
Interface Summary
FileRegistry Interface for manipulating RegistryFragments in a fragment based registry implementation.
HybridRegistry Interface for manipulating Hybrid registries
RegistryService This service is a facade for all registry related operations

Class Summary
CastorRegistryService This is an implementation of the RegistryService based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms
HybridRegistryService Implements the Jetspeed Registry Service interface, with a hybrid of Database and File-based (Castor) Registry storage.
LateInitCastorRegistryService This is an implementation of the RegistryService based on the Castor XML serialization mechanisms
RegistryFragment Bean like implementation of a multi-object registry usable by Castor XML serialization
RegistryImporter Reads all Registry files from the file system and imports them into Registry DB
RegistryWatcher Monitors a Registry directory and notifies the associated Registry of file updates.

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