Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProfileLocator Represents the options available for displaying the portlet.   

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
 void JetspeedUserProfilePeer.delete(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Delete user profile record from the database table.
 java.util.List locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select user profile record from the database table for the given locator object.
 java.util.List JetspeedUserProfilePeer.selectOrdered(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select user profile record from the database table for the given locator object and return list ordered by primary key.
protected  org.apache.torque.util.Criteria JetspeedUserProfilePeer.buildCriteria(ProfileLocator locator)
 void JetspeedRoleProfilePeer.delete(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Delete role profile record from the database table.
 java.util.List locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select role profile record from the database table for the given locator object.
 java.util.List JetspeedRoleProfilePeer.selectOrdered(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select role profile record from the database table for the given locator object and return list ordered by primary key.
protected  org.apache.torque.util.Criteria JetspeedRoleProfilePeer.buildCriteria(ProfileLocator locator)
 void JetspeedGroupProfilePeer.delete(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Delete group profile record from the database table.
 java.util.List locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select group profile record from the database table for the given locator object.
 java.util.List JetspeedGroupProfilePeer.selectOrdered(ProfileLocator locator, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Select group profile record from the database table for the given locator object and return list ordered by primary key..
protected  org.apache.torque.util.Criteria JetspeedGroupProfilePeer.buildCriteria(ProfileLocator locator)

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Subinterfaces of ProfileLocator in
 interface Profile
          Represents a profile, the interface to a PSML resource.

Classes in that implement ProfileLocator
 class BaseProfile
          Provides base functionality within a Registry.
 class BaseProfileLocator
          Interface definition for a Profile Locator.
 class ImportProfile
          Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex.
 class QueryLocator

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
 void Profile.init(ProfileLocator locator)
          initialize a profile from a locator
 void BaseProfile.init(ProfileLocator locator)

Constructors in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
ImportProfile(PsmlManagerService provider, PsmlManagerService consumer, ProfileLocator locator)
BaseProfile(ProfileLocator locator)

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Methods in that return ProfileLocator
static ProfileLocator Profiler.createLocator()

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
static void PsmlManager.removeDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Removes a document.
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Refreshes a PSML document for the given locator
static Profile Profiler.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
static org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI Profiler.makeDynamicURI(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, ProfileLocator locator)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)
static void Profiler.removeProfile(ProfileLocator locator)

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Methods in that return ProfileLocator
 ProfileLocator ProfilerService.createLocator()
          Creates a new ProfileLocator object that can be successfully managed by the current Profiler implementation
 ProfileLocator JetspeedProfilerService.createLocator()
          Creates a new ProfileLocator object that can be successfully managed by the current Profiler implementation

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
 Profile ProfilerService.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI ProfilerService.makeDynamicURI(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, ProfileLocator locator)
          Creates a dynamic URI
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Creates a new Profile object for a specific locator.
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)
          Create a new profile.
 void ProfilerService.removeProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Removes a profile.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
protected  PSMLDocument JetspeedProfilerService.fallbackList(ProfileLocator original, org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
protected  PSMLDocument JetspeedProfilerService.fallback(ProfileLocator locator)
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI JetspeedProfilerService.makeDynamicURI(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, ProfileLocator locator)
          Builds a dynamic URI based on the current profiler group/role/page
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Creates a new Profile object for a specific locator.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)
          Create a new profile given a profile locator This method assumes that you have cloned and regenerated the portlet ids if the portlets come from another profile.
 void JetspeedProfilerService.removeProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Removes a profile.

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Fields in declared as ProfileLocator
protected  ProfileLocator CastorPsmlManagerService.QueryState.locator

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 void PsmlManagerService.removeDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Remove a document.
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator bypassing the cache (if applicable)
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a cached PSML document for the given locator
protected  PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator, boolean getCached)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Loads a PSML document from disk bypassing the cache
 void CastorPsmlManagerService.removeDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Removes a document.
 void CastorPsmlManagerService.removeDocument(ProfileLocator locator, boolean sendMessage)
protected  java.lang.String CastorPsmlManagerService.mapLocatorToFile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Maps a ProfileLocator to a file.
protected  Profile CastorPsmlManagerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)

Uses of ProfileLocator in

Methods in that return ProfileLocator
protected  ProfileLocator DatabasePsmlManagerService.stringToLocator(java.lang.String locstr)

Methods in with parameters of type ProfileLocator
protected  java.lang.String DatabasePsmlManagerService.locatorToString(ProfileLocator locator)
          Return a unique string identifying this object.
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 void DatabasePsmlManagerService.removeDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Remove the PSMLDocument/profile for given locator object.
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator, it is called by the cache refresher

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