Uses of Interface

Packages that use PortletSet.Constraints
org.apache.jetspeed.portal Represents core classes for working with Portlets. 

Uses of PortletSet.Constraints in org.apache.jetspeed.portal

Classes in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that implement PortletSet.Constraints
 class BasePortletSetConstraints
          Trivial implementation of PortletSetConstraints

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that return PortletSet.Constraints
 PortletSet.Constraints PortletController.getConstraints(java.util.Map original)
          Creates a constraint object based on an original source.
 PortletSet.Constraints PortletConfig.getConstraints()
          Retrieves the constraints associated with this portlet
 PortletSet.Constraints BasePortletConfig.getConstraints()
          Retrieves the constraints associated with this portlet

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal with parameters of type PortletSet.Constraints
 void PortletSet.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraints)
          Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current set
 void PortletSet.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraints, int position)
          Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current set
 void PortletConfig.setConstraints(PortletSet.Constraints constraints)
          Sets the layout constraints in the current portlet set
 void BasePortletSet.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraints)
          Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current set
 void BasePortletSet.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraints, int position)
          Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current set
 void BasePortletConfig.setConstraints(PortletSet.Constraints constraints)
          Sets the layout constraints in the current portlet set

Uses of PortletSet.Constraints in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controllers that return PortletSet.Constraints
 PortletSet.Constraints AbstractPortletController.getConstraints(java.util.Map original)
          Creates a constraint object based on an original map source.

Uses of PortletSet.Constraints in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal.controls with parameters of type PortletSet.Constraints
 void AbstractPortletControl.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraints)
          Adds a portlet to the inner portletSet within the given constraints
 void AbstractPortletControl.addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints constraint, int position)
          Adds a portlet to the inner portletSet within the given constraints at the specific position

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