Uses of Interface

Packages that use PSMLDocument Represents the options available for displaying the portlet. 
org.apache.jetspeed.portal Represents core classes for working with Portlets.   

Uses of PSMLDocument in

Classes in that implement PSMLDocument
 class BasePSMLDocument
          This class represents a loaded PSML document in memory, providing all facilities for finding and updating specific parts of the document.

Fields in declared as PSMLDocument
protected  PSMLDocument BaseProfile.document

Methods in that return PSMLDocument
 PSMLDocument Profile.getDocument()
          Gets the psml document attached to this profile
 PSMLDocument ImportProfile.getDocument()
          Gets the root set of portlets for this profile object.
 PSMLDocument BaseProfile.getDocument()
          Gets the root set of portlets for this profile object.

Methods in with parameters of type PSMLDocument
 void Profile.setDocument(PSMLDocument document)
          Sets the psml document attached to this profile
 void BaseProfile.setDocument(PSMLDocument document)

Uses of PSMLDocument in org.apache.jetspeed.portal

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that return PSMLDocument
 PSMLDocument PortletInstance.getDocument()
          Returns the PSMLDocument that contains this portlet instance.
 PSMLDocument JetspeedPortletInstance.getDocument()

Uses of PSMLDocument in

Methods in that return PSMLDocument
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.getDocument(java.lang.String name)
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.getDocument(java.util.List locators)
          Given a ordered list of locators, find the first document matching a profile locator, starting from the beginning of the list and working to the end.
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
static PSMLDocument PsmlManager.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Refreshes a PSML document for the given locator

Methods in with parameters of type PSMLDocument
static boolean PsmlManager.saveDocument(PSMLDocument doc)
static boolean PsmlManager.saveDocument(java.lang.String fileOrUrl, PSMLDocument doc)

Uses of PSMLDocument in

Methods in that return PSMLDocument
protected  PSMLDocument JetspeedProfilerService.fallbackList(ProfileLocator original, org.apache.turbine.util.RunData rundata)
protected  PSMLDocument JetspeedProfilerService.fallback(ProfileLocator locator)

Uses of PSMLDocument in

Methods in that return PSMLDocument
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.lang.String name)
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.util.List locators)
          Given a ordered list of locators, find the first document matching a profile locator, starting from the beginning of the list and working to the end.
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
 PSMLDocument PsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator bypassing the cache (if applicable)
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.lang.String name)
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a cached PSML document for the given locator
protected  PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator, boolean getCached)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Loads a PSML document from disk bypassing the cache
protected  PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.loadDocument(java.lang.String fileOrUrl)
          Load a PSMLDOcument from disk
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Create a new document.
 PSMLDocument CastorPsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.util.List locators)
          Given a ordered list of locators, find the first document matching a profile locator, starting from the beginning of the list and working to the end.

Methods in with parameters of type PSMLDocument
 boolean PsmlManagerService.saveDocument(PSMLDocument doc)
 boolean PsmlManagerService.saveDocument(java.lang.String fileOrUrl, PSMLDocument doc)
 boolean CastorPsmlManagerService.saveDocument(PSMLDocument doc)
 boolean CastorPsmlManagerService.saveDocument(java.lang.String fileOrUrl, PSMLDocument doc)
          Save the PSML document on disk to the specififed fileOrUrl

Uses of PSMLDocument in

Methods in that return PSMLDocument
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.lang.String name)
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.getDocument(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.createDocument(Profile profile)
          Stores the PSML document in DB for the given profile
protected  PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.createOrSaveDocument(Profile profile, int operation)
protected  PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.getPSMLDocument(java.lang.String page, Portlets portlets)
          Get PSMLDocument object for given pagename and portlets.
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.getDocument(java.util.List locators)
          Given ordered list of locators, find the first document matching a profile locator, starting from the beginning of the list and working to the end.
 PSMLDocument DatabasePsmlManagerService.refresh(ProfileLocator locator)
          Returns a PSML document for the given locator, it is called by the cache refresher

Methods in with parameters of type PSMLDocument
 boolean DatabasePsmlManagerService.saveDocument(java.lang.String fileOrUrl, PSMLDocument doc)
 boolean DatabasePsmlManagerService.saveDocument(PSMLDocument doc)

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