decrementInDocumentOrder(ContentPage contentPage)
          Decrement position of page in folder document order.
 void PageLayoutComponent.incrementFolderInDocumentOrder(ContentPage contentPage)
          Increment position of folder in parent folder document order.
 void PageLayoutComponent.incrementInDocumentOrder(ContentPage contentPage)
          Increment position of page in folder document order.
 void PageLayoutComponent.moveFragment(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String fragmentId, java.lang.String toFragmentId)
          Move fragment in page to another layout fragment in the same page.
 void PageLayoutComponent.moveFragment(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String fragmentId, java.lang.String fromFragmentId, java.lang.String toFragmentId)
          Move fragment from current parent layout fragment to another layout fragment in the same page.
 void PageLayoutComponent.newSiblingDynamicPage(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String pageName, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String layoutName, java.lang.String pageTitle, java.lang.String pageShortTitle)
          Create new sibling dynamic page with specified configuration.
 void PageLayoutComponent.newSiblingFolder(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String folderName, java.lang.String folderTitle, java.lang.String folderShortTitle, java.lang.String defaultPageLayoutName)
          Create a new sibling folder with specified configuration and new default page.
 void PageLayoutComponent.newSiblingFragmentDefinition(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String definitionName, java.lang.String defId, java.lang.String portletName, java.lang.String definitionTitle, java.lang.String definitionShortTitle)
          Create new sibling fragment definition with specified configuration.
 void PageLayoutComponent.newSiblingPage(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String pageName, java.lang.String layoutName, java.lang.String pageTitle, java.lang.String pageShortTitle)
          Create new sibling page with specified configuration and add new page at end of folder document order list.
 void PageLayoutComponent.newSiblingPageTemplate(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String templateName, java.lang.String layoutName, java.lang.String templateTitle, java.lang.String templateShortTitle)
          Create new sibling page template with specified configuration.
 void PageLayoutComponent.remove(ContentPage contentPage)
          Remove page and remove from folder document order list.
 void PageLayoutComponent.removeFolder(ContentPage contentPage)
          Remove folder and remove from parent folder document order list.
 void PageLayoutComponent.removeFragment(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String fragmentId)
          Remove fragment from page by id.
 void PageLayoutComponent.updateContent(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.Boolean inheritable)
          Update dynamic page content type and inheritable flag.
 void PageLayoutComponent.updateDefaultDecorator(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String decoratorName, java.lang.String fragmentType)
          Update page default decorator.
 void PageLayoutComponent.updateFolderTitles(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String shortTitle)
          Update folder titles.
 void PageLayoutComponent.updateTitles(ContentPage contentPage, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String shortTitle)
          Update page titles.

Uses of ContentPage in org.apache.jetspeed.mockobjects.request

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.mockobjects.request that return ContentPage
 ContentPage MockRequestContext.getPage()
 ContentPage MockRequestContext.locatePage(Profiler profiler, PageLayoutComponent pageLayoutComponent, java.lang.String nonProfiledPath)

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.mockobjects.request with parameters of type ContentPage
 void MockRequestContext.setPage(ContentPage page)

Uses of ContentPage in org.apache.jetspeed.request

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.request that return ContentPage
 ContentPage RequestContext.getPage()
          Gets the target page for this request
 ContentPage RequestContext.locatePage(Profiler profiler, PageLayoutComponent pageLayoutComponent, java.lang.String nonProfiledPath)
          Locates a specific page using the profiler and site manager location algorithms from a generalized non-profiled path to the first page matching the path

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.request with parameters of type ContentPage
 void RequestContext.setPage(ContentPage page)
          Sets the target page for this request

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