Uses of Interface

Packages that use Profile Represents the options available for displaying the portlet. 
org.apache.jetspeed.portal Represents core classes for working with Portlets. Services for creating new Portal objects from named Registry entries or PSML configuration entries.   

Uses of Profile in

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 void JetspeedUserProfilePeer.insert(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Insert a user profile record in the database table.
 void JetspeedUserProfilePeer.update(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Insert a user profile record in the database table.
 void JetspeedRoleProfilePeer.insert(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Insert a role profile record in the database table.
 void JetspeedRoleProfilePeer.update(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Update role profile record from the database table.
 void JetspeedGroupProfilePeer.insert(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Insert a group profile record in the database table.
 void JetspeedGroupProfilePeer.update(Profile profile, java.sql.Connection connection)
          Update group profile record from the database table.

Uses of Profile in

Classes in that implement Profile
 class BaseProfile
          Provides base functionality within a Registry.
 class ImportProfile
          Represents a Profile object specially for importing PSML from one service to another (ex.

Uses of Profile in org.apache.jetspeed.portal

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that return Profile
 Profile PortletInstance.getProfile()
          Returns the Profile instance containing this portlet instance.
 Profile JetspeedPortletInstance.getProfile()

Constructors in org.apache.jetspeed.portal with parameters of type Profile
JetspeedPortletInstance(Portlet portlet, Profile profile)
          Constructs a PortletInstance from a Portlet and a Profile

Uses of Profile in

Methods in that return Profile
static Profile Profiler.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata, CapabilityMap cm)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
static Profile Profiler.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
static Profile Profiler.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Do not use a profiler method based on MimeType
static Profile Profiler.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
static Profile Profiler.createProfile()
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
static boolean profile)
          Store the PSML document on disk, using its locator
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
static Profile Profiler.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
static SecurityReference PortalToolkit.getDefaultSecurityRef(Profile profile)
          Gets default security ref based on the profile type (user|role|group).

Uses of Profile in

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 PortletInstance PortalPersistenceService.getInstance(Portlet portlet, Profile profile)
          Retrieves a PersistentPortlet instance for this portlet.
 java.util.List PortalPersistenceService.getInstances(Profile profile)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the given profile.
static java.util.List PersistenceManager.getInstances(Profile profile)
          Retrieves a List of portlet instances for the given profile.
static PortletInstance PersistenceManager.getInstance(Portlet portlet, Profile profile)
          Retrieves a portlet instance from persistent storage for the given portlet.
 PortletInstance JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.getInstance(Portlet portlet, Profile profile)
 java.util.List JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.getInstances(Profile profile)
protected  void JetspeedPortalPersistenceService.buildAllEntries(Portlets portlets, java.util.ArrayList entries, Profile profile)

Uses of Profile in

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 SecurityReference PortalToolkitService.getDefaultSecurityRef(Profile profile)
          Gets default security ref based on the profile type (user|role|group).
 SecurityReference JetspeedPortalToolkitService.getDefaultSecurityRef(Profile profile)
          Gets default security ref based on the profile type (user|role|group).

