Uses of Interface

Packages that use JetspeedUser
org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions Represents the options available for displaying the portlet.   

Uses of JetspeedUser in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.modules.actions with parameters of type JetspeedUser
protected  void CreateNewUserAndConfirm.createUser(JetspeedUser user, org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data)
          createUser creates a new user.

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void JetspeedUserProfilePeer.delete(JetspeedUser user, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Delete all records from the database table for a user.

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser ProfileLocator.getUser()
 JetspeedUser BaseProfileLocator.getUser()

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void ProfileLocator.setUser(JetspeedUser user)
 void BaseProfileLocator.setUser(JetspeedUser user)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Classes in that implement JetspeedUser
 class BaseJetspeedUser
          The default Jetspeed implementation of User interface.

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
static JetspeedUser JetspeedUserFactory.getInstance()
          Factory method to create JetspeedUser instances.
static JetspeedUser JetspeedUserFactory.getInstance(boolean isNew)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Classes in that implement JetspeedUser
 class LDAPUser

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
static JetspeedUser TurbineUserPeer.row2UserObject(com.workingdogs.village.Record row, int offset, java.lang.Class cls)
          Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
protected static void TurbineUserPeer.populateUserObject(com.workingdogs.village.Record row, int offset, JetspeedUser user)
static org.apache.torque.util.Criteria TurbineUserPeer.buildCriteria(JetspeedUser user)
          Builds a criteria object based upon an User object

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
static JetspeedUser JetspeedUserManagement.getUser( principal)
static JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurity.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
static JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurity.getAnonymousUser()
static JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurity.getUser( principal)
static JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurity.getUser(java.lang.String username)
static JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurity.getUserInstance()
static JetspeedUser JetspeedAuthentication.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Given a public credential(username) and private credential(password), perform authentication.
static JetspeedUser JetspeedAuthentication.getAnonymousUser()
          Automatically authenticates and retrieves the portal anonymous user.

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
static void PsmlManager.removeUserDocuments(JetspeedUser user)
          Removes all documents for a given user.
static void JetspeedUserManagement.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
static void JetspeedUserManagement.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
static void JetspeedUserManagement.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
static void JetspeedUserManagement.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
static boolean JetspeedSecurity.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
static boolean JetspeedSecurity.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
static boolean JetspeedSecurity.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)
static void JetspeedSecurity.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
static void JetspeedSecurity.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
static void JetspeedSecurity.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
static void JetspeedSecurity.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
static boolean JetspeedPortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
static boolean JetspeedPortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
static boolean JetspeedPortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void PsmlManagerService.removeUserDocuments(JetspeedUser user)
          Removes all documents for a given user.
 void CastorPsmlManagerService.removeUserDocuments(JetspeedUser user)
          Removes all documents for a given user.
 void CastorPsmlManagerService.removeUserDocuments(JetspeedUser user, boolean sendMessage)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void DatabasePsmlManagerService.removeUserDocuments(JetspeedUser user)
          Removes all documents for a given user.

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser JetspeedRunData.getJetspeedUser()
          Returns the Jetspeed User (same as getUser without cast)
 JetspeedUser DefaultJetspeedRunData.getJetspeedUser()
          Returns the Jetspeed User (same as getUser without cast)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser UserManagement.getUser( principal)
          Retrieves a JetspeedUser given the primary principle.
 JetspeedUser PortalAuthentication.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Given a public credential(username) and private credential(password), perform authentication.
 JetspeedUser PortalAuthentication.getAnonymousUser()
          Automatically authenticates and retrieves the portal anonymous user.
 JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurityService.getUserInstance()
 JetspeedUser JetspeedSecurityService.getUser(java.lang.String username)
          Helper to UserManagement.
 JetspeedUser JetspeedDBSecurityService.getUserInstance()
 JetspeedUser JetspeedDBSecurityService.getUser(java.lang.String username)
          Helper to UserManagement.

