Uses of Interface

Packages that use Entry Represents the options available for displaying the portlet.   
org.apache.jetspeed.portal Represents core classes for working with Portlets. Helper classes for handling the creation of Portlet objects.   

Uses of Entry in

Methods in that return Entry
 Entry PSMLDocument.getEntry(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the first entry in the current PSML resource corresponding to the given portlet name
 Entry PSMLDocument.getEntryById(java.lang.String entryId)
          Returns the first entry in the current PSML resource corresponding to the given entry id
 Entry Portlets.getEntry(int index)
 Entry Portlets.removeEntry(int index)
 Entry[] Portlets.getEntriesArray()
 Entry BasePSMLDocument.getEntry(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the first entry in the current PSML resource corresponding to the given portlet name
 Entry BasePSMLDocument.getEntryById(java.lang.String entryId)
          Returns the first entry in the current PSML resource corresponding to the given entry id
static Entry BasePSMLDocument.getEntry(Portlets portlets, java.lang.String name)
          Returns the first entry in the specified PSML resource corresponding to the given portlet name
static Entry BasePSMLDocument.getEntryById(Portlets portlets, java.lang.String entryId)
          Returns the first entry in the specified PSML resource corresponding to the given portlet Id

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 void Portlets.addEntry(Entry entry)

Uses of Entry in

Classes in that implement Entry
 class PsmlEntry
          Default bean like implementation of the Entry interface suitable for serialization with Castor

Methods in that return Entry
 Entry PsmlReference.removeEntry(int index)
 Entry PsmlReference.getEntry(int index)
 Entry[] PsmlReference.getEntriesArray()
 Entry PsmlPortlets.removeEntry(int index)
 Entry PsmlPortlets.getEntry(int index)
 Entry[] PsmlPortlets.getEntriesArray()

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 void PsmlReference.addEntry(Entry entry)
 void PsmlPortlets.addEntry(Entry entry)

Uses of Entry in org.apache.jetspeed.portal

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.portal that return Entry
 Entry PortletInstance.getEntry()
          Returns the PSML OM instance associated with this instance.
 Entry JetspeedPortletInstance.getEntry()

Uses of Entry in

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
static Portlet PortletFactory.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
static boolean JetspeedSecurity.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
static SecurityReference JetspeedSecurity.getSecurityReference(Entry entry, JetspeedRunData rundata)
          Utility method for retreiving the correct security reference based on profile and registry information.
static int JetspeedSecurity.getSecuritySource(Entry entry, JetspeedRunData rundata)
          Checks where the security of this Entry is actually defined.
static boolean JetspeedPortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)

Uses of Entry in

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 Portlet PortletFactoryService.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
 Portlet JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getPortlet(Entry entry)
          Given a PSML Entry return an instanciated Portlet.
protected static java.util.Map JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getParameters(Entry entry)
          Fetches the parameters out of a PSML Entry
protected static MetaData JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getMetaData(Entry entry)
          Create a MetaData object from a PSML Metainfo object
protected  SecurityReference JetspeedPortletFactoryService.getSecurityReference(Entry entry, PortletEntry pEntry)
          Figures out how to produce a security reference for this portlet.

Uses of Entry in

Methods in that return Entry
 Entry PortalResource.getEntry()
          Getter for property entry.

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean PortalAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.

Constructors in with parameters of type Entry
PortalResource(Entry entry)
          Resource is a PSML entry, i.e.
PortalResource(Entry entry, Parameter parameter)
          Resource is a parameter associated with a PSML entry, i.e.

Uses of Entry in

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean NoSecurityAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.

Uses of Entry in

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean RegistryAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.

Uses of Entry in

Methods in with parameters of type Entry
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.
 boolean TurbineAccessController.checkPermission(JetspeedUser user, Entry entry, java.lang.String action, java.lang.String owner)
          Given a JetspeedUser, authorize that user to perform the secured action on the given Portlet Instance (Entry) resource.

Uses of Entry in org.apache.jetspeed.util.template

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.util.template that return Entry
 Entry JetspeedTool.getEntryFromRequest()
          Retreives the Entry object for current portlet based on the "js_peid" parameter

Methods in org.apache.jetspeed.util.template with parameters of type Entry
 SecurityReference JetspeedTool.getSecurityReference(Entry entry)
          Retreives the correct SecurityReference for the portlet based on the current profile and the request.
 int JetspeedTool.getSecuritySource(Entry entry)
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI JetspeedLink.getAction(java.lang.String action, Entry entry)
          Return a link that includes an action to a specific portlet, as defined by an entry
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI JetspeedLink.setAction(java.lang.String action, Entry entry)
          Deprecated. use getAction()
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI BaseJetspeedLink.setAction(java.lang.String action, Entry entry)
          Deprecated. Use getAction()
 org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI BaseJetspeedLink.getAction(java.lang.String action, Entry entry)
          Return a link that includes an action to a specific portlet, as defined by an entry

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