Uses of Profile in

Methods in that return Profile
 Profile ProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata, CapabilityMap cm)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
 Profile ProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
 Profile ProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Do not use a profiler method based on MimeType
 Profile ProfilerService.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile()
          Creates a new Profile object that can be successfully managed by the current Profiler implementation
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Creates a new Profile object for a specific locator.
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
          Create a new profile.
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
          Create a new profile.
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)
          Create a new profile.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
          This methode creates a wml profile and a html profile for a new user -------------------------------------------------------------------------- last modified: 10/31/01 Andreas Kempf, Siemens ICM S CP PE, Munich mailto:
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, CapabilityMap cm)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
protected  Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getRoleProfile(JetspeedRunData rundata, CapabilityMap cm)
          Process role profiles
protected  Profile JetspeedProfilerService.mergeRoleProfiles(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, java.util.Vector profiles)
          Merge role profiles to create default profile.
protected  Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getGroupProfile(JetspeedRunData rundata, CapabilityMap cm)
          Process group profiles
protected  Profile JetspeedProfilerService.mergeGroupProfiles(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, java.util.Vector profiles)
          Merge group profiles to create default profile.
protected  Profile JetspeedProfilerService.fallbackProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, CapabilityMap cm)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
          get the Profile object using the Rundata state and capability map this is the mapping functionality of the profiler
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Do not use a profiler method based on MimeType
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.getProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          get the Profile object using a profile locator
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile()
          Creates a new Profile object that can be successfully managed by the current Profiler implementation
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)
          Creates a new Profile object for a specific locator.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator, Portlets portlets)
          Create a new profile given a profile locator This method assumes that you have cloned and regenerated the portlet ids if the portlets come from another profile.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String from)
          This methode creates a wml profile and a html profile for a new user
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Should be removed when old customizer is removed.

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
          Create a new profile.
 Profile ProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
          Create a new profile.
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile)
          This methode creates a wml profile and a html profile for a new user -------------------------------------------------------------------------- last modified: 10/31/01 Andreas Kempf, Siemens ICM S CP PE, Munich mailto:
protected  void JetspeedProfilerService.getLanguageSettings(Profile profile, org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, java.lang.String contentType, java.lang.String from)
          This methode creates a wml profile and a html profile for a new user
 Profile JetspeedProfilerService.createProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData data, Profile profile, MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Should be removed when old customizer is removed.

Uses of Profile in

Fields in declared as Profile
protected  Profile CastorPsmlManagerService.QueryState.profile

Methods in that return Profile
protected  Profile CastorPsmlManagerService.createProfile()
          Create a profile based on import flag.
protected  Profile CastorPsmlManagerService.createProfile(ProfileLocator locator)

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 boolean profile)
          Store the PSML document on disk, using its locator
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
 boolean profile)
          Store the PSML document on disk, using its locator
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
protected  void CastorPsmlManagerService.dumpProfile(Profile profile)

Uses of Profile in

Methods in that return Profile
 Profile DatabasePsmlManagerService.createUserProfile( entity, Portlets portlets)
          Creates a user profile from a JetspeedUserProfile database object.
 Profile DatabasePsmlManagerService.createGroupProfile( entity, Portlets portlets)
          Creates a group profile from a JetspeedGroupProfile database object.
 Profile DatabasePsmlManagerService.createRoleProfile( entity, Portlets portlets)
          Creates a role profile from a JetspeedRoleProfile database object.

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Stores the PSML document in DB for the given profile
 boolean profile)
          Update the PSML document in DB for the given profile
protected  PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.createOrSaveDocument(Profile profile, int operation)

Uses of Profile in

Methods in that return Profile
 Profile JetspeedRunData.getCustomizedProfile()
          Get the psml profile being customized.
 Profile JetspeedRunData.getProfile()
          Gets the user portal profile for the current request
 Profile DefaultJetspeedRunData.getCustomizedProfile()
          Get the psml profile being customized.
 Profile DefaultJetspeedRunData.getProfile()
          Gets the user portal profile for the current request

Methods in with parameters of type Profile
 void JetspeedRunData.setCustomizedProfile(Profile profile)
          Set the psml profile being customized.
 void JetspeedRunData.setProfile(Profile profile)
          Sets the user portal profile for the current request
 void DefaultJetspeedRunData.setCustomizedProfile(Profile profile)
          Set the psml profile being customized.
 void DefaultJetspeedRunData.setProfile(Profile profile)
          Sets the user portal profile for the current request

Uses of Profile in org.apache.jetspeed.util

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.util with parameters of type Profile
static boolean PortletUtils.canAccessProfile(org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata, Profile profile)
          Returns true if specific profile is accessible by the current user

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