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void UserManagement.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Saves a JetspeedUser's attributes into permanent storage.
 void UserManagement.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Adds a JetspeedUser into permanent storage.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given resource.
 void CredentialsManagement.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Allows for a user to change their own password.
 void CredentialsManagement.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
          Forcibly sets new password for a User.

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser LDAPUserManagement.getUser( principal)
          Retrieves a JetspeedUser given the primary principle.
 JetspeedUser LDAPAuthentication.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Given a public credential(username) and private credential(password), perform authentication.
 JetspeedUser LDAPAuthentication.getAnonymousUser()
          Automatically authenticates and retrieves the portal anonymous user.
protected  JetspeedUser LDAPAuthentication.getUserFromContext()

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void LDAPUserManagement.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Saves a JetspeedUser's attributes into permanent storage.
 void LDAPUserManagement.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Adds a JetspeedUser into permanent storage.
protected  void LDAPUserManagement.addDefaultPSML(JetspeedUser user)
 void LDAPUserManagement.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Allows for a user to change their own password.
 void LDAPUserManagement.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
          Forcibly sets new password for a User.
static boolean LDAPUserManagement.passwordsMatch(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String suppliedPassword)
          Check's if user's current password matches with the supplied password.
protected  boolean LDAPUserManagement.accountExists(JetspeedUser user)
          Check whether a specified user's account exists.
protected  boolean LDAPUserManagement.accountExists(JetspeedUser user, boolean checkUniqueId)
protected  JetspeedRunData LDAPAuthentication.putUserIntoContext(JetspeedUser user)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Classes in that implement JetspeedUser
 class FakeJetspeedUser
           A fake jetspeed user - constructed as needed.

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser NoUserManagement.getUser( principal)
          Retrieves a JetspeedUser given the primary principle.
 JetspeedUser NoAuthentication.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Given a public credential(username) and private credential(password), perform authentication.
 JetspeedUser NoAuthentication.getAnonymousUser()
          Automatically authenticates and retrieves the portal anonymous user.
protected  JetspeedUser NoAuthentication.getUserFromContext()

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void NoUserManagement.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Saves a JetspeedUser's attributes into permanent storage.
 void NoUserManagement.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Adds a JetspeedUser into permanent storage.
 void NoUserManagement.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Allows for a user to change their own password.
 void NoUserManagement.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
          Forcibly sets new password for a User.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given resource.
protected  JetspeedRunData NoAuthentication.putUserIntoContext(JetspeedUser user)

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given resource.

Uses of JetspeedUser in

Methods in that return JetspeedUser
 JetspeedUser TurbineUserManagement.getUser( principal)
          Retrieves a JetspeedUser given the primary principle.
 JetspeedUser TurbineAuthentication.login(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Given a public credential(username) and private credential(password), perform authentication.
 JetspeedUser TurbineAuthentication.getAnonymousUser()
          Automatically authenticates and retrieves the portal anonymous user.
protected  JetspeedUser TurbineAuthentication.getUserFromContext()

Methods in with parameters of type JetspeedUser
 void TurbineUserManagement.saveUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Saves a JetspeedUser's attributes into permanent storage.
 void TurbineUserManagement.addUser(JetspeedUser user)
          Adds a JetspeedUser into permanent storage.
protected  void TurbineUserManagement.addDefaultPSML(JetspeedUser user)
 void TurbineUserManagement.changePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String oldPassword, java.lang.String newPassword)
          Allows for a user to change their own password.
 void TurbineUserManagement.forcePassword(JetspeedUser user, java.lang.String password)
          Forcibly sets new password for a User.
protected  boolean TurbineUserManagement.accountExists(JetspeedUser user)
          Check whether a specified user's account exists.
protected  boolean TurbineUserManagement.accountExists(JetspeedUser user, boolean checkUniqueId)
protected  JetspeedRunData TurbineAuthentication.putUserIntoContext(JetspeedUser user)
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Portlet portlet, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet resource.
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, PortalResource resource, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given resource.

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